Big excitement ON FRIDAY  as we were left with the huge revelation to Renata that she is the hija verdadera of Regina Soberon! Renata even has a mini memory of her first birthday with Mama Regina, Abuela Cata and Papa Roberto. How much can this little lady’s heart take? Well, quite a lot actually. You’ll see...
ON MONDAY  we get to relive one of #telenoveladom’s #sweetest #scenes #ever, culminating in the long-awaited hug between mother and daughter. OMG, this scene made me cry! Twice.

Adri is lunching with Sele for her fact-finding mission. Sele says heck all Adri had to do was ask, she is only too happy to spill the soup...Berta and Ughi are more than accomplices, they are lovers! They are birds of a feather, made for each other, two peas in a pod, whatever (son tal para cual). In fact there hasn’t been a man close to Renata whom Roberta has not taken to bed, the exception being Jeronimo (to Adri’s obvious relief). Sele says she already told this to Jeronimo which surprises Adri. Sele agrees to tell all of this to Renata to prove what an extreme cock...roach Augustin is. 

Renata is still stunned as Regina explains how they proved her real identity. Nata loses it, gasping and crying while Gonzo soothes her. When she finally processes the truth we get to see our favorite heroine as happy as she deserves to be. “You are Mi Mama!” she cries, giving Regina one of her world-class hugs. They have a brief mutual love fest but it’s all good, they deserve it. Wow, what a scene, I can’t even describe it but let’s just say I totally believe these actors.

Renata is thrilled and jumps around happily smiling at her REAL mother and the only father she’s ever known. Gonzo thanks God that he has both these wonderful women in his life. Enjoy it now man, because anvils and evil are overhead and around every corner. 

Speaking of evil, Malafina’s about to mack down a sandwich in Germy’s hideaway when who should arrive but the eponymous lothario himself. He’s all Who the heck are you and why are you here? Fina throws out “Uh, I’m Berta’s friend just staying at her apartment while she’s out of town.” Germy’s got news, it’s HIS apartment, not Berta’s. Germy says she’s cool for the moment but first thing manana she’s outta there. Fina forgets her glass of wine and goes for the hardstuff while spitting curses at Berta’s estupidez. Right, I always thinks whisky pairs well with a ham and queso sandwich.

Germy leaves but wonders where he’s seen Fina’s familiar face before. He calls Berta and rips her a new one. She’s snips “hey we were supposed to be boinking the weekend away elsewhere.” He announces they are over and she asks “Are you breaking up with me?” (No s**t Sherlock, what did the man just say?) He confirms it and guess what she calls him? “Viejo Estupido!” she hisses, rubbing her achy breaky heart.

Tony brings the handsome investigator over to La Bonita so Carlos can give him the 411 about everything they found on Augustin’s laptop. He says both Augustin and Saul are implicated in Jero’s disappearance and he’ll show them the proof.

Laz is over at Alfonsina’s instructing her to keep her boobies outta Melesio’s face. “He’s not a nice person,” understates Laz. He says he’s got a plan to out Mele and show that Augustin is behind all these pigster events (to use Marta’s perfect description).

The investigator reviews the documents and is surprised they have managed to get us much proof as they have. He’ll hold on to the copies and take care of next steps. At least I think that’s what went on in this scene. Frankly I barely understood a word he said. I wish these young actors would learn to enunciate like the old pros.

Berta, at Casa Monterrubio, calls Fina to tell her she’ll pick her up tomorrow at stupid Germy’s apartment. She’s at the top of the stairs and hears Nata come in talking to Carlos on the phone. They found Saul in Las Vegas who admitted that Augustin is behind Jero’s disappearance. She says that tomorrow they’ll file the complaint against both Augustin and Saul in Baja and she’ll see him then. And be sure to thank Anibal. Roberta scampers away from her hiding place, no doubt to call Ughi, so she doesn’t  hear Nata call Regina mama, heh heh. Gonzo reminds them not to tell Berta about their news so they can catch Berta in her lies. Ha, Nata teases him in her whispery chipmunk voice, agreeing to restrain herself.

We get another “I’m so glad you found me Mami” and “I love you SO MUCH daughter” and big ol’ hug. Those two are going to have to cut that crap out if they want to fool Berta. Aw heck, one more time can’t hurt.

Speaking of Miss SmileOfJaws (sorry Doctor Carlos) she’s on the phone ratting to the rat (not the cute kind) what she just heard. He goes jut-jaw and non-guapo, swearing that before they find him he and Renata will be far far away and nobody, but nobody, will ever find them. Yikes. 

Sabina can’t find the phone number for La Bonita so she tells the young guy, I’ll call him Joven, that he’ll have to go to the hacienda personally right now to get Mati and Laz to identify Jero. Thank goodness she feels a sense of urgency. I could hug her.

Manuela is making tostadas for Ali and Ani and wants to know how her appointment went. Ani is chopping onions instead of squash; what happened to all the squash? Ali says she’ll be going to therapy twice a week and Anibal will take her. She’s admitted she has Anorexia which is a big step, but she doesn’t want to tell her parents yet. Apparently they work all day and they’re never home. I think this lack of parental presence is supposed to help explain her illness. She wants to stay at La B forever. Abue finally agrees.
Oh hey, it’s Luciana the only bank manager in MC. Gonzo and Isidro are coordinating with her and the police to set up the sting on Berta and Fina.

Regina calls Ines to tell her how happy she is to finally have her daughter and grandchild next to her.  Her soul is finally at peace but they still have to find Jero. She wants to give Nata all the happiness she deserves. Many words of hope and determination, blah blah blah.

Nata shares her news with Adri who is glad Nata has a true and loving mom after that nightmare of an evil stepmother...horrors! Sele arrives and surprise, she is there to see Renata not Roberta. Oh my, just then Roberta clacks down the stairs and thinks Sele is there to invite Berta to her wedding, LOL! “Actually, I’m here to tell Renata exactly what type of bitch you are,” smiles Sele. Berta commands her to shut up, like that would actually work. Sele tells Nata that after she was engaged to Ughie Berta lured him into her bed. “Shut up, stupid!” yells Berta. Hee, check out all their faces. That was good! Rewindx2.

Laz has told Carlos his plan but we didn’t get to hear it, darn. It involves Alfonsina and it’s risky. Come on, that’s all we get? In the midst of their man hug in walks Joven to tell them Sabina found a dying guy in a ravine and wonders if it’s the same guy they are seeking. He called for both Laz and Mati in his incoherent mutterings. 

Berta admits that yes, she and Ughie were lovers and Sele pipes up that Berta tried the nasty with all Nata’s boyfriends and guys who liked her. Sele says she’s glad of the opportunity to tell the truth and unmask the Berta bitch. They tell her Jero also knew about this and Adri gets a little dig in that Jero tried to tell Renata what a creep Ughie is but Nata didn’t believe him. Berta tries to hit Sele but luckily Sele stops her hand, so Berta runs out and calls her guess what? Yep, Estupida! 

Carlos shows Joven a foto of Jero and Joven says it could be but the guy’s face is pretty messed up. Sabina saw some guys beat him up and kick him into the ravine. Mati is going nuts right now and Carlos is right behind her. They decide they’d better check out the mystery guy first before calling Renata. 

Marina calls Tio Padre to update him about Saul and Evil Ughie. He says he suspected as much based on someone’s confession. Mari has no idea what Ughie did with Jero but they’ve just got to find him.

Nata is driving herself crazy wondering what Ughie did with her husband when Regina comes in the room. Regi is shocked to hear that Berta was boinking Ughie. 

Over at EM Germy apologizes to Hons and Matias and says he’ll clear out his office. One thing before he goes though, when he was over at the apartment he met a friend of Berta’s who looked familiar. He just remembered who she is, Fina the ex-mujer of Gonzo. Hons can’t believe it, the police thoroughly searched the apartment. “Even the servant’s room?” asks Germy. Hons asks is Germy completely sure? Yep, and now that he thinks of it he heard Berta on the phone talking to someone she called Mama but he knows it wasn’t Regina. The guys get ready to call the cops but Germy tells them not to bother, she left the apartment this morning. Darn!!! I must admit I’m surprised at Germy for manning up and sharing what he knows with the guys just fired his butt. Are you thinking of that reference letter Germy?

Berta and Fina are set up in a hotel that’s not quite up to Fina’s standards. Beggars can’t be choosers, they didn’t require a credit card deposit or ID. “It’s horrible!” gripes Fina. But enough about Fina, Berta wants to talk about herself, what’s horrible is what Sele did to her, blabbing to Nata that Berta was Ughie’s lover. Berta smugly smiles that at least Renata knows that while Ughie professed love for her he was actually in Berta’s arms. Fina points out Berta has only succeeded in alienating herself further. Nice job Estupida.

At Casa Monterrubio Gonzo, Regina, Nata and Adri talk about Roberta being a bad seed and making her own rotten choices. Gonzo tells them about the upcoming bank sting and he wants Nata to come with them and claim her inheritance. Nata kind of freaks out. She wants to spend 100% of her time and attention on finding Jero and she doesnt’ care about the money, it’s not important. Regina agrees, if it weren’t for the inheritance none of this would have happened. Gonzo calmly says it was her father Roberto’s desire. Renata relents and agrees to go with them that afternoon.

Down in Ensenada the investigator brings the proof against Saul and Ughie to the police station. The guy in charge says he will put an arrest warrant out on Augustin Dunant. Investigator gives him the name of the hotel where Ughie is staying in the DF.

The La B delegation arrives at Sabina’s. They are shocked at Jero’s hamburger face but thank God that Sabina saved him. She tells them some brutes tried to murder him and we get to see the kick-and-dump-the-body scene again. Ouch! 

Carlos whispers to Jero, promising they’ll get to the bottom of this. Sabina says he’s still in bad shape because he doesn’t respond, however he occassionally calls for Renata in his delirium. Sabina says only a love as strong as what Jero feels for Renata can save his life. Super Laz has the great idea that maybe if Jero hears Renata’s voice he’ll respond. Ooooh oooh hoo..the theme song agrees that this is a brilliant plan.

A couple of plainclothes cops go to Ughi’s hotel in the DF only to find he’s flown the coop. 

Carlos calls Renata and she thanks God and the woman who saved Jero as Carlos fills her in on Jero’s condition. He’s hoping if Jero hears her voice he’ll respond. Renata coos into the phone that she loves him and his child needs him very very much. She urges him to live and never give up. They are going to be parents, she’s expecting a child of their love. He has to fight for his life for her, for his child and all their future children. She reminds him how much they have overcome to be together. She sobs and begs him to wake up. Jero groans and says her name and asks where she is. His eyes are closed but he continues to tell her he loves her and only wants to be next to her. Hooray!!!
 Renata gets kidnapped! Ughie has her trapped on a boat and he swears (again) that nobody will find them. Jero shows up in a wet suit. Looks like there is going to be a sword fight on the high seas. Cool!!! But probably not ON TEUSDAY........




They pulled a fast one on us, queridos! This seems like a sleepy little episode but then they pulled the rug right out from under us. Vámonos!

Reviewing from MONDAY'S,;;
                                  , Lazaro and Carlos find Jero at Sabina's home. They waste no time in getting on the phone with Nata. Jero rouses at the sound of her voice and he thinks of all the good times they've shared together. Nata cries that Jero has to survive for her sake and for the sake of their baby. "I love you and all I want is to be near you," Jero mutters.

Melesio the foreman/bearded hitman hides in the bushes as the police grill hacienda workers at Cruz de Desamor. The feds eventually question Mel and warn him about withholding information.

Augie sits on a boat and sharpens his swords. Overcompensating for something, Augie? He muses that no one can accuse him of any crime while in international waters. Then he slices a watermelon in half to prove how manly he is.

Jero stirs and opens his eyes. Nata is overcome with tears of joy as she promises to fly out immediately so she can stay by his side. Gonzo, Regina, and Adriana get a little teary-eyed themselves at the good news and there's hugs all around. Nata thanks the Virgin for sparing Jero's life.

Jero sits up in confusion. He has no memory of how he ended up bleedy in the bottom of a riverbank. Carlos prods Jero to try harder and suddenly the memories come flooding back. Jero met with Saul at a restaurant in the pueblo. Saul tricked Jero into going with him to the church, where Melesio and a gang of thugs jumped Jero. They chloroformed him, drove him out to the country, and beat him senseless.

Lazaro thinks that the workers at Augie's hacienda must believe that Jero is dead. He suggests they keep it a secret that Jero is still alive just in case they might try to finish the job.

Back in La Ciudad, Honorio and Matias have a conference call with Gonzo. Fina keeps slipping through their fingers but they still have hope of catching her. Gonzo and Regina are prepared to go to the bank so that they can finalize the inheritance but she is far too anxious to worry about that now. Jero is her priority. They work it out that Adriana and Nata will catch the first plane available and Regina and Gonzo will leave the next morning. "This nightmare is almost over and soon the sun will shine on all of us." Gonzo promises. ("Esta pesadilla está a punto de terminar, pronto el sol brillará para todos").

Matilde and Manuela are overjoyed to hear that Jero was found alive. It's a miracle! Karina rushes in to tell the ladies about another miracle: she's pregnant! Qué milagro! A baby in the hacienda that isn't Jero's!

Alfonsina pours the charm on for Melesio and wheedles information out of him. He admits to having dumped Jero's body down the riverbank.

Nata and Adriana pack their bags and Regina runs back upstairs to grab some paperwork Nata forgot. Berta strolls in and the ladies keep mum about where they're going. Nata and Berta exchange some tense words but Nata wins this round. "I believe in destiny and I believe everyone receives what they deserve." ("Creo en el destino y yo creo que cada quien recibe lo que se merece"). Adriana chimes in and calls Berta trashy (Esa basura apesta - That garbage stinks).

Regina runs into Berta and asks her to come to the bank with Gonzo so they can finalize the inheritance. Berta can't wait to sign on the dotted line so she can get outta there.

Gonzo, Honorio, and Matias plot how to bring about Fina's downfall. If their plan fails, Berta and Fina will have won the game. Hopefully the chips will fall in their favor. (La moneda está en el aire y ojalá caiga a nuestro favor).

Berta warns Augie about Nata suddenly leaving the house. Plus, Nata knows that she and he were lovers. Augie juts his jaw about it.

Nata calls Marina, who was assisting with a surgery despite her high-risk pregnancy. Nata passes along the news that Jero is alive. Marina cries tears of relief but she probably cries when they get her order right at Burger King.

Jero's looking a bit better now that he's sitting up and eating soup. He swears he will go to the police and describe the guys who jumped him. Unfortunately, his thoughts are all muddled. He keeps thinking that Nata is the one expecting twins and not Marina. Carlos explains that Marina is expecting twins but Nata is pregnant too. Jero gets teary eyed at the happy news.

Carlos says that Nata knew about her pregnancy on the day of the wedding but when Jero didn't show up, she thought he had run off with Marina. Jero is horrified. "No! She thought I abandoned her? Why would she think that?!" Carlos explains with flashbacks that Saul told everyone at the hacienda that Jero and Marina got on a flight together. Then they found Jero's car at the airport and the passenger list on the plane confirmed that Jero was on the flight.

Augie sits restlessly on his boat and creepily sighs about how much he desires Nata.

At the only bank in Mexico, Luciana officiates the paperwork that certifies that Berta is actually Regina Junior. Berta falls right into Gonzo and Regi's trap. She can barely hide her greed over the check. "Wow! I'm a millionaire!" Berta beams. She wants to buy an apartment and lots of other things. Too bad Berta can't touch the money until after her next birthday. "You weren't in a hurry to have it were you?" Regi asks. Berta squirms and gives an insincere "No".

Fina meets a guy in a darkly lit hallway and he gives her a gun. "Now is your time," Fina thinks. "Now is my final revenge."

Alfonsina tells the hacienda ladies what Melesio told her. She has to do what she has to do to find out the truth about Ezequiel's death.

Anibal and Allison chat as they drive to the airport. She doesn't want him to leave. Ani promises he will stay to be with her. D'aww, they're adorable.

Padre and Antonio get the good news about Jero. Padre isn't thrilled to hear that Nata's returning. She's pregnant by Jero too and this is all too "modern" for his sensibilities.

Berta and Fina congregate in a public restroom. Berta shows off the check and cackles about rolling in the dough. They plan to go to Europe together but Berta warns Fina that their relationship is going to change. Berta will not allow her mother to run her life anymore. "That money has given you such security." Fina smirks. "I learned it from you." Oh, touche, Berta.

Anibal and Allison greet Nata and Adriana at the airport. A nearby car watches as Nata and Adri get in Ani's truck. Meanwhile, Jero asks Lazaro and Carlos to help him clean up before Nata arrives.

Augie gets his evil laugh on as he vows to make Jero insane from jealousy.

Carlos calls Nata while she's on the road and he hands the phone over to Jero. They have nothing but lovely, mushy things to say to each other. Jero gets choked up as he asks Nata if they're going to be parents together. Nata confirms that it's true just in time for a black pick-up truck to swerve in front of Anibal. Everyone screams as Anibal is forced to pull the truck off the road.

Chaos erupts. Thugs start shooting at Anibal's truck. They pull Nata out at gunpoint, chloroform her, and throw her in their truck. A thug drags Anibal out of the driver's seat and knocks him to the ground. Adriana and Allison cower in the backseat as the thug shoots toward where Anibal fell to the ground. The kidnappers take off in the truck with Nata, leaving Adri, Allison, and (hopefully) Anibal behind.

Jero desperately tries to call Nata back. He heard a woman screaming and then the call dropped. Oh, no. We have to wait until Monday to find out what happens next.

"You are not my daughter," Regina says to Berta. "You have no idea how much I hate her!" Berta cries. Nata pleads with Augie to let her go. Nata cries by Marina's bedside in a hospital (uh oh), Fina wears a purple wig and points a gun at Nata. Get ready for this one, READERS!!!




I can’t help myself! I have had this old Jo Stafford tune from the 1950’s running through my head since Sylvia identified the boat as likely a shrimp boat. The song refers to a shrimp boat with sails but the photos confirm the questionable luxury where Augie has planned his delusional romantic conquest of Renata.

Review from TEUSDAY: 
                       Padre Sev worries about his modern family, Roberta plans her new independence in Europe with Mama Fina when they are able to cash her dandy check, Regina and Adriana arrive at the airport Anibal and Alison greet them under watchful eyes then Anibal goes for the truck. Jero worries about cleaning up before Renata sees him so Sabina goes for soap. In the car on the way Renata talks to Carlos and then Jero about meeting up at La Bonita or wherever she needs to go to see her husband this very day. They talk sweetly about their love, the coming baby and their plans for living happily ever after, when a flying black pickup truck changes everything. Anibal swerves off the road in response to the truck which turns into a special chauffeur job that Augie planned to get Renata to her honeymoon on the shrimpyloveboat. Augie’s henchmen drive off with Renata leaving a traumatized Alison and Adriana in the back seat and a wounded Anibal on the ground. Jero begins screaming that something happened with the connection so Carlos calls Renata’s number again. The traumatized youngsters decide to answer Renata’s cell phone. Adriana tells Carlos that Augie’s men hijacked the truck and escaped with Renata. An injured Jero is determined to ignore his ham sandwich face and broken ribs and pursue Augie to rescue his beloved.

At La Bonita Matilde and Alfonsina scream about the abduction and leave Manuela (with all the children I assume) to encounter the white truck victims before rushing off to the police station to tell them what they know.

Augie gets word on his shrimp boat that his special delivery is on her way. He smiles with satisfaction at his brilliant plans.

Adriana calls Gonzo and Regina on Renata ‘s phone to tell them what has happened.

Honorio hears from Gema that she will continue to invest HER money in Empresas Monterubbio even though German will be out of the picture. Hon and Mat determine that Roberta can’t be trusted to ever work at EM again. NO….S….. Sherlock.

Mat gets the call from Adriana about the abduction and just like that the whole family knows the latest when it used to take them months to communicate half as much.

Somehow, Alfonsina and Matilde have arrived at the scene jumped into to the ambulance in time to accompany an officer, with Adriana, Alison and the injured Anibal to the police station or hospital. (the editing is a bit choppy but we get it all done). Adriana tells what happened to Renata and Alfonsina assures the officer that she will tell all she knows to the police that Melecio told her about Augie’s cruise plans. The officer swears Augie will not be able to escape them. Which practically assures he is home free and they won’t be able to outrun his nuclear powered shrimpcruiser.

At the villa de bolas, Mat rushes in to collect Gonzo so they can go to the airport Regina cries but sees to go with them for the fastest tele-transported trip to the Baja ever.

Adriana talks with the investigator at warp speed bringing him up on the dastardly deeds of Augie. Alfonsina then declares that she has information from the foreman of La Cruz de Desamor that Augie has left his vineyard for the high seas.

Roberta arrives and screams for service from Panchita who tells her everyone left to rescue Renata. Roberta calls Augie who assures her that she won’t hear from Renata again. Thank god for that, now she is out of her way she responds then tells him the family already knows that Renata has been nabbed. We see Renata’s unconscious body brought onto the boat. Roberta screams more at poor Panchita. If Roberta has such a way with people, perhaps she should try human resources next? Well, maybe after she is miraculously redeemed? Any bets?

Marina shows up at Padre Sev’s and learns from Antonio about said Renata’s abduction. Finally she is thinking clearly and is worried that Augie will do Renata harm. They leave to go meet the injured Jero at La Bonita.

Anibal, in an examination gown seated on the exam table with Alison learns that even though he was just grazed and not really hurt or dead, the doctor assures him that he has to make a declaration with the police since all cases involving firearms the hospital must be reported to the police too. Anibal wants to rush out to rescue Renata while Matilde assures him that the declaration will help the police get to Renata sooner.

Gonzo, Regina, Adriana and Mat discuss events in the La Bonita Adri is updating Honorio on the phone when the guys bring in a limping Jeronimo. They all try to get him to bed while discussing the action plan to rescue Renata. It takes all of them to get him into his room.

Gonzo and Mat discuss that surely this animal won’t hurt Renata like he did Jeronimo. And they all liked him for so long. The masks have all dropped.

Pay attention, amigos, tonight we get one and only one sweet momentary reprieve. Kari gets to tell Lazaro that she has news, and not bad news but what they have been dreaming of. While he is nervous as a cat, she holds her belly and he guesses her news as she tells they will have a baby. He does his famous cry that we all knew he would and talks with cupped hand that he is greetings to this baby. He is his Papa calling through Kari’s stomach. He is talking to his son (hijo). She says maybe it’s a girl (nena). They laugh in delight. Okay, sweet moment is over, back to the salt mines! There is suffering to endure here!

Regina tenderly cleans his face while talking with Jero. Regina tells him she now knows Renata is her true daughter and how joyful it was to tell Renata and see her reaction. He wishes he could have seen the mother and child reunion. He reveals that he knew Roberta was a fake and he knew that Roberta was Augie’s lover. He adds that she needs to tell Gonzo because he is sure that Roberta knows what Augie has done with Renata.

The old sniffer is at work, preferring his women unconscious. It’s like old times. Renata jerks away from him as soon as she is comes to. He tells her that now she is his and they will go off together. He screams and they fight she has always found him kind and can’t believe the nice guy is gone. He swears he has never lost control and has demonstrated his undying love. She shirks off his advances

Gonzo hears from Jero that Roberta has to be questioned if they are to find out where Augie has gone with Renata. She surely knows. They plan to call her.

Augies continues to plant his rancid kisses on Renata and assure her that she will get used to his idea since there is no alternative. (Ick, this conversation was so disgusting.) But Renata realizes that Augie is talking about Jero being dead and her being an available widow (viuda) so she might as well begin to accept his icky advances. Her future is with him. She says you want my body? You can take my body but my heart and soul will always belong only to Jeronimo. Apparently Augie only transmits but doesn’t receive since he only recoils an inch from her slaps but continues trying to turn her on with his winning masculine ways. Renata hugs a picture of the Virgin de Guadalupe and prays to her for a solution out of this trap.

Roberta gets ready to get into bed when Honorio and Constanza enter her bedroom. She tries to kick them out using her nasty sense of righteous indignation. They reach Gonzo on the cell phone so he can ask Roberta to tell them where Renata is. She insists she doesn’t know. Gonzo reveals that they know that she is or was Augie‘s lover. She swears she didn’t tell Augie anything including that Renata was going back to the Baja, and she has no idea where Renata could be now. How could he believe that she could do such a thing. She plays indignation with such flair. He adds that Adriana says they ran into her with their suitcases so she must have guessed and told Augie. What does that have to do with anything and how could her Papa believe Adriana over her. Hon says his daughter is a lot more believable on all fronts that Roberta is. She isn’t giving in an inch and neither are Hon and Con. Gonzo back at La Bonita isn’t too satisfied with this standoff either.

Antonio and Marina arrive at La Bonita. Marina offers to take Jero’s blood pressure and assess whether he has a temperature perhaps needing an antibiotic. Regina is glad for the medical attention. They all leave Jero’s bedroom so Marina can examine him.

Augie has had time to bring great wine on board. So he dines on shrimp? thinking how clever he is and how Renata will cave to his demands.

Augie comes into Renata’s tiny cabin with a tray of food which Renata throws to the floor. The gloves are off and Augie informs her she will have to get over her annoyance or it’s tough (jaringarse) sooner so later she will comply with his fantasy.

Roberta calls Fina to complain about her Papa’s unjust accusation. Fina thinks it is great that Augie has taken Renata off their hands so she won’t have to finish Renata off herself. Check one more annoyance off the list. Something tells me that Fina and we all know that Roberta isn’t ready to meet Mom on an adult to adult level…

Carlos, Mat and another helper arrive to grab Melecio at the cantina while he waits for Alfonsina who seems to be late for their dinner date. They guys take him into custody with a minimum of fuss. He just looks confused about why Alfonsina isn’t there.

Laz arrives in the living room and is brought up to date on Marina arrival and the examination in Jero’s room. Anibal swears to all present that he is totally with them and wants to help bring Augie to justice in any way he can aid them.

Marina tells Jero she feels responsible for his beating and for Renata’s disappearance when she found out that Augie used her via Saul. She tells Jero that she and Renata have found friendship when they were working together to rescue him. And she wants to assure him that she realizes now what her role is and that of her children. She tells him that she will never use her children against him again but wants them to know him and respect him. He call her not only a good woman but a great woman. (Maybe he is sketching plans for an episode of Modern Family here.)

Renata finds her cabin door unlocked so goes exploring first below deck then climbs up. Arriving on deck in the dark, she scans far out at sea while creepster Augie asks her if she got bored being in her cabin. He points out the obvious that she is far out to sea and there is no escape so she might as well go back to her bed for the night. He assures her that there is no option but him and there is no more manly man than him. She pushes past him with a disgusted gesture of rejection but he grins in the night as her turns to black and white.
