EPISODE #22, #23 
Alonso tried to tell Regina that he was the man who loved her and supported her, but she told him that for some time their relationship has not worked.
“All the trouble, all the pain has been your fault,” he said.
“No; that isn't true.”
“Is this divorce about me or for Gerardo Martínez? That imbecile is all over us, near my house, in my face at all hours. He's responsible for you forgetting your values, your principles,” he said, shaking his index finger like a scolding parent.
“No; not at all. This is about you... or do you think this marriage is working? I am fed up with your manipulations and the shadowing. It's for you, about you, and I'm fed up with you.”
“It's for your law. Because that's important to you.”
“You did that to get me out of the way. You did it to secure your nomination from the party.”
“No. I did it for you... but it's obvious that nothing was enough. That's clear. But this business is only a stupid pretext. You're hiding your real intentions.”
“What are my real intentions?” she asked, then turned around at the sound of a message on her cell phone. She looked at it.
“Alright, go answer it. If it's Gerardo Martínez he doesn't have to wait, huh?”
“It's your mother.”
“What's happened?”
“She's at the house and wants me to get in touch with her. It's urgent.”
“My father almost killed her.”
“He hit her very severely. Multiple times.”
“Your father must be arrested, Alonso.”
“That won't happen. It wouldn't work.”
“Ah, look at yourself. This is what you think of such things. He throws her into the garbage after putting her under the carpet. That's how you deal with this. It's unbelievable.”
“Now I understand. This is what you think. You come into my office asking for a divorce because what you really want is the power. Absolute power. That's why you're negotiating the candidacy behind mt back, isn't it?”
Alonso would never admit it, but he was projecting his own desires onto her. It wasn't so much that he needed to assign his own faults to her; it was that he could not understand other people having different motives from his own.
Mauro was at Cecelia's apartment with a bottle of Merlot that he proclaimed was the best. She looked about as bored as she might have been with any past client. She took off her shoes reached behind her neck to unzip her dress. Mauro's mood changed.
“What are you doing?” he asked. He appeared to be genuinely confused.
“Would you prefer to be in the bedroom?”
“Wait; that's not what this is about.”
“No? Then why did you come here?”
“Just to see you. To see what you're capable of.”
“What is this? Is this a joke in poor taste? You said you wanted to have sex with me.”
“I didn't say that. Never. Forgive me, but you imagined that.” He touched her face. “Cecelia, I never wanted to get into your bed; there have been too many others there.”
She pushed his hand back.
“You wanted to humiliate me.”
“To the contrary, I wanted to demonstrate that you have many weapons at your disposal. Sex is not your only one. I know you've had a difficult life.” He maneuvered her into sitting down. “If you want to be the governor's mistress, you have to do it well.”
“What do you want to say?”
“From on this point on, you belong exclusively to Alonso.”
“Are you trying to teach a morality class?” She was moderately amused.
“Now, this is a class in politics.”
He took his seat and went on about the exercise of power and how sex should be the last card she plays. She didn't quite get it.
Regina got a call from her mother regarding Emiliano. She told her she would be home right away and told Alonso that they needed to deal with this immediately. He attempted to play a maternal guilt card about how Emiliano would react upon news of any pending divorce. He even implied that this would hurt their parents as well. Regina had no patience for this, heading for the door to get home.
Isela told her bartender the bad news that they would need to close the club. It would not be permanent, but would need to be for a while. It was because of her own error.
Gerardo went home after failing to find Teresa at the casino, the one place he expected her to be. According to Ximena she had not returned. Gerardo called Ignacio who suggested that Gerardo check Teresa's apartment. In fact, she was in a cheap establishment playing dice with a couple of working-class men. Mario walked in with Almiro to break up the game. Teresa recognized him. It was almost impossible to know whether she was drunk or pretending to be when she said “You're the father of the slut who is chasing my husband.”
“You've drunk quite enough. We came here for you.”
“I'm busy,” she said, picking up the dice.
“Let's go,” Mario said.
She threw the dice before looking at him again.
“What is this about? I've no home; I'm alone. I'm playing.”
Mario had no desire to draw this out any longer. He deftly picked up her left arm and led her out. Almiro had his back, drawing his pistol to move it to the other side, deliberately in view of the three men at the makeshift gaming table, before backing out the door after his boss.
Mauro continued his brainwashing of Cecelia by sullying Regina to her. She seemed willing to believe every stinking lie he wanted to lay on her. However, she also studied him as he told her, “You have a decision to make. cmtellyupdate....Are you my ally or my enemy?”
“You think you're Alonso's boss, don't you?”
“I am the boss! I have always been. We're together to insure his candidacy and nobody is going to get in the way. I'll ask you again, are you with me or against me?”
“I'm with Alonso.”
“Then, you are with me.” He stood up. “Therefore, tomorrow you need to be clean. You have to clean up your past. Keep your father in the background and get rid of Isela and those prostitutes.”
“What else do you know about me?”
“Everything. All. My last word of advice – ” He pinched her nose slightly and sniffed his fingers. “Clean up your nose. Never have anything in your face. Until tomorrow.”
After he left she touched her nose and sniffed her fingers. She was a little annoyed, but whether that was because of her addiction or that it was detected she did not know.
Regina arrived home to find two brands of chaos waiting for her. After her initial shock at seeing Natalia with her arm in a sling she tried to get Noemi to talk about Emiliano, whose bodyguard, Hector, came in to fill Regina in on the sordid details of which he was aware. He had tried to get Emiliano to take a shower, but the boy went into his room and did not admit him. Regina marched in and announced that they were going to talk.
“I won't talk to you. You break your word and you are a liar!” he said.
“What are you talking about?”
“I'm nervous, I need to take a bath, I need to be alone. I need to wash myself of all of this.” He tried to get away from her but she followed him.
“Hector just told me that you took a shower,” she said.
“I have to shower again! You don't get that I have to get rid of it all.” He scratched his arms frantically, looking as though he were going through withdrawal. cmtellyupdate.....He began stripping off his clothes, which sent Regina to the door calling for Hector.
Magda arrived to find Israel pointing a pistol at his temple. He started backing away from her, talking about being a failure and how the only person who cared about him was his granddaughter. Magda reached for the pistol, but that only caused him to point it at her. She begged him to hand it to her, but all he could say was that his son was dead and he had nothing to live for. She begged him to come home with her or let her move in with him, saying that she loved him. She finally embraced him. Some women have quite a fascination with broken men.
Alonso arrived at Cecelia's apartment, knowing that Mauro had just been there. She was a little apprehensive at what he must have been thinking but he laughed before telling her that he trusted her, saying he knew she couldn't do the deed with Mauro. She let him inside and told him he didn't have to buy her a penthouse; she would return its keys.
“What do you want, then?” he asked.
She proceeded to prove this.
Sometime the following morning Teresa got back to Gerardo's apartment more than three sheets to the wind. She found him asleep on the sofa, still in the clothes he had worn the previous day. She approached him silently then attempted to kiss his lips. He woke with a start and immediately withdrew from her. She told him she had been walking all night as she collapsed onto his lap talking about looking for him in all the wrong places and how she was walking dead from not having him. He knew she was pulling her Poor Little Me act for the nth time since their marriage and was immune to it. In fact, he had been immune to it for a long time except as far as how it affected Ximena.
Regina talked with Hector about the drugs Emiliano had indulged in the night before. She charged him with investigating their origin and who had made them available to her son. While that was happening Alonso woke in in Cecelia's bed. She brought him something to eat and they talked about how he was going to handle any issue about him not having been home all night. They finally agreed that he would say he had been working all night (which probably had been an excuse he had made many times before). He talked about changing his image and Cecelia could not wait to start that. They behaved almost as a honeymoon couple.
Regina drove Emiliano to school. He apologized to her for his behavior the night before. She tried to get him to understand that she loved him. She assured him that everyone makes mistakes, including herself. She hugged him. He told her he needed her... and Alonso did, too.
Gerardo and Ignacio were walking toward the senate house and discussing Teresa. Ignacio told him not to worry; nothing had happened. Then he dropped the bomb that the opposition had chosen Alonso as their candidate. Gerardo pointed out that Alonso would be a weaker candidate without Regina. Ignacio countered that Regina was popular and likable and that they would make a strong team; in fact he was taunting Gerardo.
Omar sat in the café reading his newspaper. Nina, Mario's latest protegée, flirted him into having a hot chocolate because it provoked smiles. The old coot seemed to be falling for it. He even kissed her hand when he paid the bill and overtipped her. cmtellyupdate.....Naturally, Mario had never warned Nina that Omar had a long track record of abusing women.
Daniela told Regina that they had been receiving condolence messages upon hearing that the party was promoting Alonso as its candidate. Everyone knew that she would be the better candidate. However, she was not to openly support the opposition's candidate. Regina was expected to take a back seat.
Alonso poured champagne for himself, Mauro, and Magda to celebrate his pending nomination, thanking them for their work toward this. However, they were only in the early stages. Alonso talked about doing a door-to-door campaign to talk to the people, from housewives to day workers, to show that he was a man of the people. Neither Magda nor Mauro looked like they believed this. He asked Alonso where he got this idea and Alonso said that it was from Cecelia.
“And does your wife know about this?”
Ignacio revealed to Gerardo that Cecelia was the daughter of Isela, who was known for her cabaret and its brothel. He had photos taken to prove this. Before he could go into more detail Nieves entered to tell Gerardo that the party was holding a convocation regarding the support for the new law. Ignacio said they would not attend. He told Gerardo that now was not the time to support this law because it would play into Alonso's hands.
Isela reluctantly closed the cabaret and – per Mario's orders – communicated to her bartender that the girls were to be told that talking could get them their permanent resting place.
Hector was parked at a street corner where he watched Nayeli scoring drugs from a young dealer. He took photos, then reported this over the phone.
Daniela entered Regina's office to deliver some documents from Magda and the news that the opposition didn't have a quorum to make a decision on the law. Regina felt betrayed “We had an agreement!” She didn't want to talk to Gerardo about this. She and Daniela had a minor disagreement on what she should say from there.
Alonso met with Cecelia, Mauro, and Magda to discuss allowing the press access to his personalized campaign. cmtellyupdate....Mario arrived and after Alonso thanked him for introducing him to Cecelia they spoke alone. Alonso told him that he had disagreed with Regina the previous evening although he did not go into detail. Mario, however, was there to tell him about Teresa. He said he had it all on a silver platter.
Laretta went to Omar's mansion to see Natalia only to learn that she was not there and that Omar would also not be attending the event he was setting up.
Rodrigo went to see Ignacio at his office to inform him that the cabaret had closed. He then introduced him to Alma, who had worked there. She was willing to talk. Ignacio gloated to himself like a comic villain before standing up and flirting with her before inviting her to sit down. He took his proper seat behind his desk and looked her in the eyes.
“Tell me, why did the cabaret close? What do you know about that?”
“They told us it would be remodeled, but they put us out in the street. But after everything that happened with the dead reporter and El Cuervo nobody was coming around.”
“What did the boss of this place tell you?”
“Isela. I didn't get along badly with her. cmtellyupdate....She's been there a long time; I don't know anything else.”
“And what kind of relationship did Isela have with El Cuervo?”
“She paid him protection money.”
Ignacio took a photo of Pacheco out of a file and showed it to her.
“Do you recognize this subject?”
“Yes! There was a party one night. Isela set it up. A friend and I were with him and it was recorded.” She began laughing. Ignacio laughed as well.
“One more question today. Do you know Isela's daughter?
Hector reported his findings to Regina, saying that Nayeli had purchased the drugs and was possibly dealing with dangerous people. He offered to call the police because he had friends on the force but Regina told him she would handle this. She asked Daniela to get Ignacio into her office. She had to tell him about this but wasn't sure what to say. Daniela suggested she talk to Gerardo, but Regina didn't like this advice, especially when Gerardo suddenly arrived at that moment.
Mauro and Magda became concerned over the issues between Alonso's parents.
Ignacio thanked Alma for her information. After she left he congratulated Rodrigo on a job well done. This was prime information and he was handing over a check for it.
Mario had just given Alonso the dirt on Teresa, for which Alonso was grateful. Mario was supporting his candidacy despite any issues he was having with Regina over it. He intended to deal with that. As he left Alonso's office Magda came in to tell him she had to go to see his father to try to get him to see a specialist. cmtellyupdate.....Alonso became impatient with this but it only got worse when she also told him she had been unable to communicate with Regina that day. His candidacy was not yet official and he complained “I'm more alone than a dog.”
Gerardo explained his position to Regina. He didn't want Alonso's candidacy to benefit from his party's support. She initially reacted that one had nothing to do with the other, then admitted that he was right.
“I asked him for a divorce.”
“Regina,” he said in a whisper. He then clasped her hands, but she withdrew them and stood up.
“Regina, look at me. I won't touch you. If you don't want me to, I won't do it. I want to kiss you. I'm going to.”
He did, and it was all he expected it to be.
Regina and Gerardo continue to kiss, they give in to their passion, but Regina’s brain is racing a mile a minute and she stops and says this is bad.
“Sorry Gerardo, this is bad”
“This is good” says Gerardo
“This is what we both feel; this is the strongest thing we have ever felt”
“No, the consequences, did they see us?”
“I don’t care if they did, only you matter and my daughter matter”
Regina begins to explain that she can’t do this and uses Emiliano as an excuse. He needs her and she can’t do this.
“Also think about the war with Alonso, about the people in the senate, the people that need us”
“Those are just excuses”
“No they are not just excuses, I can’t think about just me and you shouldn’t either”
Hernan is chasing Cecilia; she does not want to talk to him. She is hurt that he suspects her of Pacheco’s death. All he wants is to help her out but she is shutting him out. She tells him she is busy with all of the Governor’s event, the press accreditations, briefings, etc. etc. Hernan tells her fine, but tonight he will be at her apartment for answers and won’t leave even if the Governor shows up.
Mauro is fuming about a cancellation to the event, and others have not even answered the invitation, he asks Cecilia how it’s going with the Media and she confirms that only a few small news sources have confirmed. They are freaking out when Larreta walks in and says that they better postpone the announcement, because they are going to be humiliated with Omar and Regina not supporting him, and worse of all the party will be the laughing stock.
“We both decided to make separate lives, and this can have consequences not just for us but for many”
“We can’t be irresponsible”
“Irresponsible? Are you happy in your life?”
“What kind of a life is that?”
“It’s the life I got”
Gerardo tells her that this is an opportunity they are getting and they should not let it pass them again.
As Alma is coming out of the senate building, Roke grabs her by the arm and tells her that Isela wants to see her. Alma is deathly afraid, and tries to get away, but to no avail. Roke is a big guy.
Magda is trying to reassure Alonso that everyone will be there, but Alonso knows better. He whines about how Omar and Regina will not be there and the news media will devour the news. He calls Mauro and asks to be communicated with the president, yells at Mauro that no one will disappoint him.Hernan is chasing Cecilia; she does not want to talk to him. She is hurt that he suspects her of Pacheco’s death. All he wants is to help her out but she is shutting him out. She tells him she is busy with all of the Governor’s event, the press accreditations, briefings, etc. etc. Hernan tells her fine, but tonight he will be at her apartment for answers and won’t leave even if the Governor shows up.
Alma is at Isela’s getting grilled, Isela tells her that she is a traitor and that she should go ahead and continue talking to the senator, but she needs to understand that they will use her and then abandon her and she will have no one to turn to because she has betrayed her “family”. Alma looks around and sees a menacing Roke peering in thru the window just to make the point that she is indeed in trouble.
Alonso is on the phone with who I assume is the president and he is saying that he knows he has his support, but he wants everyone else to perceive that. A knock at the door Emiliano walks in and hears the rest of his father’s end of the conversation. As Alonso continues to tell the person on the other end that he has to show his support. He hangs up and walks over to Emi. He tells him that they are in a firestorm, and that it is up to him to make sure the event is a success.
Regina continues at Gerardo’s office. She changes the subject and begins to tell him about the issue of Nayeli buying the pills, and possibly selling them as well. She lets him know about the drug fest they had at her house. Gerardo says he will talk to Ignacio. Then he changes conversation and asks Regina if she is going to Alonso’s campaign launch. She does not get a chance to answer because Daniela knock’s to announce that Mario is waiting for her.
Regina says “tell him to wait” but of course no one makes Mario wait, and he Waltzes in and chides her “since when do you make me wait” oh wait “I get it you are inviting the opposition to your husband’s campaign launch” Gerardo at that moment excuses himself and leaves Mario with Regina.
Now it’s Mario’s turn to go on the attack. He begins by telling her what is wrong with you, “you are here talking to the man that attacks me, attacks your husband without reason”
“What is going on with him Regina?”
“Is it because of that man that you are not going to the most important moment of your husband’s political career?”
At Omar’s house, wrangling part deux, Magda goes to talk to Omar about Alonso’s campaign launch. And of course, Omar plays the victim and says “oh now he remembers me, instead of defending me against his mother, he believes all the lies she tells” then he goes on to sing the same song about being cheated on, and how humiliated he is, and blah blah blah, Magda does her best to try to convince him to go to Alonso’s campaign launch and Omar says have his mother and wife support him. cmtellyupdate.....“It seems Regina is not going, are you going to do this to him today in front of the whole world?”
At Gerardo’s office Ignacio is informing Gerardo that they have a witness that confirms that Cecilia has ties to prostitution, drugs
“It is a bomb, we need it right now”
“We don’t need any more smoke and mirrors, we need facts, certainty”
Gerardo takes him into his office and tells him about Nayeli, buying and distributing drugs.
“No, no who told you that?”
“Regina, she found them in Emi’s bedroom with other friends all drugged out”
At Alonso’s office he is grooming Emiliano to be his weapon against Regina. Emiliano says he doesn’t understand why Regina is so selfish and does not support Alonso’s campaign for president. They continue the chit chat and Alonso convinces Emi that maybe Regina needs her son to remind her that she should support Alonso.
At Regina’s she tells Mario that she knows Alonso sent him to convince her to show up to the launch for his candidacy for president. He denies that he was sent there by Alonso, but regardless he tells Regina that if she does not go to the Event, the news media will not be discussing Alonso’s campaign for president but instead will be talking about how his wife does not support him.
“Is that the advice that the idiot Gerardo gives you?”
“I will not allow you to insult Gerardo”
“How dare you come here to give me any advice?”
“I am your father and have more experience in this than you do; you are wrong get away from that man and come back to your family”
They continue to argue, and Mario says you should do this for your family. She says what family are you talking about, “It’s incredible how you are never present, but you are always aware of what goes on with Alonso and with me. You are always in the shadows, manipulating everything and being accused of horrendous acts.
“I do what I can for you and your husband so you can be successful, sometimes that means doing complex things that I do not regret”
“Oh yes you help but only partial help, for example, El Curevo is in Jail and has been processed but we still don’t know what happened to Susana”
“El Curevo confessed that Susana left the country, she was scared and ran away”
“see for every question I have an answer”
“oh well, thank you for your help and for your answers”
“but the blindfold has fallen off and that is why I am, skeptical about supporting Alonso”
Ignacio is telling Daniela that he will not let Regina get away with anything, Daniela says
“you should be thankful that Regina opened your eyes to what your Daughter is up to”
“I don’t need advice about my parental qualities or how I run my family”
He continues spewing venom and reminds Daniela that due to Emiliano a young woman was murdered. Daniela tells him he has no idea what he is saying, always accusing without any evidence.
At that moment Emiliano is wandering the hallway and Ignacio grabs him by the shirt and tells him to stay away from his daughter. Emi is shell shocked. She hulk gets in the middle and pushes Ignacio away, tells Emi not to pay any attention to Ignacio.
Emi walks away with his tail between his legs, and goes into Regina’s office. She gets up glad to get a visit from her son, but he is there on “official family business” but first he tells her his encounter with Ignacio and says, “nothing happened Daniela saved me, but you told him something about last night right?”
Mauro and Cecilia walk into Alonso’s office“what’s new?”
“Larreta wants to postpone the announcement”
Alonso explodes and tells them that Omar will be there and that Emiliano is at this moment talking to Regina. Everything will be a success.
“The next time you doubt me I will fire you both”
Ignacio approaches Ximena at school and asks about his daughter “I want to ask you about my daughter, what do you know about her friends is it true that she is selling that junk?” Ximena suggests that he talk to his daughter about that.
Noemi comes over to tell Natalia that Mario will come by to pick them up for the Event. Natalia says she is nervous about seeing Omar again. Noemi reassures her, she will be with her the whole time and Omar will never touch her again.
Emiliano is arguing with Regina about getting into his business, he wants her to stay away from his friends, and from his women. Regina argues that she is doing it to protect him. He is abusing drugs and she won’t allow it. They continue to argue, and then Emiliano says “let’s stop arguing, I just came here so you can accompany me to dad’s announcement”
“sorry to disappoint you, but I am not going”
At Isela’s, Mario arrives and Isela informs him that she has handled Alma already, “you eliminated her?”
“NO, are you crazy”
“so how is she handled?”
“we made an agreement”
“Isela they are prostitutes they will do the will of whoever pays the most”
“I will handle her just give me the address”
Isela refuses and says these are her girls and she will handle it. The reason she called him over was because Ignacio is trying to destroy Cecilia
Ignacio is doing his best detective work and is spying on his daughter. He gets a call from Teresa who is suffering from cabin fever, she needs to get out. Ignacio can’t come right now he is busy handling a problem related to his daughter.
Tere calls him trash and Ignacio says you are selfish and all you care about is you. At that moment he sees his daughter get in a car with a young man.
He hangs up on Tere. She’s not happy.
Emiliano doing his best to guilt Regina into going to the event. He accuses her of never doing anything for Alonso or for Emi. “If you don’t do it for dad, do it for me, think about my future, and the future of this country” He walks out on her leaving, hurt and disappointed.
Cecilia asks Magda to please handle passing out the credentials to the press. Magda tells her to go change, because she should create an impact as part of her strategy
At Gerardo’s office he receives a call from Regina, she will come over. This is overheard by his secretary Nieves. He asks that they not be disturbed when the Senator comes over.
As Nieves walks out, hurricane Tere makes a landing
At a bar Mario meets with Almiro, asks if anything has surfaced from the cameras installed at Gerardo’s house. Almiro says nothing yet.
“I want you to handle one more thing, I want you to find out what Ignacio , Gerardo’s chief of the press is up to”
I want you to follow him, find something we can use, this time don’t screw it up. I want him far away from my daughter Cecilia.
At the senate building Emiliano is picked up by his father. He could not wait to find out what Regina said. Emi informs him that Regina is not going, then Alonso begins to accuse him of not doing his part. Emiliano says he tried his best.
“if your mom doesn’t go it’s because you did not keep your word”
“I am fed up with you guys”
Alonso continues to yell at him and wants to know exactly what Regina said.
At Gerardo’s Tere is asking him for money. Gerardo won’t give her any because she has everything she needs and she does not need to go to the casino. And from now on anything that you handle with Ignacio you will handle with me.
“you are selfish because you don’t give me what I need, you just want to get rid of me so you can continue to go to bed with Regina”
she says she will go ask her and walks out of the office, with Gerardo chasing after her. In the hallway she runs into Regina and begins to accuse her of having an affair with her husband. She raises her voice and says let everyone find out that you guys are having an affair.
Gerardo orders her to leave, as she does Regina walks back into her office. Leaving Gerardo to handle all of the looks from their coworkers.
Ignacio continues to follow his daughter in the car with the young man. They make a stop at a seedy side of town. And two drug dealers approach the young man asking for their money. The young man says he did not get the money yet, news that is not well received by the drug dealers. One of them takes out a gun and shoots the young man dead as Nayeli watches from the passenger side of the car. She screams in panic, and begins to run out of the car. Ignacio is witnessing all of this. The drug dealer grabs Nayeli by the neck and places her head on the hood of the car with the gun pointed at her temple. Ignacio has at this time run out of his car and is yelling “NO, NO, leave her, shoot me” as you hear sirens in the background.
“You are going to pay everything that is owed to us” Nayeli is screaming, the drug dealer hears the sirens and leaves Nayeli and takes off.The police arrive and take her, throw her in the back of the police car, and the other young man that was in the car with Nayeli is also placed in the same squad car. No handcuffs, no search for weapons, just throws them both in the car as they take-off, Ignacio was screaming, “she is my daughter, what did you do?” Police car leaves all he can do is say calm down.
Gerardo walks into his office, sad. Daniela is consoling Regina in her office.
Alonso takes Emi to his office still yelling at him.
Jose arrives at the Governor’s house, he is waiting for Natalia. He is just trying to do his job. But if she want’s today will be the last day she sees him. She accepts that he takes her to the event, and he says I just want to take care of you, she ignores him and walks away.
Mauro is on the phone trying to convince people to come. Alonso walks in and says that the only way to get those people to move is with money.
“fill up that hall, and doesn’t matter how much it costs, it’s not our money anyway”
Almiro drives up to were Ignacio was left after her daughter was taken away. Almiro offers to fix his daughter’s problems and to erase her criminal record. Ignacio knowing how the game is played asks
“In exchange for what?’
“for you to stop investigating Cecilia”
The third strike comes to convince Regina to go to Alonso’s event. Noemi, is there to prevent her from making the same mistake twice. Referring to Gerardo Martinez, who is a “nobody” “You deserve a better man in your life and that man is your husband”
Cecilia comes into the office where Emiliano is waiting for Alonso. She is wearing a white dress and looks beautiful. Emi sees her and begins to complement her A la Alonso, and Cecilia thanks him and says he is exactly like his father. (she doesn’t know how right she is). Alonso walks in and complements her on how beautiful she looks.
At Regina’s, she tells Noemi that she learned her speech well. Noemi tries to guilt Regina into attending the event. cmtellyupdae...She says that it is a favor to pay for all of the things that Noemi has done for her. Never mind the fact that the things she did for Regina were her obligation as her mother. Noemi takes out a flask to toast for Regina’s failures, Regina yanks flask out of her hand and throws it. Continues the guilt trip, and tells her she is married to the Governor and she is obligated to attend for her husband and for her family. Regina burst out of her office.
At the event Omar walks in sees Natalia wants to walk over but Mario holds him back. They announce Alonso San Roman Suarez as the new candidate for president, and he enters followed by his entourage, everyone that was paid to be there claps and pretends to be happy. Alonso begins to look for Regina, and thinks to himself “if you don’t come I will make your life a living hell”
In a car Regina receives a call from Gerardo, who is asking her not to go and not to be part of the farce. Regina looks defeated.
Ignacio and his daughter Nayeli come out of the police station and she’s in tears trying to explain herself and apologize. She says that the drugs were just for fun and entertainment, she really isn’t a drug addict. “I just don’t know who you are anymore”, says Ignacio. How long have you been into this? What kind of entertainment is this anyway?” “Oh Daddy, I’m so scared!” Iggy says, “Help me out here because I no longer know what to do with you.” He hugs her.
At the political event, Larreta is introducing Alonso, but Regina isn’t there yet. She is on her way, but is keeping everyone in suspense. Obviously, she doesn’t really want to be there. Shortly after Alonso takes the podium, Emiliano motions to his father that his mother is there. He escorts her in as Alonso announces her to the audience and she presents herself as the first lady to be. Gerardo is watching on TV and is very upset and throws down his remote. His secretary leaves the room after offering to do something to help. He storms out as well. Alonso goes on at the event thanking his family and talking about how he plans to fight corruption and violence in Mexico. (Yeah buddy, you are part of the problem!) The audience applauds…
Hernán and Cecelia are in the back talking. Hernán say, “Well, looks like a victory.” Cecelia asks, “To what are you referring?” He tells her, “Well that perfect picture of our Governor with his family there. You did a good job, you did well. Hey, when you look into the Senator’s eyes, do you ever feel the least bit guilty?” Cecelia replies, “What are you trying to accomplish here because you are just bothering me.” Hernán tells her, “I want you to open your eyes and have some sensibility about you because that’s never going to be you up there. You’ll never be the queen of this situation.” He walks away and Cecelia is just standing there, speechless, while Mauro looks on.
Ignacio and Nayeli finally arrive home. She is still in tears and asks if he is angry with her. (Well of course!) Iggy finally says, “Do you have any idea what you have done? Do you know what kind of danger you put yourself in and how you have risked your life? All this for some pills! Just answer me one question: Are you at least repentant about this?” She walks away and goes to her room. But guess who comes to visit, the Queen of narcissism herself, Teresa! He tries to explain that there is a problem with his daughter, as she nearly got herself shot today, but it doesn’t matter to Teresa. She throws a fit and runs off.
Daniela finds Gerardo on the steps to the Senate building leaving. Of course he looks pissed off as can be and Daniela tries to explain how Regina was pressured by her son, her parents, her in-laws, etc. Gerardo says, “She has made her decision. That is the only thing that is true right now.”
Alonso continues with his political speech talking about everyone’s dreams and how he going to help everyone achieve their dreams. “Viva México!” Let the party begin! Omar goes to grab Natalia and she is none too happy. “Let go of me!” says Natalia. He just tells her to smile and they walk on. Behind her Noemi tries to help, but Mario says to leave them alone because he wouldn’t dare do anything to her here.
The reporters begin trying to interview Alonso. cmtellyupdate....They start asking about Regina’s plans and career, but Alonso assures them that Regina is behind him all the way on this and they are in this together forever. As Alonso, Regina, and Cecelia walk away with reporters, Omar looks at Emiliano and says, “Do we have another future politician in the family?” Emiliano just shrugs it off and says to Natalia, “So Grandmother, how did you enjoy the event?” Natalia says, “Oh yes, everything went well and I am very happy. It’s a great day for everyone.”
Gerardo arrives home and Ximena thanks him for the birthday flowers and gifts. “But remember, you promised to take me to dinner and I just wanted to make sure you weren’t going to forget.” Gerardo says he is just very tired right now. She asks if he is really just tired or if he is sad. Gerardo assures her he is just very tired. She goes on and tells him what happened with Nayeli, about her skirmish with the narcos and that she came out of it alive, but it is a miracle nothing worse happened. Alarmed, Gerardo grabs his phone to call Iggy so he can find out what happened.
At the political event, Noemi is drinking too much and Regina tries to put a stop to it. She says in a drunken voice how well everything has turned out. Alonso comes by and says, “Thank you!” He looks at Regina and says, “Really, thank you. For a while there, I thought you…” Regina finishes the sentence by saying, “That I wasn’t going to show up.” Alonso walks up to her closer as Noemi walks away with a thumbs up gesture. Regina goes on, “I did consider not coming but you sent so many people to pressure me about coming, I felt I didn’t have any other choice.” Then Cecelia comes up to tell Alonso that some reporters want to ask him some questions. As Alonso leaves, Cecelia turns her attention to Regina and calls her as Regina starts walking away. “Senator, if you don’t want to be part of that interview, I can take care of things.” Regina asks, “What is it that you are understanding or not understanding?” Cecelia answers, “It seems like this is your husband’s event and you don’t want to give this your full attention. Am I wrong?” Regina says, “You are very correct. That’s why he has you by his side, right?”
As Regina leaves, Larreta goes to her and tell her that she is still his candidate. “But you went with Alonso. Just forget about me, please.” In the background a drunken Noemi is getting out of control as she is with Hernán. Cecelia comes and tries to help out so Noemi doesn’t cause a scene, but Cecelia’s presence just makes things worse. Noemi starts calling Cecelia a slut and accuses her of being Mario’s mistress. Regina takes her mother over to her father and asks him to take her home. Regina and Ceclia face off again with Regina apologizing to Cecelia. Cecelia says, “I don’t know what happened.cmtellyupdate... I was simply trying to get her away from this reporter so she didn’t say too much or something not appropriate.” Regina says, “You don’t need to explain…” But then Hernán comes up to Cecelia and puts his arm around her and makes it look like the two of them are “together”. Cecelia wants to introduce him to Regina, but Regina says, “I already know him. He’s the most popular reporter at the government buildings.”
He kisses Cecelia and Regina walks away. “What was all that about?” Hernán tells her, “Hey, I’m just trying to protect you. Don’t you think she suspects you are sleeping with her husband? So if she thinks that I’m your boyfriend, as least that buys you some time.” “Why are you always trying to protect me”, says Cece. Hernán answers, “Because one day, I am hoping you fall in love with me.”
Gerardo arrives at Iggy’s house. “If you are looking for Teresa, she’s not here”, says Iggy. “I'm not here about that”, says Gerardo. “I’m here because of what happened to your daughter.” Iggy tells him he does not know how this happened and how this just slipped by him without him knowing anything. “That’s why I’m here, because I’m your friend and I want to help you,” says Gerardo.
Regina brings Natalia over to Alonso’s office because she left her purse there. Then they run into Magda. Magda looks at Natalia and says, “So how are you?” Natalia says, “Thank you Magda, for everything.” Magda says, “Oh you don’t have to thank me.” “Yes, I do”, says Natalia. “If it weren’t for you, I don’t know what would have happened. What I don’t know is how you were able to put up with him all these years.” Magda says, “I don’t understand.” Nat looks at Magda and says, “Come on. I already knew about you. The only reason I didn’t leave him was because we had a son together. Who knows why, maybe just because of traditions, status, or something else. Tell me Magda, did Omar ever try to beat you?” Magda says, “No he never beat me. I don’t know what is happening to Omar. He is not the person…” But Nat finishes her sentence, “He is not the man you fell in love with.” Magda says, “I’m just so sorry, Ma’am.” Nat shakes her head and says, “No, it’s alright. You don’t need to apologize, least of all to me, because I am in no position to judge you. But simply, I feel sorry for you and I’m sorry for me too. We were both stupid, Magda.”
Later, Gerardo meets Rodrigo for coffee and Rodrigo wants to know if Ignacio advised him on what was going on with the Cabaret and the house of prostitution. He introduces him to a reporter named Alberto Diaz, who is ready to publish an article on all this news. Gerardo is a little reticent to do this right now, but Rodrigo is insistent on this. He says, “Look the chief press secretary for the Governor is involved in this situation. cmtellyupdate.....We already talked to Alma who was working for the place.” Gerardo says, “Well, first I want to talk with this woman. I need proof. I do not want an article coming out that carries no evidence.”
Mario brings the drunken Noemi home. She again wants to talk about Cecelia and accuses him of having an affair with her. He assures her that she is just the daughter of a friend of his who died, that’s all. “Besides, she is too young, she is young enough to be my daughter!” Noemi says, “You know, that’s why I hate her too, because she could be your daughter.”
At the close of the political event, Alonso thanks Cecelia and Mauro for their help in everything. Emiliano comes over and tells his dad that his mom went home with his Grandmother. Alonso invites them all out to celebrate.
Daniela meets her friend Andrés for drinks. He tells her that his colleagues all think he’s a traitor and that his future career in the police force may be just being a transit cop. All this because of “El Cuervo” because “El Cuervo” had a lot of friends on the force. He shows her a not that says, “Traitor, you are a dirty (actually stinky) rat. You will get what you deserve.” Daniela folds up the note and says, “You know what, I think I’ll have that beer.” After a beer or two, Daniela apologizes for getting him involved with this situation and will talk with Regina about it. They declare their love for one another and kiss. (Andrés is such a nice guy, I hope he isn’t going to get whacked next.)
Mauro comes to see Mario. As Mario walks down the hallway, he says, “If that heart attack doesn’t kill me, that woman sure will!” Mauro says he took care of Ignacio but with El Cuervo in jail, things are more difficult. Mario says that they have to take care of Sra. Galindo and make sure that she doesn’t talk again.
Regina arrives home tired and kicks off her high heels. cmtellyupdate....Natalia sees her and tells her, “Life sure is funny. If I had met Magda 20 years ago, I would have pulled her hair out for cheating with Omar. But now I just feel pain for her. And for him, I feel frightened. And you? What are you going to do with your life?” Regina says, “What do you mean?” “Well what are you going to do with your political life?” Regina laughs and says, “Have you ever thought of becoming a reporter?” “So you are not going to answer?” Regina says, “To tell you the truth, I really don’t know. I swear, Natalia, I really don’t know what I am going to do.”
Gerardo is at home just moping around and then Teresa barges in. He asks where she has been. She tells him that he is obsessed with Regina and he tells her that she is the obsessed one. Then she starts coming on to him. He pushes her away and says, “No we are divorced.” She continues pushing herself on him and unbuttons his pants and looks like she going down…and then they go right to it there in the living room. Of course all this is on camera and the guys watching it say, “Now we get a porn movie.” Ximena starts to open the door and sees her parents going at it, so she quietly closes the door and leaves.
Alonso returns home to a sleeping Regina. He asks if she is awake, but she does not respond. He tells her that he is doing all this for her, their son, and the family. He says, “I just want to know that you care just little bit.”
Later Ximena returns home and she brings a cake. Gerardo is a bit embarrassed and apologized for not taking her for dinner. Ximena happily says that he already gave her a very special gift. cmtellyupdate....Gerardo tries to explain, but Ximena says, “No don’t I’m happy just to see things this way”. Teresa comes out in her robe and snuggles up with Gerardo.
Next morning, the alarm rings at Cecelia’s place and Hernán is in her bed. He wants to know why she was with him and she tells him that this was her way of thanking him for what he did for her with Senator Regina. He wants more, but she says this is just too complicated.
There are chilaquiles and huevos for breakfast at the Casa Martinez. They are celebrating. Gerardo says, “Celebrating what?” Teresa slithers around him and motions for him to sit down. “We are celebrating that we have gotten back together.” Looks like Gerardo is not going to fight this right now.
Mauro is up to his dirty tricks and separates Sra. Galindo from her son and something bad is going down. We hear the little boy screaming for his mother in the background.
Alonso take Emiliano to buy him a new car! Wow, for a kid who was just taking bad drugs, what a reward!
As Gerardo leaves his home, Iggy comes running up and tells him that the article that came out is signing his death warrant.
Mario gets a phone call from Isela and Isela says she is at Cecelia’s apartment and Cecelia is nowhere to be found. She asks if “they” came for Cecelia and promises him that is something happens to Cecelia or to her, that she’s bringing him down too.
At Casa SanRoman/Barcenas, Daniela arrives and tells Regina that Andrés is being threatened and that she needs to step in and help him. cmtellyupdate.....Regina also mentions that her father told her that Susana has left the country. (Well, that’s one way of putting it!) Daniela just looks at her and says, “Well, what a coincidence.” Then Daniela shows her the news article that came out this morning regarding Cecelia’s mother running a house of prostitution. “No it can’t be possible”, says Regina. “Ding dong!” Who is at the door, but none other than Cecelia! Time for Regina to confront Cecelia on this one. She brings the tablet over to Cecelia to read and asks her to explain the article (with her picture no less!) with the headline, “Governor San Roman supports prostitution”
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