Jikulumessu:Investigating for love
Djemila invites Joel over for lunch at her place and he is delighted,he honours her invitation but when Kim broke the news of Marcus taking the fall for Bianca he is disorganised and Djemila notice it,she brings brings up the discussion about his Santa Agnes days and it gets him all worked up.he couldn't handle it anymore and stormed out on the love of his life.
Bianca tells Marcus the marketing manager she will only help him if she can take the fall for her that he doped Claudia and Erickson Leo,though he declined and packed his things,he was later seen on television taking the blame.
Ivo and Claudia in Dieji
Ivo and Claudia commence the basketball training for the young boys in Dieji and with Phillipe's help they got more people to participate.
Joel will not give up on revenge,he starts anther plan with his right hand woman Kim.
Djemila decide to investigate about Joel and starts with Greg who had sent her the new phone case he was about to start selling,he still tried to woo Djemila with his lies but she didnt fall.Her next stop was Vanessa but she stylishly refused to talk about it .
Gerson was attacked on his way to deliver Greg's package to his office and the bandits took away the delivery,all apologies to Greg fell on deaf ears as he went ahead to inform Gerson's boss who fired him.Carlos really pleaded too (we know why heheheehe) even Greg was surprised at his enthusiasm .
Nayr though Ivo had told Gerson about his other family not knowing they only discussed the sack.she spills and he is really angry with his mum
Djemila told Joel what she had been up to and pleads with him to open up but he refused,she needs him to trust her but if he cant she will take a walk from the relationship (see Joel shaking and pleading !!!)He is sure going to succumb to her plea,Djemila is the love of his life!!
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