"AMAYA"...EPISODE #0153 .....13.04.18


EPISODE #0153 


Mauro gets in touch with Juliana through Dr. Marco Antonio’s help and she’s really looks happy to know her father is alive but Mauro asks her to not let anyone know about his being alive and Juliana assures him. Marco Antonio then shows her how she can get to the clinic and Mauro warns her that she has to be extremely careful no one sees her.

A lawyer calls Jorge from Panama City informing him that he has to go there right away to pick up an inheritance, since he has no relatives there, and Jorge is surprised but he tells Juliana about it.

Manuel’s lawyer meets with Max in prison and tells him Manuel hired him to handle his case because as it is he says he doesn’t trust the lawyer Cesar hired for him and so Max accepts him as his lawyer.
Valeria wishes to enter her father’s apartment to get something that belonged to him.

Carolina and Jorge wish to verify if Cesar entered Horacio’s building after Max did.

Yaayaa and Ivan arrive in the city and Yaayaa texts Ulises and they are preparing things in order to put their plan into effect. In the meantime, Hector has already told the police in what hotel she is with Ivan.

Jorge informs Max that he and Carolina found out through the security cameras that Cesar left 5minutes after her left the office on the day Horacio died and that could be Cesar killed Horacio and Max asks Jorge to get in touch with his new Lawyer and tell him that they suspect Cesar is the murderer.

Very sure of himself that Mauro is never coming back, Cesar takes possession of Mauro’s office and orders to lock up Max’s.

Carolina through a conversation, tells Darius that she is ready for a new relationship and this put a great smile on Darius’ face.
Juliana and Manuel arrive in the hospital to see Mauro and Marco Antonio takes them to see him. Before that Manuel tells Marco that he looks really like Mauro when he was a youth and Juliana confirms and he tells them this isn’t the first time he is hearing that because the day Max and Constanza saw him too that was what he said.

Constanza speaks with Nora that she wishes to stay by her side since she feels so lonely and her room was also occupied by Nana Yaw and Nora agreed. She goes home to pack her things and Cesar tells her she should forget about Max because he will be in prison forever and if that happens he won’t even have any money to do his 3in1 project least to think of supporting her but Constanza mentions to Cesar that her father Manuel lent Max the money to buy the gourmet coffee and as it is,

 Jorge and Amaya will be working on it but Cesar thinks since Amaya never told her it means it’s untrue and Constanza tells him may be it may be that even though Amaya is his wife, she doesn’t trust him one bit. He then furiously confronts Amaya for not telling him and she also replies that she never did because everything proves he doesn’t support Max in any way.

Mauro tells Manuel and Juliana all that Lucrecia said about Cesar not being his son and even Cesar knows about it and knows also that Omar was his father but Lucrecia killed him to secure themselves.
Amaya proposes to Cesar they should get divorce and Cesar go Ballistic.

Marco Antonio states in front of Mauro, Manuel and Juliana that he will want to help them so together they can unmask Lucrecia. Mauro finds it difficult to understand why and there, 

Marco reveals to them his real identity that he is Florencia’s son and Mauro reaches the conclusion with surprise that he is the son whom Lucrecia told him died when he was born and indeed astonishment becomes the order of the day.
