Marina figures out her ploy to move in on Jero isn’t getting Renata out of her way. (I know I’m the mean cynic and poor little obstetrical doctor Marina just doesn’t know how to deal with this pregnancy that is her only tie to the disinterested Jero.) What Augie figures out that Nesme still being alive is because Jero is getting in his way. Poor little Lioncio is driving the red wreck and yes there is the bottle in the back seat again as Nesme shoots Lazaro off his horse, reloads his gun and guzzles a bit of the medicine while abusing everyone in the car. Jero leaves Renata in charge of Marina and goes to help the rescue crew. The car stops, yes I see now, he did know that the horse was there, he tells Leoncio to pull over by that horse. He takes the flask says salud to Leoncio and then makes sure that isn’t what he is going to get. Leoncio pleads not to be killed he swears he won’t talk or open his mouth. But the cameras shift up the road to Lazaro standing up as we hear the shot in the distance. The cars and horses are off to the chase as Nastiness takes the still unconscious Kari and thankgod her veil is still securely in place on her sleepy head. and heads toward the horse that doesn’t look big enough for two. Jero reaches Carlos for an update of what has happened. Lazaro is scratched, mad as hell and very alive in the back seat as the pursuit continues.
Manuela is cryng and Renata soothes her telling her kindly not to cry but hands her blanket and pillow to take to Marina. Manuela thinks things are worse for Renata than anyone else. Renata and she worry about Kari and Marina but Renata’s good humor holds firm.
The other white gowns stroll and talk about getting the money the doctor is now expecting. Blanca says the choice is in favors (her preferred payment method) or money. Fina says it ‘ll have to be money because I can’t be with someone like him. Fina is in a snit about sharing her money but says she needs permission to make a call in order to get the money delivered so she can really negotiate with power.
Marina’s doctor calls back and Jero puts him on speaker phone so all can hear. On the other end, the doctor insists that Marina is not to be moved an inch until he comes to examine her (revisar.) He rats her out too, he says Marina you know this is the second time you have had blood spotting. For a doctor, she is being the worst kind of patient denying the gravity of her situation of being stuck in the red dress when Renata can change clothes at any time. Well, you know I mean the babies welfare is the only other important impediment. Renata again takes command of HER house and assures the doctor through the speaker that they will take good care of her and be sure she is kept as quiet and calm as he advises. So much for adolescent behavior, Marina, now you have lost your adult rights, lie down and shut up!
Renata decides that Manuela and the girls will be sent to prepare the famous guest room and Jero thanks her for her understanding and support.
Honorio and Gonzolo discuss Hernan Varolo? What do you think of his attractive offer to invest with us? It will make radical changes in the empresa. Gonz says he is a good man and trustworthy. Once again, Hon is doubtful and Gonz is trusting. Gonzo thanks him for his support and friendship. Hon is glad he is getting better fast and mostly glad that Fina isn’t there vexing their lives. Gonzo writes: you are my brother. Hon agrees, Gonzo is his brother too.
The women at La Bon pray and hope for Kari’s rescue. Manuela tells them they have to prepare a room for the pregnant one, rolling of eyes is universal.
Hon comes into the house of horrors, aka Gonz’s pad where Roberta asks a doubting Hon has he heard from Gonz that she is to work at the EM. He reminds her she was about to come to work before and never showed up. She quickly passes that off since she was only too ready to come but then she lost the baby. (She is getting a lot of mileage out of the Fina caused miscarriage) He is openly shocked and says why do you want to work in the company? You know nothing of investments or exportation let alone business. But I can learn fast and I want to be productive and helpful. At least think about it, talk to Matias and Gonzo and maybe give me another chance.
Blanca is having that little talk with the director of the loca farm. He says you know what will happen if anything goes wrong. She says a little too breathlessly I know you will punish me. He kisses her hand and lets Fina in for only one call. He doesn’t want to risk his job.
The work-bound Roberta answers her cell phone. Mom asks, how are you? I miss you. I want you to leave me alone, leave me in peace. I am your mother and those ties last a lifetime. I didn’t just call to greet you, I need to see you. She demands Roberta come to see her and bring her money, you know the money she gave her.
Jero tucks Marina into the bed in the GUEST ROOM (there must be some satisfaction for Renata in sticking her there) under Renata s observation and the little nurse that caused half of the problem comes in her dainty dress having hoped for a romantic scene, The matter of fact Renata wants to get her something to eat. She’s not hungry, she whines, but Renata says the babies need nutrition. Jero leaves them in the GUEST Room. He thanks her again profusely, she is the most generous and wonderful woman in the world. She demurs saying not to thank her so much, she is doing it more for obligation than desire (Mas por deber que por querer.) This woman is so clearly in command of the hacienda and EVERYONE in it knows it.
The Nurse wants to know why Marina is crying, another contraction? Now she says she is so humiliated. Imagine being in the house of the man you love, the man who is father to your children and have to share him with is wife. Oh cry me a river you deluded girl.
The police have arrived at the car and cover the body of Leoncio but Lazaro arrives and thinks the sheet is covering his Kari, he flips out. They are told it is Leoncio Perez from Tijuana. Carlos and Laz realize at the same moment that Leo was always an accomplice, they were betrayed. Lazaro insists that he won’t leave the hunt for Kari even though Carlos thinks the better plan would be to return to La Bonita and wait for the police to do their work. Lazaro is not going to leave, even though they point out that the territory is large and they don’t know where Nesme and Kari are. Zeke things he can go back to Cruz Sin Amor and get a fire under Augie who will go into blame game when he realizes that Nesme is alive. He doesn’t want Augie to know he was in on the search. Careful Zeke.
The phone call gets heated with Fina demanding that Roberta bring her this money or she will reveal who she really is and ruin Roberta’s life. Roberta says she hates her and Fina screams that it is she who enabled Roberta to live the life of a princess and if she doesn’t do as she says and bring the money her little reign will be over. She has to bring the money in a day or so or else. Roberta cries why did she have to be her real daughter.
Back with the locas, the doctor comes back in with Blanca who tells him that the next thing they want is freedom. He is laughing, what makes you think you are going to get freedom or that I would risk my post. Fina says you can make fun of us now. Blanca assures him they need to seek revenge from those unjustly put them in this place. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Fina says when you get all that money you will change your opinion. He says let me see the money in my hands then and we will talk. Such a fine man to run an important asylum. Gives you hope for the mental health facilities of the world. He finishes with, now return to the park I don’t have more time for you .
Bells toll and Chema greets Julieta at the miracle cafe, he is trying to write letters (menus? Or signs) but can’t think what to say. She offers to help. He says I really like you and that Matias is a good guy for you. She plays along with rolling eyes.
Hon tells Adri and Mat that Gonzo has given his blessing for the Varola hiring and the kids are happy then he tells them that Roberta is coming to work and they are both WTF?? She is useless, cries Adriana. They discuss that she is up to something and no good and stupid and lazy and Hon agrees with every word but Gonz has given his permission. We’ll have to watch her.
Roberta is cursing her fate of being Fina’s evil spawn and not Regina’s. What is she to do with that wicked mother who if she can convince the courts and the doctors that she is crazy is capable of anything. Regina comes into Roberta’s room to tell her she is going to the center and she is again so glad to have Roberta with her. Roberta feels even worse when she leaves.
Jero has a little melt down at the problems but Renata insists it is not his fault that Panal and the doctors at the prison left Nesme unguarded so he could escape. Besides Nesme loves Kari, he isn’t going to hurt her. Jero says he is an alcoholic and may love her when he is in his right mind but who knows how he could hurt her when he is blotto in a drunken rage. Renata tries to reassure him that all will be well.
Speak of the devil, Alvaro is in full rage while Kari sobs that she wants to be let go. Nesme keeps insisting that she is his property and he will take her off and they will have a new life, oblivious to the reality of how hated he is. I can’t write more detail on this scene, I need water. I need air.
The nurse accompanies Alfonsina to her house with the baby and says in all her years of working for the Dr. Nesme, she never thought he was such a bad person. Then she asks Alfonsina, did you really ever love him and Alfonsina says in truth, NO.
Back in the den of hell, Alvaro is torturing our long suffering Kari in mind and body with his nasty rough treatment and he hurts her further by threatening suicide by putting the gun in mouth. Stupidly Kari screams, no no. He then pretends he sees Laz out of the window and will shoot him and says he will shoot anyone like he did old Leoncio.
Gonzo comes downstairs and sees the maid making excuses of why Antonio can’t see Gonzo. Gonzo looks at the clothes and says why are you dressed like this? I am a seminarian, Antonio says. He wants to say goodbye and apologize again. He was a coward and did not reveal what he knew. He admits that he was Fina’s accomplice and that he know that Pepa and Fina were the same person long before any of them did. He lied when Gonzo asked him if she was. The kind Gonzo writes, it isn’t your fault and later we couldn’t have guessed what she would do. Gonzo calls Antonio a good man. Antonio thanks him, he wants to find a path to peace in a life with god. He owes the family a great debt. He will be going to Valle de Guadelupe near his daughter, which pleases Gonzo. Antonio vows he will do all he can to help them.
Zeke walks into Augies’ office as Augie immediately starts with the recriminations how did anyone miss Nesme’s non-death? Zeke jumps but says oh, we were all so surprised, no one had any idea. Augie wantd revenge on Nesme because he was a traitor, he says as he looks meaningfully at Zeke. Zeke says are you going to mount a hunt then? No, that wouldn’t look good if either I or my people were involved. Augie reasons that the police will get to Nesme who would far prefer to die than be sent to jail. You of all people know how awful that is. Wow, what a nasty thing to bring up, thinks Zeke as the color drains from the scene.
Next episode:
Manuela is cryng and Renata soothes her telling her kindly not to cry but hands her blanket and pillow to take to Marina. Manuela thinks things are worse for Renata than anyone else. Renata and she worry about Kari and Marina but Renata’s good humor holds firm.
The other white gowns stroll and talk about getting the money the doctor is now expecting. Blanca says the choice is in favors (her preferred payment method) or money. Fina says it ‘ll have to be money because I can’t be with someone like him. Fina is in a snit about sharing her money but says she needs permission to make a call in order to get the money delivered so she can really negotiate with power.
Marina’s doctor calls back and Jero puts him on speaker phone so all can hear. On the other end, the doctor insists that Marina is not to be moved an inch until he comes to examine her (revisar.) He rats her out too, he says Marina you know this is the second time you have had blood spotting. For a doctor, she is being the worst kind of patient denying the gravity of her situation of being stuck in the red dress when Renata can change clothes at any time. Well, you know I mean the babies welfare is the only other important impediment. Renata again takes command of HER house and assures the doctor through the speaker that they will take good care of her and be sure she is kept as quiet and calm as he advises. So much for adolescent behavior, Marina, now you have lost your adult rights, lie down and shut up!
Renata decides that Manuela and the girls will be sent to prepare the famous guest room and Jero thanks her for her understanding and support.
Honorio and Gonzolo discuss Hernan Varolo? What do you think of his attractive offer to invest with us? It will make radical changes in the empresa. Gonz says he is a good man and trustworthy. Once again, Hon is doubtful and Gonz is trusting. Gonzo thanks him for his support and friendship. Hon is glad he is getting better fast and mostly glad that Fina isn’t there vexing their lives. Gonzo writes: you are my brother. Hon agrees, Gonzo is his brother too.
The women at La Bon pray and hope for Kari’s rescue. Manuela tells them they have to prepare a room for the pregnant one, rolling of eyes is universal.
Hon comes into the house of horrors, aka Gonz’s pad where Roberta asks a doubting Hon has he heard from Gonz that she is to work at the EM. He reminds her she was about to come to work before and never showed up. She quickly passes that off since she was only too ready to come but then she lost the baby. (She is getting a lot of mileage out of the Fina caused miscarriage) He is openly shocked and says why do you want to work in the company? You know nothing of investments or exportation let alone business. But I can learn fast and I want to be productive and helpful. At least think about it, talk to Matias and Gonzo and maybe give me another chance.
Blanca is having that little talk with the director of the loca farm. He says you know what will happen if anything goes wrong. She says a little too breathlessly I know you will punish me. He kisses her hand and lets Fina in for only one call. He doesn’t want to risk his job.
The work-bound Roberta answers her cell phone. Mom asks, how are you? I miss you. I want you to leave me alone, leave me in peace. I am your mother and those ties last a lifetime. I didn’t just call to greet you, I need to see you. She demands Roberta come to see her and bring her money, you know the money she gave her.
Jero tucks Marina into the bed in the GUEST ROOM (there must be some satisfaction for Renata in sticking her there) under Renata s observation and the little nurse that caused half of the problem comes in her dainty dress having hoped for a romantic scene, The matter of fact Renata wants to get her something to eat. She’s not hungry, she whines, but Renata says the babies need nutrition. Jero leaves them in the GUEST Room. He thanks her again profusely, she is the most generous and wonderful woman in the world. She demurs saying not to thank her so much, she is doing it more for obligation than desire (Mas por deber que por querer.) This woman is so clearly in command of the hacienda and EVERYONE in it knows it.
The Nurse wants to know why Marina is crying, another contraction? Now she says she is so humiliated. Imagine being in the house of the man you love, the man who is father to your children and have to share him with is wife. Oh cry me a river you deluded girl.
The police have arrived at the car and cover the body of Leoncio but Lazaro arrives and thinks the sheet is covering his Kari, he flips out. They are told it is Leoncio Perez from Tijuana. Carlos and Laz realize at the same moment that Leo was always an accomplice, they were betrayed. Lazaro insists that he won’t leave the hunt for Kari even though Carlos thinks the better plan would be to return to La Bonita and wait for the police to do their work. Lazaro is not going to leave, even though they point out that the territory is large and they don’t know where Nesme and Kari are. Zeke things he can go back to Cruz Sin Amor and get a fire under Augie who will go into blame game when he realizes that Nesme is alive. He doesn’t want Augie to know he was in on the search. Careful Zeke.
The phone call gets heated with Fina demanding that Roberta bring her this money or she will reveal who she really is and ruin Roberta’s life. Roberta says she hates her and Fina screams that it is she who enabled Roberta to live the life of a princess and if she doesn’t do as she says and bring the money her little reign will be over. She has to bring the money in a day or so or else. Roberta cries why did she have to be her real daughter.
Back with the locas, the doctor comes back in with Blanca who tells him that the next thing they want is freedom. He is laughing, what makes you think you are going to get freedom or that I would risk my post. Fina says you can make fun of us now. Blanca assures him they need to seek revenge from those unjustly put them in this place. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Fina says when you get all that money you will change your opinion. He says let me see the money in my hands then and we will talk. Such a fine man to run an important asylum. Gives you hope for the mental health facilities of the world. He finishes with, now return to the park I don’t have more time for you .
Bells toll and Chema greets Julieta at the miracle cafe, he is trying to write letters (menus? Or signs) but can’t think what to say. She offers to help. He says I really like you and that Matias is a good guy for you. She plays along with rolling eyes.
Hon tells Adri and Mat that Gonzo has given his blessing for the Varola hiring and the kids are happy then he tells them that Roberta is coming to work and they are both WTF?? She is useless, cries Adriana. They discuss that she is up to something and no good and stupid and lazy and Hon agrees with every word but Gonz has given his permission. We’ll have to watch her.
Roberta is cursing her fate of being Fina’s evil spawn and not Regina’s. What is she to do with that wicked mother who if she can convince the courts and the doctors that she is crazy is capable of anything. Regina comes into Roberta’s room to tell her she is going to the center and she is again so glad to have Roberta with her. Roberta feels even worse when she leaves.
Jero has a little melt down at the problems but Renata insists it is not his fault that Panal and the doctors at the prison left Nesme unguarded so he could escape. Besides Nesme loves Kari, he isn’t going to hurt her. Jero says he is an alcoholic and may love her when he is in his right mind but who knows how he could hurt her when he is blotto in a drunken rage. Renata tries to reassure him that all will be well.
Speak of the devil, Alvaro is in full rage while Kari sobs that she wants to be let go. Nesme keeps insisting that she is his property and he will take her off and they will have a new life, oblivious to the reality of how hated he is. I can’t write more detail on this scene, I need water. I need air.
The nurse accompanies Alfonsina to her house with the baby and says in all her years of working for the Dr. Nesme, she never thought he was such a bad person. Then she asks Alfonsina, did you really ever love him and Alfonsina says in truth, NO.
Back in the den of hell, Alvaro is torturing our long suffering Kari in mind and body with his nasty rough treatment and he hurts her further by threatening suicide by putting the gun in mouth. Stupidly Kari screams, no no. He then pretends he sees Laz out of the window and will shoot him and says he will shoot anyone like he did old Leoncio.
Gonzo comes downstairs and sees the maid making excuses of why Antonio can’t see Gonzo. Gonzo looks at the clothes and says why are you dressed like this? I am a seminarian, Antonio says. He wants to say goodbye and apologize again. He was a coward and did not reveal what he knew. He admits that he was Fina’s accomplice and that he know that Pepa and Fina were the same person long before any of them did. He lied when Gonzo asked him if she was. The kind Gonzo writes, it isn’t your fault and later we couldn’t have guessed what she would do. Gonzo calls Antonio a good man. Antonio thanks him, he wants to find a path to peace in a life with god. He owes the family a great debt. He will be going to Valle de Guadelupe near his daughter, which pleases Gonzo. Antonio vows he will do all he can to help them.
Zeke walks into Augies’ office as Augie immediately starts with the recriminations how did anyone miss Nesme’s non-death? Zeke jumps but says oh, we were all so surprised, no one had any idea. Augie wantd revenge on Nesme because he was a traitor, he says as he looks meaningfully at Zeke. Zeke says are you going to mount a hunt then? No, that wouldn’t look good if either I or my people were involved. Augie reasons that the police will get to Nesme who would far prefer to die than be sent to jail. You of all people know how awful that is. Wow, what a nasty thing to bring up, thinks Zeke as the color drains from the scene.
Next episode:
It looks like everything heats up and nothing cools down, nothing. Renata gets out of that infernal red dress, leaves a note and goes to town.Others aren't so lucky.
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