Paddo picks up the call and is shocked..! Trish asks the matter! Paddo says.. Shammo has met with an accident.. a rod has hit his head! Trish asks where n how? Paddo says.. SK studio.. n the duo rush!
Paddo comes running and screams.. Maleek .. n Trish too..! Trish says..its all dark around..wonder where he is? Paddo says… that she was told that he is in such bad state..that he cant be rushed to the hosp! Right then Shammo rushes to Paddo n asks..if she is fine? The duo.. are all in panic and ask the other if they are fine? Madhu watches.. Shammo-Paddo in all panic ..holding on to each other..! Shammo says strange.. as he got a call that during nite shift.. light fell on Paddo.. so he and Madhu rushed! Trish says.. that its strange as they too got a similar message about Shammo! Paddo asks.. who has done this cheap trick? RK says.. forgive me.. n lights come up on RK..! All are shocked.!

RK tells Paddo that.. she has underestimated Shammo .. ! He seeks forgiveness from Paddo for lying..! RK says that he din wanna scare her.. n Paddo steps ahead and slaps RK..! All are shocked! Paddo is glaring at RK … ! RK glares back at Paddo.. but softens and tells her.. to slap him a few more times.. and to take out all her anger on him.. as much as she felt..just like the love.. n feeling she has deep in her heart for Shammo..! Shammo asks RK to stay quiet! RK says if he doesnt open his will he see that Shammo-Paddo love each other! RK says.. one small lie.. n the duo are so pained for each other! RK says..that.. if he din lie.. their love for each other wont have come to the fore! Paddo says..this is not the lines of his film ..that hero speaks ..n all shush! Madhu-Shammo ask RK to stay quiet.. but he says..he will but after getting answers to his questions!

RK asks.. if Paddo-Shammo dun share each others pain? Shammo says..yes! RK asks if they dun support each other in every happiness-sadness? Shammo says yes..! RK says..then what is wrong in giving this relation a name? RK says..they are acting like hubby-wife why they dun accept and get married? Trish asks.. RK who gave him right to force the duo? Who gave him right to decide their happiness/sadness or their marriage? RK asks Trish to keep quiet. n stay out of it..! He says.. its for Shammo-Paddo to decide..! He apologises to Paddo! He says.. after long there would be fingerprint on his face n not makeup! RK asks if he din do all this.. would she have talked to Shammo about Madhus idea? Would Shammo have? RK says.. no! He says…he only wants to give their relation a name..! He says..he understands the value of hubby-wife relation..! He says.. that this ceremony will only accentuate the value of this relation! Paddo runs off! Madhu tries to follow but Trish blocks her and asks her to manage her hubby! RK says..he knows this subject has created a storm in Shammos life. but this storm will settle his home.. n may the storm subside at the marriage ceremony! RK requests Shammo to consider..! Shammo walks off in a huff! Madhu in tears..! RK hugs her.. …to comfort her!

At the chawl .. Paddo rushes inside and closes the door..! Trish follows and knocks on the door and asks Paddo to open the door! Paddo asks Trish to leave her alone! Trish asks Paddo if she would have left her alone if she was in pain? Trish says.. that if Paddo doesnt let her in ..she should not let Madhu & RK interfere in her life either..! Trish asks Paddo to open..! Finally Paddo relents..! Shammo is standing by Trish’s side..! The duo feel awkward looking at each other..! Paddo tells Trish that she is fine.. but wants to stay alone..! She looks at Shammo ..! Shammo asks Trish to leave Paddo alone..n the duo go off!
At the mansion Radha is waiting for RK-Madhu..! The duo arrive..! Radha looks at Madhu n RK ..! RK tells Madhu he is heading to his room..! Radha asks Madhu the matter? If she is ok? Madhu hugs Radha and breaksdown! Radha asks her to calm down and tell her the matter..! Madhu says… Paddo slapped RK..! Radha is taken aback..!

Paddo recollects RKs questions n Shammos answers! The window panes are crashing and Paddo comes to the window n sees Shammo sitting under the tree and he too looks at her..! Suddenly one of the pane hits Paddo .. n Shammo gets up to reach her but stops midway! The duo look away from each other..!

At night Madhu is recollecting RKs words for Shammo-Paddo..! RK calls out to Madhu..! She turns to look at him! RK says that for a film to be hit.. there are two reasons.. good story/ good stars.. and if both are together.. film will be superhit! RK says.. Shammo-Paddo are same.. both are superstars.. n their story is hit too so film has to be superhit! Madhu says..there way was wrong! RK says.. a person can be forgiven for mistakes. .but not for making efforts..! He says. .even their love story was incorrect! Madhu looks at RK! RK asks Madhu if she is complaining? Madhu is quiet..! RK removes one of the pillows… between them..! He stretches his hand n places on Madhus pillow..! Madhu rests her face on his hand..! BG- Hum hain dewane! The duo holds each others hands..!


Ballu comes and surprises Trish at a temple where she is waiting for Paddo..! Trish tells him to go but Ballu says..he wont till she says yes..! Trish notices.. Paddo coming and freezes..!

RK tells Madhu to let the nite pass.. for who knows.. next morning mite bring good news ..! He says.. something good will happen n bets Rs. 100 with Madhu..! RK says.. the 100 rs will b precious n Madhu says.. losing the bet will be sweetest ever!
Next day Paddo is making preps for puja! Trish asks about Shammo n says.. he din come home! Paddo says.. no. n that he can fend for himself..! Trish tells Paddo that RK did childish act .. but RK-Glycerine were not wrong! Paddo tells Trish not to talk on this n come to temple with her!
At the temple Trish gets Ballus agents call but doesnt take..! Paddo asks her to receive and goes inside to worship..! Trish cuts the call Paddo does the puja..! Paddo turns n sees Radha..! Radha inquires about Govardhan vrat.. n Paddo explains the Mathura-Shri Krishna thingy..! She talks of it being related to hubby-wifey thing also..! Radha apologises to Paddo about RKs doing ..! Paddo avoids the discussion..!
Radha talks of her decision to re-marry.. a touf decision but it being in the interest of RK…! She rues about marrying but ending up losing her son! She praises Paddos luck of how her kids want her to have a new life! Radha praises Paddos guts and gumption of leaving her hubby to save her kids..! Praises Shammos support in her life..!
Ballu arrives driving his ambulance!
Radha asks what is wrong in the suggestion of the kids .. rather Paddo is wrong to carry on the past relation..! Paddo tells Radha ..she cant do it..! Radha says.. her kids will leave one day.. then how will she pass life? Radha tells Paddo to break old ties to forge new ones! Radha tells Paddo that the darkness from her life is gone n its time to illuminate her life..!
Ballu pops up in front of Trish..! Ballu salutes the temple saying he must be happy seeing Ballu there.! Trish calls out ‘Maa’!
Radha apologises to Paddo if her words hurt her but asks to consider! The duo are coming down the steps of temple
Part 2
Trish tells Ballu .. YES ..will do movie..! Ballu shakes her hand..! She asks Ballu to leave ..!Paddo tells Radha she doesnt wanna talk on this..!Ballu leaves..!
Paddo asks Trish the matter and why she is panic stricken? Paddo introes Trish to Radha!
Radha tells Madhu to cheer up.. ! She says..she talked to Paddo..! Madhu says..her mom is stubborn! Radha says they need to give them time..! Madhu rues if they are taking them apart? RK says.. as much Madhu cries in a day.. it doesnt rain so much in Rajasthan in the whole year!
Part 3
RK tells Madhu that she gave her so much lecture about love n trust then why is she crying? RK says..he was told to prove.. not just speak..she meant it or just said to increase TRP?? Madhu says.. RKs style is to create bigger wound near old wound so one doesnt feel the pain!

Paddo comes home n sees Shammos stuff one.. n a letter left for her..! Paddo runs on the road to stop him..!
Rishbala say.. they are with us for 6 days now
