Repeating from TODAY'S, Marina told Jerónimo to leave her alone and he said he will never stop looking out for her and their child.
Meanwhile over in Fina’s fine new accommodations, she hollered at her new fuzzy little butler to get her out of there. Fuzzybutt is not as easily intimidated as the staff she’s used to, though, so he merely continued patrolling the windowsill while his buddy spit-polished the toilet. Fina seems to have the idiot human guards convinced she really is crazy, though. The prison director says it isn’t up to them to decide so Fina’s stuck in solitary anyway.
In the Monterrubio Family Memorial Waiting Room, Matías, Honorio, and Adriana are informed of Gonzo’s new lights on, but nobody at home status. Mat and Adri go to visit him and Renata encourages everyone to keep their hopes up. Honorio, Constanza, and Regina go off to the cafeteria, leaving Jero and Renata alone. Jero says he admires her attitude, Renata gives us last week’s aphorism, and I think we’re finally picking up with new material.
Mat and Adri look at Gonzo and are sad. Mat is going to stay the night. Adri says she loves him and she’s with him always. Except, you know, right now, when she’s going to go sleep in her own bed. But mostly, totally with him. She leaves and Matías remembers when Fina first came into his life, murdered his fútbol, and told him to scram. He squashes that thought with a better memory of reuniting with his father, then tells Gonzo he’s so proud to have him as a father. I guess Mat has finally grown up a little and learned not to castigate people when they’re already down; not noticing how abusive Fina was to the kids all those years seems like pretty pathetic fathering to me.
Jero tells Renata that Lázaro and Karina are getting married the coming weekend and want them to be witnesses. Renata is thrilled and says she’d love to go, but with her dad’s condition she can’t. Jero suggests that if Gonzo is stable, they could make a really quick trip of it; after all, his recovery will probably be long and she can’t just sit in the hospital the entire time. Like Laz says, you have to look for happiness; sadness comes on its own. If going to the wedding would make her happy, she should go and they can fly back immediately if necessary. Renata agrees. Roberta eavesdrops and glares at their affectionate functionality.
Roberta calls Augustín and reports that Jero and Renata will be heading to La Bonita for the wedding. He says after what Renata is going to experience, she’ll decide on her own to leave Jero para siempre. Bwahahahaha. He’s heading over tomorrow to set his dastardly scheme in motion.
In the hospital caf, Honorio and Constanza tell Regina that Chema has a brain tumor.
Chema drops by the house to tell Adri that his father came to his apartment, but he didn’t talk to him. Adri convinces him that if his dad came to visit after all this time, it must be really important so he should definitely talk to him. After all, haven’t they learned from the deaths of their mothers and Gonzalo’s injuries that you shouldn’t leave important things until it’s too late? Chema agrees because he lurves Adri so much. He smooches her on the cheek and she nervously tries to cling to the fine line she’s walking.
The Ensenada prison guy gripes with the prison doctor about the one who got away. He asks whether Dr. DrunkySkunk said anything while he was in the prison hospital which might be a clue as to where he is now, but jaildoc has nothing. Other guy wants to find him ASAP.
Dr. AllVile Nasty sits in his new office, self-medicating as usual. His feet are on the desk with the bottoms aimed at us, which is offensive and insulting in some cultures. Since it’s Nesme, though, the rudeness of his soles can’t remotely compare to the repulsiveness of his soul, so ni modo. He mutters to himself that he knows Karina has always preferred Lázaro, but he will never have her. Never. He crushes his glass in his hand (also ni modo; it was just for show as he was drinking straight from the bottle) and says she’ll be dead before he’ll let her be with another.
Elsa tries to pep-talk Marina, at least for the baby’s sake. It can’t be good for the kid to marinate in maudlin moroseness. Marina just keeps crying and flashes back to playing doctor with Jero and tells the baby he or she is a product of LURVE, f’rills. Boredom plus hormones equals true love, I guess. Frankly, I don’t think math is Marina’s best subject.
Oh, sweet relief, Carlos and Matilde. Even though they’re fighting. Mati’s mad that Carlos didn’t tell her Marina is pregnant, and obviously he is obligated to tell her everything. Carlos says no way. It’s one thing to trust her, but spilling other people’s secrets is a different matter. She says gossip gets around anyway; as the saying goes, small town, big inferno. Carlos says Marina is going back to the big city, so that should put an end to it, but of course Jero is going to take care of his child. Mati finally calms down and thinks about how hard this is going to be for Jero, Marina, and their child, rather than how difficult it is for her to not hear the gossip first.
Back in the D.F., Jero meets with Obispo Juan Cristóbal to tell his side of the story. We get lots of flashbacks to review the action. Meeting Renata, Rafael dead, vengeance, lies. PLUS flashbacks of ENDA: JC telling Carlota he’d rather spend the rest of his life rotting in prison than a moment in bed with her, etc. That was such a good show. JC tells Jero that before he became a priest, when he believed Macarena had killed herself, he became an alcoholic, so he understands Jero completely losing it when he was told his brother had committed suicide. Jero gets to the really bad part: he believed Renata was responsible for Rafa’s death, so he swore to make her life hell and made his own life hellish in the process.
Regina counsels Renata on dealing with her emotional trauma, as though she knows anything useful about it.
**Here the Emergency Alert System breaks in with an abduction announcement, and I miss some of the show. Please fill in anything relevant in the comments (and, of course, if you know anything about the missing kid’s dondeabouts, I hope you have already called the police. They are saying the abductor is violent. Be safe and get home, kiddo.)**
…Renata tells Regina that surely with her therapy skills Gonzalo will recover soon.
Jero tells Bishop JC that he realized Renata couldn’t be La Bonita, so he renounced vengeance and started seeking justice instead. JC remarks with a totally straight face, “so many sins are committed en nombre del amor.” Jero continues his story of trying to win Renata back.
Renata says encouraging stuff to Gonzalo and shows him photos in an album and cries talking about her childhood memories with him. Tears run down Gonzo’s cheeks and he looks at her affectionately. Seems to me he has some connection with the world.
Jero swears to Obispo JC that he really truly loves Renata, totally and for sure. JC believes him, and Jero doesn’t even mention the sittin’ in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G part. JC says they’ll let them know in a few days about cancelling the annulment. Jero says if they do annul the marriage, he and Renata will just request to be married again. Jero leaves and JC is sad that his life with Macarana didn’t work out as well as things did for Renata and Jero. {I think this is because JC gave Mac a diamond ring, when he should have given her a big bottle of Eau de Protagonista. Being the star is the only way to ensure survival}.
Selene runs into Roberta at the spa and chastises her for pampering herself while the rest of her family suffers. Selene isn’t too reformed to rub it in that Berta’s mommy is in prison; how mortifying. Roberta boredly says that Fina isn’t her mother; she just kidnapped her from Regina. Selene is agog.
Benjamin sneaks up on Chema at the charity place kitchen. Ben says he’s been a bad father and should have accepted Chema’s choices. They make up. Big hugs. Chema’s a little confused.
Roberta invites Selene out to eat to tell her the whole story, but Selene says they’ll never be friends again, because Roberta is bitter and nasty and will turn out just like Fina even if she isn’t her daughter. What’s-his-guts joins them and Roberta sneers at him, but he says dating Selene is a huge step up from slutty bitter hag Roberta, who will never be happy with anyone.
Adri has joined Matías in the hospital cafeteria and is back to saying “estoy contigo” now that she is done sleeping comfortably and primping and chatting with her other novio. She knows it’s a bad time, but she wants Matías’s support in making Chema happy in his last days. Chema believes she’s his novia so she wants to encourage that. “And what if I don’t support this plan?” Mat asks. “Well, then I guess I’ll give back the engagement ring and break up with you, and you can go find someone else and I’ll play girlfriend to Chema,” Adri cries. She just can’t let Chema die alone.
Marina’s upset that Jero and Renata are comin’ to town; Augie mutters darkly, Fina’s on trial and thinking menacing thoughts at the courtroom peanut gallery.
Sorry, no vocab tonight. The captions were absolute crap.
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