Dips says…big dreams and Madhu says..which will turn real! Bittu says..he is happy seeing her confidence.. but its scary as she is CHIEFs female version!
Madhu comes near RK and rues..about his stubbornness to sleep on couch..! She helps to set his head straight and then caresses his hair! She shows her mehendi filled hands and smiles.. ! BG-Tere dewane! She keeps drooling n hits herself for it and goes to sleep!
At 4am Radha is setting table for Sargi n gifts for Dips..! She comes..yawning! Other ladies come to join Radha… and Bittu wakes up too..! Dips wonders if she should tell Radha about Madhus KC plans..! She decides to first watch Madhu n resolves she wont let her Fast complete! Bittu comes and finds Madhu up and about..! She shows Bittu her mehendi n he says..the mehendi is beautiful .. n she mite be knowing what it means! Madhu is shy ..!
Ladies ask about Madhu to Radha .. n she says..she is not there..! Ladies say..its her first kc she should be there. .but Dips taunts saying she had other priorities! Madhu says..she is gonna have sargi made by Radha. .n Dips self thought.. wow she wanna eat this torture?! Radha asks Dips to eat and Sikky comes..saying ..she is waiting for him! Sikky says he is gonna keep fast for Dips ..like Raj-Simran ..! Dips tells him not to make a joke..! Sikky says.. its love. .n feeds Dips sargi.. n then asks her to feed him ..! The ladies compliment them for their feelings..! Radha n ladies excuse themselves..! Madhu tells Bittu she needs to eat Sargi within half hour or it will be morning and she cant keep fast!
Dips asks Sikky not to pester her n threatens to throw sargi on his head..! He leaves..! Dips goes to throw the remaining sargi in trash ! Madhu comes and says.. all utensils are clean.. so how to fulfill vrat..!
Part 2
Madhu takes out the sargi from trash .. n Bittu is shocked ! Madhu says..its in a packet..so its ok..! She asks Bittu to go wake up RK… ! Dips watches shocked!
RK wakes up ..Bittu greets him n he shushes him saying Biwi is asleep..! RK feels strange when he sees the bed with blanket.. n removes it to see only pillows..! He screams.. BIWI! Bittu runs..!
Madhu thanks Bappa for the sargi…! She is about to eat when her cell rings n its Bittu telling about RK! He asks her to come upstairs..!She rushes!
Part 3
Dips smirks… ! RK asks about Madhu to Bittu and he says..to some temple..! Madhu comes and asks why he is up so early? RK says… he is sleepwalking ! He asks Bittu to leave the room indirectly .. ! He asks Madhu what the pillow thing is?
Dips mixes something in the sargi and says.. that the food will put Madhus tummy on fire!
RK asks Madhu why she lied? Madhu feigns ignorance n hides her hands from RK! She spots the mehendi on his face n is scared! RK sees the mirror n says.. M moon now. have a blot on my face!
He asks her what it is n Madhu says..mosquito bite! RK says.. seems artistic.. bit less n painted more! Madhu suggests that by putting makeup the mark will fade! He asks her to help him clear the mark..since she was working in parlor..!
RK asks her why she is hiding her hand in dupatta.. n she says feeling cold and RK says..seems manufacturing defect! She gives him toothpaste and asks to keep it on for 5 mins n then wipe off! Madhu turns to leave n RK asks if he din tell her to go? Madhu says..wont go.. duo are locked in an intense eyelock ! Madhu comes to the kitchen and eats the TRASH err Sargi..! [poor DD]
Dips smirks..that.. MAdhu is gone.. n now the vrat too! On the shoot.. Madhu keeps drooling on RK n smiling! RK fumes..! Madhu says.. smiling to maintain figure of face! RK wonders why she is interested in his shoot.. n Madhu tries to answer and RK averts..! Madhu pulls his script and says.. PATI ..listen to whole dialog.. when ur in front of my face… heartbeat increases.. and as if gonna smile.. since he is wearing jacket upturned!
RK changes and Madhu helps to set his jacket saying RK the superstar cant set his jacket..! Eyelock..! BG-Tere ishq me! Madhu feels acute pain in tummy and is also dizzy..! RK asks the matter.. Madhu says..m fine!
Trish comes to Paddo and offers to help .. her by cooking n Paddo is getting ready to go to Madhu for customs …Trish says..what customs? She asks Paddo not to go.! Bittu offers Madhu water but she refuses to take..! She keeps falling sick..! She is in RKs vanity van and he has ordered food for them… ! Madhu says not hungry..! RK calls doc.. n Madhu says m fine. .n RK says.. wont do..! Doc says seems Madhu has eaten something causing indigestion..! Doc asks for water to give her glucose water..! Madhu is panicked!
Part 2
RK mixes the glucose water and offers to Madhu and asks to drink..! Madhu refuses..! He fumes..! Madhu fakes that she is allergic.. n Bittu supports! Doc says..heard that first time.. n asks to mix a bit of salt in it..! RK mixes salt and offers to Madhu again!
Part 3
RK says she looks weird and sweet but now she is mother of weird.. n asks her to drink! He offers juice n Bittu says..its over.! RK gets juices.. takes to Madhu n says…she knows that he keeps the madness and capacity to force her to drink .. n forcibly tries to feed Madhu!
Precap –
RK pulls her hand and sees Mehendi n says.. today is KC.. n says.. OUTTT ..! He says..her jhoot moot ka pati wont come home tonite! Madhu in tears!
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