We get to see Bad Seed laugh at the bodybuilding pics again and we get the face again, but its only a face of disappointment b/c the phone turned off and she gets snooty again about his crappy electronics and tells him to call Ramiro.
Who is muddying her name to her sis. When he says BadSeed is sick and her tantrums aren’t normal and could be dangerous to others, Llora looks thoughtful but right away goes back to making excuses for BadSeed. Then he reminds her how her sister always took her toys when they were little and now he’s the toy. She looks like she knows he’s right and says she has been weird lately and she’s worried about her but no, she can’t she’s too hurt to trust him and he grabs her and tries to kiss it better.
Evaristo is all smiles and chuckles and compliments w/Jenny but she isn’t having any, she reminds him she never liked him and tried to get Marcelo to fire him. He tries to warn her about Bad Seed’s true nature but she won’t listen he prophesies that one day she’ll know he’s right. He tries to convince her he’s not just trying to extort Bad Seed, and the person who maybe saw Marcelo is both a stranger to her and a trustworthy source. They discuss why Marcelo would disappear if he isn’t dead and we learn that Marcelo does have a living father who is depressed his son is dead.
Evaristo speculates that if Marcelo is alive something or someone is keeping him from the people he loves and he could even be in danger! He gets Jenny to agree to work w/him on the case and then grabs a photo while she’s in the other room making him coffee and slips out w/o a word.
Abuela is sitting home reading a nice story about triplets who were separated when children finding each other as adults when her friend comes over and chides her for indulging her obsession and tries to divert her to her other obsession, Llora and by extension her foundation w/some donation checks, but when Abue sees that one of the checks is from her old flame she’s livid and verbally attacks her friend.
The friend tries to explain to Abue that its not all about her and the $$ is for the crippled kids, besides she’s sure Old flame didn’t cheat way back when, but Abuela won’t hear it and her friend takes his check and leaves in a huff
Llora breaks the kiss, she wants to believe Ramiro but nobody else will, nobody else has seen Bad Seed at her worst. He doesn’t care her love is all he needs. He drops her off at the foundation w/a kiss and a thanks for believing him. Inaki calls just then and says he’s got great news and to meet him. Ramiro thinks his luck is changing and everything is going his way. (how can he be so dumb?)
Maribel makes nice w/Javi and they bond over their mutual love of acrobatics, she gets him to take her to the practice center place and asks him to help her be a better acrobat, she has a complex about FreeSpirit, everything comes easy to her, while Maribel has to practice for hours. She and Javi make a deal where he will help her practice extra hours in secret
Valentin the stalker jumps out at Llora as soon as she gets back to the foundation (I know quite an accomplishment w/the wheelchair) and starts questioning her about where she’s been, supposedly jokingly. She guiltily tries to avoid both talking to him and giving him a goodbye kiss. As he watches her walk away his smile fades to a much more sinister look.
Sole asks her daughter if she would have liked to have another family, a millionaire family w/sisters, but no Sole. Free Spirit tells her that having her as a mother is all the riches and all the family she ever wanted.
Leonore tickles Llora, apparently its their thing. Llora says Leonore is her favorite even more than Abue, and she almost tells her about her complicated love life, but says she wants to think about it some more first. Alone Llora remembers Valentin’s kiss and then Ramiro’s.
Bad Seed tells tioM’s pic she doesn’t want to share him w/anyone.
Santiago tells Remedios what’s up in his life, first that he hired Evaristo to find out about his past and then brings up the names he can’t get out of his head. Sole, eavesdropping outside the conveniently ajar door hears the names and drops her glass of milk, and instead of drawing the obvious conclusion that she was listening to them, everyone fusses over her and helps clean up.
Tio and Abue talk about the upcoming wedding, dresses for the girls and c. BadSeed listens, she smiles about the new dress, but less happy face when he says Jenny is the love of his life.
Sole catches the maid cleaning her room and yells at her and kicks her out and makes her cry. Santiago comes to see what the problem is and kcatches Sole looking at a photo of Marcelo, o sea, him. He asks about it but all she can say is she doesn’t know wher it came from, he keeps asking questions and she keeps saying she doesn’t know. He gets upset and starts yelling and Sole flashing back to the last time he yelled at her, as Marcelo when he was yelling about her kidnapping Analu and threatening to send her to jail for life, and she starts to say to him now what she said to him then, - ‘shut up, don’t yell at me, you don’t know what my life has been, you have no right to judge me, have pity on me.’ All this only makes Santiago more confused and when Sole starts running away from him he chases her still yelling questions – ‘why was I on that road when the accident happened, was I on my way to see you? ect’
They run into FreeSpirit and Remedios in the garden and Sole keeps running but Santiago stops to get yelled at by FreeSpirit for upsetting her sick mom. She says the photo was hers, she hid it after Evaristo gave it to her because, and now she’s really upset, she didn’t want to deal w/the reality of his previous life and that she will lose him when he finds it and his wife. FreeSpirit stalks off to find her mom and Santiago goes to work.
Sole finally stops running and remembers Marcelo threatening her w/jail and taking away her daughter and she picked up a kitchen knife and threatened him w/it, so he pulls a gun and points it at her till she drops the knife and he demands she call Analu and confess it all to her. Sole begs him not to take away the love of her daughter. In the present FreeSpirit catches up to her and Sole starts babbling about don’t stop loving me, I’m your mother, and FreeSpirit hugs her and agrees.
End of episode
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