"COLOR OF PASSION" .....EPISODE #114.....11.04.18





PART 1.....

Speaking of Milagros, Doña Millie gets one-miracles, that is-- cuz Rafaela turns out to be a bit grazed and dazed, but breathing.   By the time Marcelo arrives breathless and panting, the EMT’s are there tending to her.  Mama Millie avoids the truth behind Rafi’s rather inelegant header down the stairs.

Brigida pays a late-night visit to Rodrigo.  She explains she’s finally figured out she has been living all these years with a violent man.  The parental unit is now in halves.  She refuses to let Rod speak to him or he’ll realize she’s there with him and for now she has nowhere else to go.  Why not move in with Mama someplace new?  (What and leave his new found independence as Man-maid in Puebla City?  What will poor Sergio do for decent help?)  He seems to give this idea some thought.  (Woe is we in Viewerville.)

Meanwhile, Papi Amador takes a brief trot over to the police department to ask the chief detective there what clues, if any, he’s gotten on Benny’s whereabouts.  Chief Detective asks why the great interest.  Amador comes up with some lame nothing excuse which doesn’t do much to convince Chief Detective.

Speaking of Sergio, he and Leti have gone out to eat and are enjoying themselves when in walks La Gata de Gloria, licking her paws and sharpening her claws upon seeing lovely Leti  leaning over La Gata ésa’s long-time prey.  “—I thought you two’d broken up since Serge, here, hadn’t really gotten over [the noxiously neurotic] Nora.
 Leti hisses back at Gloria that obviously they didn’t break up and Serge didn’t have to get over anyone!”   To top the lovely night off, Sergio gives Gloria the brush off.  “—Yer posse’s waitin’.”   However, not content to leave it there, Leti walks over to the table a couple of minutes later with her glass of wine and throws it at Gloria.  (Now that was glori-ous, ¿no creas?)  it’s a  true feast for Viewerville eyes although Leti has to leave without getting to eat…..

Norita, meanwhile, arrives for din-din at Casa Nazario but is put out because Naz cannot keep from bringing up dearly departed Trini.  Nora’s nose is out of joint the rest of what remains of the evening and she finally leaves in a snit.  When Naz calls to see if she made it home and possibly to apologize, she refuses to answer.  Next morning she is still in a snit and lets Naz know it in no uncertain terms.  “--Trini is the love of your life, and neither I nor anyone else will ever be able to take her place.  Now I have lots of work to do so get outta my way.”

Lalo escorts Teri back to her room in the basement.  She’s still afraid of Benicio lurking around and ready to pounce again.  Lalo says he’s there to defend her honor…or what remains of it.  She’s sweet about it,  but Viewerville knows what she’s thinking: “—Nice try, but you ain’t gonna play David to his Goliath and come out breathing.”

 Lucia learns from Marc that Rebeca kept Millie’s gun when she ran off.  Beca refuses to give it back and lies that she got rid of it because it gave her such bad vibes, after Federico shot himself with it in front of her.  (Hey, maybe Nora will find it and the bullets and then pull a Feddy and thus put herself out of our misery…..)

Now, speaking of nasty Nora, she once again lies to her big sis.  She tells Lucia that Roman has agreed to her taking Nora away from there.  It cannot be for an extended period of time, but Lucia falls for it and agrees to a shortened  vacation of sorts with Nora alone……although Magdalena next day warns her not to trust Nora’s sudden fawning.

END OF PART 1..........
 PARTE 2.........

 Sara scolds Leti and warns her she’s got to learn to control herself when Leti gives her a rundown of the night’s mealtime escapade.    Across town, Sergio tells Rod he’s worried that with Leti acting like that who knows if she won’t do something equally as crazy to him if she gets upset with him.  Rod thinks he’s worrying about nothing.  He receives his note. Talk turns to Diabolical Daniela.  He has sent her an email to contact him.

The next day Marc overhears Millie and Rafe arguing that she’s had enough of Millie’s slights and insults over the years and she’s leaving.  He learns that Millie “lost control” of herself and was the reason for Rafe’s fall.  He takes her to live for now at Nazario’s although Nazario doesn’t yet know as Marc hasn’t had the sense to check with him first.

Back at The Pottery Place Am is kvetching to Beca about the old dude lording it over him by delaying the order Am got the contract for with Ricardo Marquez’s back alley assist, supposedly just because he can.  She tells Am to stuff it where the sun don’t shine—in more ways than one because he’s not only an incompetent griper, he’s also made it plain that he has the hots for her.  
(Hell, he’s got the hots in general since his wife won’t put out and he put down the only other female in heat that ever gave him glance #2.)  She tells him it ain’t never gonna happen and anyway, she’s got more serious matters of substance to deal with than listening to him whine.

Mags and hubby have a falling out over her telling him she now wants to adopt.  He ain’t so sure of having a crumb crunching reminder that he is shooting blanks to stumble over.

Lucia runs into Clara and son on their way to the clinic for his therapy.  Oh yes, she now can afford after the lady who stopped by the other day offered her assistance.  Lucia wants to know who that might be.  Clara lies that it’s no one she would know.  Later at the clinic Sonny asks why she lied.  Clara advises it was for a good reason. (Try life preservation. ) She remembers seeing Alfonso’s handkerchief stuffed in Beca’s jewelry box and discussing it with Lucia’s ill-fated mama about it.

Lalo mentions to Clara that Rebeca married Lucia’s daddy right after the funeral and is now Al’s widow.

Marc gets a call to come to Mario’s office to discuss the lawsuit Am and Beca cooked up.

Goria comes by to gripe at Nora for not keeping her part of the deal to help her break up Leti and Sergio.  Nora says put a sock in it and leaves Gloria fuming to see her own way out.

Marc  pays a surprise visit to Amador’s office while Am’s making excuses to the customer he planned to stiff Al’s company with.  Marc pulls the phone plug out of the wall.  End of the conversation.  Get the heck off the property, he screams at Marcelo.  Marc says he’s come to take his old job back.  
Am starts sneering that the company’s going to make taco meat out of his thieving backsides once the lawsuit’s judgment comes back.  Marc says, guess what!  It has and the judge ruled in his favor.  [Fallo= legal decree, judgment].  Guess what else!!  Here’s a copy of the counter lawsuit he’s just signed and placed against him.  Not only is he going to kick his sorry managerial ass out onto the street, but he’s also going to make a pauper out of him and put him behind grey steel—bars, that is.  He’ll be wearing orange jumpsuits from here to eternity.  (Dun-dun-dunnnnnnn!)
