THE CANDIDATE (La Candidata)
EPISODE / Chapter 6
“Almiron, please, please, please don’t leave me like this, please don’t leave me like this” she gets to his vehicle and Almiron is trying to make his point “Instead of wasting time interrogating me, your father’s life is at risk, talk to Don Omar”
Almiron looks extremely distressed and pushes the accelerator and bolts out of there…
Regina runs after Almiron but the effort is futile, with her high heels and well he’s in a car. She returns defeated to her vehicle, where she tries calling her father only to hear that the phone is outside the area or turned off.
Back at the San Roman home, Alonso can’t accept what his mother is telling him.
“Alonso, look at me, I know what I tell you, someone is in danger, and all I ask is that you talk to your father”
“My father would never do anything like that”
“You need to separate yourself from him, don’t lose everything you have accomplished because of him, you will be an accomplice to a murder.” “Your father is a Mafioso; your father is a monster”
“I will talk to him to prove to you that what you are saying is crazy”
“I don’t know what to tell you, I don’t even know what to think” is the simplest lamest cop out he comes up with and leaves her at the door begging him to stop.
Alonso calls his father from his car, tells him “I spoke to mom, DON’T do ANYTHING”
“What did your mother tell you?”“I won’t discuss over the phone, but DON’T do ANYTHING you got me?”
“I have to see you”
“Where do you want to meet? My office or your office?”
“My office”
Omar walks over to see Mario who is sitting with a bag over his head. Omar than whispers to Chino
“I don’t want you to kill him?”
Chino says “which one?”
“Neither one ‘carajo’”Omar playing dumb says “what are you saying?”
Regina overcome with emotion “I’m telling you to leave my father alone”
“I don’t understand”
“Don Omar I want to see my father safe and sound” wipes tears away
“Dear lord daughter, are you alright, you scare me”
“I will only tell you this, if something happens to my father it will be clear to me that you will be responsible, and you will see a side of me that is very different from what you have known”
On the verge of crying, and losing control she reiterates that she wants to see her father safe and sound and hangs up.
On the other side Omar looks angry, and motions Chino to come over. He tells him to release the old man, to throw him on the street and make sure he does not see any of them. To leave him blind folded and to rough him up a little, “just a little”.
Regina in her car is having an emotional conversation with Gerardo. She tells him that she doesn’t understand why she is calling him with this. She should call her husband instead so he can explain what is going on.
“I don’t understand who my husband is, who my father in-law is, who my father is, my family; everything seems to be a lie”
On the other end of the phone Gerardo looks helpless, asks her where she is, he doesn’t want to hear her like that. Regina tells him that all she wants is to let him know she said nothing to Alonso, and doesn’t even know what Gerardo was talking about. Gerardo hearing this says “Stop, you forgive me please, I know you would never do anything to hurt me, or anyone”
She says “forgive ME I am being irresponsible, I’ll see you tomorrow” and hangs up
Gerardo seems sad, and Ximena comes over and says I was right, right dad.
Omar’s thugs do as told and take Mario to an isolated area and release him.
“Let me go, ruffians, hoodlums”They roll him down a hill, and he gets up and says “let me go, if you are going to kill mw…, ahhh sons of bitches” Runs to his car and gets his phone
At Alonso’s office Omar arrives and Alonso asks “I hope you didn’t do anything?”
Omar wants to know if he is talking to his son or the governor. Alonso gets up and says when he talks to his son he is also talking to the governor. The one that is in charge and gives the orders.
Omar says he has never questioned his authority, and Alonso tells him this time he has. Omar did something and he did not run it by Alonso. Omar says to “run by you what my marriage, my problems”
“Yes and I’ll tell you why because your wife is my mother”
“Perfect take her with you, so you can deal with her”“Why did you hit her?”
“I’m not going to give you details about my life”
“But since you are my son I will tell you your mother is a whore that sleeps with young men to humiliate me, and I will not take that"
Regina gets a call from her dad
As she gets home she is heard saying “I won’t tell mom anything”
Noemi asks “what are you not telling me?”
She tells her mom that Mario will let her know.
Then she asks is there anything new. Noemi tells her about Hugo’s parents showing up and asking to have Emi stop harassing Hugo.
“Mom I will handle Emiliano, you go home rest”
“Are you sure?”“Mom calm down, I’ll see you tomorrow”
Back at Alonso’s office he tells Omar that he understands him and that this has to end, leave his mom alone, don’t go home tonight
“Release that man”“No”
“That man has to be alive, he has a friend looking for him, and there are other ways to handle things”
“I want that man alive”
“I want this issue finished, now”
Omar does not want to comply but Alonso convinces, him and he finally agrees.
“Dad you need to control yourself, and take care of this family, dad I need you”
A hauntingly beautiful Piano instrumental begins as we get to see different scenes of all of the characters and their current turmoil and predicaments. We see an embrace by Alonso and Omar, Isela holding Cecilia in her arms, Mario getting home as Noemi sees him walk in disheveled and injured, back to Regina sleeping with Emi on his bed, to Tere looking longingly at a picture of Gerardo and Ximena, Magda seating alone crying, Natalia alone in bed hugging a pillow not able to sleep. Finally Alonso walks into Emi’s room and sees his son and wife asleep, turns around and leaves.
In the morning at Regina’s home she is dressed in funeral black, sees Alonso having breakfast, he asks are you having breakfast, she doesn’t think she can.
“I am worried about Emi, Hugo’s parent came by, Hugo is responsible for the sex tape going viral and Emi is threatening him”Alonso doesn’t give any importance to the situation, and laughs.
“I don’t want him to do these things, he is not well, and he doesn’t even come out of his room”
“Is burial today?”
“Are you sure it’s a good idea?
“Yes I promised Florencia’s mother and Emi”
Then conversation turns to Omar and She asks about Mario and Omar situation. She asks if he had anything to do with what happened to her father. Alonso is completely clueless. Regina explains that Almiron intercepted her last night to tell her that her father had been kidnapped.
“What are you talking about?” was Alonso’s response
At the Barcena household Noemi, is telling Mario he can’t go out like that he is injured.
”when are you going to tell me what happened”
“I already told you I was assaulted, it was a lapse of security, how do you want me to explain it to you with apples”
“Don’t talk to me like that”
“How do you want me to talk to you if you don’t want to understand?”
“Is that really what happened or was it something else?”
At that moment Almiron arrives, and Mario says I want to speak to him alone.
Noemi gives him a look and pretends to leave.
Mario asks Almiron for an explanation
“Was it government people?”
“No, from the declarations of your guards it was people from the security agency that your daughters’ father in law uses, they were able to identify one of them”
“Who did you call to get me released?”
“Your daughter”
“Why did you do that?”
“At that moment that was the only possible solution”
“How am I to explain all of this to her”
Camera pans out and we see Noemi eavesdropping, she becomes concerned
He goes on to tell her that they have to be very vigilant and be willing to work 24 hours every day
“I’m used to working all hours” wink, wink
“You have to have eyes on the back of your head, get close to all the news correspondents and get information at any cost”
“Of course”
“You will become a soldier that will do everything the governor and I tell you.”
He then introduces her to the staff, Pacheco not there.
At the San Roman household Alonso and Regina continue discussing the patriarchs.
“What happens between our fathers, it’s their business?”“Excuse me, they told me they were going to kill him, he was missing”
“And by coincidence I call your father, and my father reappears, what are you talking about?”
Alonso tells her if she wants more information ask them. She retorts by saying don’t pretend you don’t know, you know everything, you handle all the threads, what kind of business does my dad have with your father, and what do they have to do with you?”
“I will not cover any corruption, even if it involves your father, my father, you or even the president, are we clear?”
Later that day at the cemetery they are burying Florencia. Regina and Emiliano are there. Emi is a mess, Regina is holding him. Ms. Oscura tells Regina that she trusts her and to get justice for her daughter. Regina hugs her and nods.
At the lions’ den Alonso’s PR staff is listening to the news, Pacheco and Cecilia are there with others.
The journalist says “Senator Regina Barcena is consoling the mother of the victim, who says she trusts fully, the senator has always been known for being a defender of human rights.” Alonso walks in and sees the staff watching news, Pacheco approaches him with the summary of the information and Alonso says no, have Cecilia give it to me in an hour. Cecilia smirks, and says “yes sir”
Pacheco not at all pleased at this action.
At Mario’s car central, he is meeting with Isela, he asks her why she has asked to meet.
“You will have to talk to me if you want to avoid that I open my mouth” Mario gets frustrated and says what you want. She wants for him to support Cecilia and stop disappointing her. To help her for the first time. Mario says “for the first time? Who paid her education?”“You did what you were supposed to do, pay”
“Now I want you to give her your name and to stop using her”
“I never used her”
“Oh you had her managing the prostitutes, what do you call that?
“Well now she is going to work at what she likes”
“Just stop using her, because I like you am willing to do anything”
Gerardo’s secretary walks in and informs him that Alonso is on the phone for him.
Omar gets home and wants to talk to Natalia.“Tell me what did you do with Javier”
“You tell me why did you talk to Regina? Why are you allowing her to know about our intimacy?” He then grabs her by the arm and hurts her.
Regina meets her dad for coffee. He has ordered her favorite, and hope she doesn’t mind to be pampered by him.
“I did not come here to play father and daughter, I came here for you to tell me what’s going on, why are you all beat up? Does Alonso’s father have anything to do with this?”“Explain to me what kind of business do you have with the Secretary of Health?”
“Why did Almiron intercept me last night? What are you doing with my ex chief of security?”
“What do you have to do with Florencia’s death? And don’t you think it’s pathetic you have a lover that is younger than your daughter?”
Mario is very calmly taking in the interrogation.
Daniela is at her desk and Gerardo comes to ask if she knows why the Governor is looking for him. Daniela does not know. Offers to take a message for Regina
Natalia tells Omar to stop hurting her. Omar begins to ask questions, why did you talk to Regina, did you tell her you are a prostitute, did you humiliate me with her? Natalia tells him to stop treating her like this. But Omar says that he will treat her worse and if she talks again her world will turn into hell. I will keep that man you cheated with under watch and if you do anything I will kill him, do you understand?
Gerardo gets to Alonso’s office; Alonso welcomes him and says “why are you tense”
“I did not expect your invitation” “why I always have open door policy for discussions”“No what surprises me is that you invite me immediately after I had a conversation with your father about helping me out with a problem”
“Oh don’t worry about that I did it from the bottom of my heart”
“Tell me how I thank you”
“No I did not invite you for that”
“I just want to talk about my government what can we do how can we improve, and especially how is your relationship with my wife”
Mario begins to explain “let’s see Florencia was murdered by her own group, they did not need her anymore they decided to kill her” “Almiron had nothing to do with that so I hired him for my business”
“As far as the medicine, I only put the pharmaceutical company in touch with the Secretary of Health" "And as for Don Omar, we just have a disagreement on how to run things”“So why are you hurt?”
“That was an unfortunate accident that I rather not talk about”
“If I find out that you have anything with any corruption, not only will I not cover up for you, but I will turn you in myself”“I know it daughter, I now it”
“Don’t forget I am a politician, and as a politician….”
“Don’t quote Machiavelli to me, don’t say that the end justifies the means, don’t waste your time, that is the cop out many use to break the rules” “I repeat it, I will not allow it”
Mario replies with “Regina in wonderland”
“Yes, you know I want everything different, and if that implies I will confront you, I will do it, I don’t want you to get involved in my life, in my husband’s government, I want you out, got it”
“Oh so you are asking that I don’t protect you anymore”
“Yes don’t worry, I can protect myself”
Mario acts offended, and Regina agrees that they have never talked in that way before. But what does he expect when she saw him leaving the house of a woman that is younger than her.
“Oh it’s that, obviously you are like your mother spying on me” Regina does not care what he thinks of her and just wants to know if we is going to continue to be unfaithful. He denies cheating on his wife. And tells Regina that she has two options believe him or don’t believe him.
“I could have leaked your story to the press, but I wanted to help you, too bad”
“I am busy, please leave”
“Don’t worry I will soon send you a check for your very generous loan”
Cecilia tells Mauro “I just spoke to a Journalist who interviewed a man who says the government stole all his money, and took his job, he is accusing the Governor’s father”
“Oh that journalist won’t talk he is one of ours”“Wait you did not let me finish, I spoke to the editor and he said that they will publish that story”
Regina gets to her office Daniela tells her that she has people waiting for her. Also tells her that Gerardo came looking for her to see why the governor wanted to talk to him. Regina was surprised and asks her to find Gerardo for her.
She gets to her office and tells the people waiting for her that she knows why they are there, she tells them she is working on the policies that they are interested in, but they informed her that they found out that the Governor will not be supporting those policies (policies of integration per child)
Mauro is informing Alonso about the news that Cecilia delivered, and he said that Omar says he will handle it. Alonso is upset that Pacheco had not been more careful and found this out sooner.
He then asks Mauro to leak the story about Gerardo’s wife’s addiction and the gambling debt. Mauro asks are you sure, Alonso says never mind have Cecilia do it not you.
Gerardo comes to see Regina, and they both apologize to each other. Her about the call last night, he about thinking she had told Alonso about his problem.
He says no worries, I wish I had been with you but I was with my daughter.He moves close to her, but she tells him not too. He says he can’t help it it’s something he feels.
“I just want you to tell me why my husband called you”
“He wants us to agree to a non-aggression pact; otherwise he will expose the information about my ex-wife, her addition to gambling, and her debt”
Daniela than walks in and says you should get back to your meeting.
At Omar’s dungeon Mario and his goons shows up and he says so this is where you had me, it’s time that you and I fix our differences for better or worse.
It’s an all thug dance.
Regina back in her office says “Getting back to the policy, why do you think the Governor won’t support it”“because the businessmen don’t want it, and no matter how much you support it, it will never pass, it is too fair, too revolutionary for a country that is run by the rich, and the rich support your husband, the president doesn’t even count because you husband has the most support in his party”
“Then if Alonso won’t support you, how do you expect me to influence him”“We don’t want you to influence him; we want you to become a candidate”
“Yes the laborers want you to be the next president of this country”
End Chapter 6
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