


Jikulumessu:Is Nuno Alright?

Bianca does not appreciate Carlos in laws visit to their mother a,she sees it as a sign of weakness,she informs Greg Joel will soon be out of Angola but will not tell him what she has has planned.
Gerson is planning to his own business after his mum gave him some money to start up.Clydee trying all her efforts to seduce him,first Priscilla helped her and then Nuno but all failed !(If only they know hahahahahahahahaha)

Claudia left Angola and probably too emotional for goodbyes face to face,she left a Video Cd to show all the memories she had back with Angola with Joel and his family Djemila inclusive.

Greg still unable to reach Sarah Paca,Elena had to call her daughter after Greg told her she was unable to speak to her who told her mother she has a surprise.......Elena and Lui wonder what it could be.
Carlos Nambe is finding it very hard to fulfil his conjugal duties ,he has resorted in drugging Vanessa to shut her up by giving her the wine he mixed and a massage that sent her to lalala land.
Djemila and Joel sure having a good time together.

Joel is trying all he can to get info on Bianca 's private life and he wants Maria's assistance who was almost caught by Soraia in Bianca's room.
Kim couldn't get any scoop from Clydee at their lunch date.
Carlos is offering free legal services to his 'good friend ' Gerson.

Nuno destroys the Radio station where his cousin Djemila is to start recording her album all because he wants to satisfy his boss/bedmate.(If only he knew he is sleeping with the enemy)
Maria feels Joel should quit the revenge plan after she heard of Soraia's sickness but he is stopping at all.

Magharita is feeling really relaxed about their plans with Mario who is to destroy Joel while William more concerned about his debt.
Roberto and Maria giving their love another chance.
