Spilt Milk, Spilt Guts, Spilt Tears, and a River of Lies
He is on the verge of telling her that her mother is the one who told him about her relationship with his brother and she slaps him silly before he can get it out and tells him to get out of her life. Renata gets to slap Jeronimo up side the head while satisfaction fills Caray Caray living rooms. He will love her forever more. She tells him he is sick. How could he do the damage he has done to her. Then she rants, yeah, go ahead and believe that I am the one who betrayed your bother and I am La Bonita. He tries to kiss her and tell her he doesn’t believe that she doesn’t love him.
Still acting stupid like there is sense in the world and Blanca is a sane person, Honorio shows up at Blanca’s condo to talk sense, huh? The doorman won’t let him in for love or money. Honorio says but her car is here, she must be here. He offers a propina, tip but doorman says no. Blanca in the shadows hissing, continue screaming for me, Hon, and believing that I am expecting our baby. (Her eggs aren’t just hard-boiled; they were pickled in pure acid.) But her curls are indeed tighter and every time she looks more like the Medusa, we might expect snakeheads to swim around her head soon.
Fina and Roberta fight over the no luna de miele and how to keep a husband you only want for money not love. Roberta says you have made me infertile form the miscarriage and all you care about is the 10-year clause slipped into the Pre-nup agreement. You don’t care how Matias or I feel you only care about being richer. And I will learn to sleep in my bed alone like YOU do every night.
Gonzo and Matias he isn’t going on honeymoon and is not going to move into Roberta’s bed. The guys seem to decide that they don’t have love and perhaps soon no money. Gonzo says they shouldn’t have trusted Linares and he is ready to leave Matias decision to home.
Regina and Carlos discuss that Renata doesn’t want to forgive her but she won’t be vanquished for love or money even if Jeronimo does gives up.
Lazaro tries to console Ezequiel with some food and love at the shelter. Ezek isn’t hungry, but takes the plate and the implied love from his friend. Arely and Lazaro discuss that he loves someone who is with another. Arely knows who is Alfonsina’s baby daddy, but Arely feels fidelity to Alfonsina. Lazaro is upset that if she knows who is the father of the baby that she has to help his friend who he has had for his whole life. She won’t betray Alfonsina but will keep her promise to not tell what she saw in the vineyard.
Kari has waking nightmares still tied in the bed next to the drunken Dr Nastynesme who murmurs Alfonsina’s name in his dirty dreams. Kari has all the flashbacks of Padre almost discovering her while she remembers him accusing Nasty of abusing Alfonsina, then she remembers Alfonsina almost confessing her nasty deed with her in spite of all, I love you speech. Kari lies tied in the bed and pathetically cries that her husband and now her best friend have betrayed her.
Matilde and Alfonsina discuss that they have not seen Kari. Alfonsina tells Matilde tells that Ezek has menaced all the workers at La Bonita. Alfonsina vows to fix her own problems. Matilde has advice for a change that isn’t schoolgirl stupid. Seems like little dunderhead is growing up by leaps and bounds (Just like her ardent supporter, Dr. Carlos predicted.)
Renata comes back in after her slapping session and telling Jero to get out of her life. She comes into her sheet draped room and goes right to 5x7 wedding pictures in her fashionable hand bag, as the sweet words, “Hay amor…” pulls our heartstrings in the background. She remembers with a smile the sweet event then tears the pictures into strips and falls to the floor crying, I hate you, I hate you. As the sad strains say it isn’t possible for us to live one without the other….. tears aren’t good for keyboards, thanks for the ad break, now where’s that mop…
What happened says clueless Jero, getting his turn at being disbelieved and mistrusted. He vows to fight to recover her love.
Honorio and Adriana eat together and Adriana says Renata is heartbroken and will seek a divorce and an annulment. Hon says Consta has asked for a divorce. Smarter than anyone else, Adri says to Honorio in her non-judgmental voice, would you do the same in your place, that is, forgive an infidelity? Hom tries to insist, but, its different in his case. Adri says, in a relationship, you can’t ask what you wouldn’t give. Hon considers this profundity from the wise little Adriana.
Consta and Gonz meet at Consta’s. (Notice Gonzo spends absolutely no time at home with Fina when he doesn’t have to) Consta is so heart broken that Honorio is a babydaddy, and says she feels so empty, He advises her not to go to someone for loneliness like he did with Fina. (We don’t really know how his first marriage went, but) he says, don’t fool yourself, I will support whatever you do. Loneliness isn’t a good counselor.
Fina demands information from Renata, what did Jero say to her out there was he trying to say to change her mind? Then, her next worry, what did Gonzo tell her, She tells Renata he has demanded she apologize for not making her feel like she could stay in her house. He demands that she can stay in the house for as long as she wants. Renata, while she can’t believe her mother went to Jero to tell lies, is burning inside with being made to be nice to her. Renata doesn’t really want to hear it so says in mocking tones, let’s tell him you were here and offered your apology and gave me welcome and support, so you did all the things you promised. Fina has to rub in a bit more hurt so again grinds in how the mess is all her fault and she told her so from the beginning. Renata screams that she is not going to take any more humiliation, any more insults or hurt from any one else. She demands her mother get out of her bedroom and Fina turns her heel literally on a piece of a photo of Renata and Jero and stomps out in her nasty blue fuzzy slippers.
Adriana is imagining and dreamy in her bed. She and Matias meet with the rest of the nasty family magically melted away. She tells Matias, you have never stopped surprising me. She loves him more than ever even though he has so gallantly married Roberta. She dreams in fuzzy vignetted pictures (hmm, she has Adobe Lightroom 3 installed in her brain) that she and Matias meet in a club and he tells what their destiny might be, and has she considered what she really means to him. She has really opened his heart and they have a future and his heart is hers. She says she will carry this forever but since he married Roberta they can’t be together now. But he want so to be with her and she says they will be together this night. True love, sweet kisses and guitar riffs help her enjoy the beginnings of Roberta’s supposed wedding night. The singer croons love me, call me, love me…
Carlos jumps out to surprise Matilde with a whole bouquet of paper flowers saying she owes him a kiss for each one of them. She teases that has too much do to kiss him that many times. They will have to wait until later. They are in fun flirt mode. We all need this desperately tonight.
Arely and Lazaro walk in the refuge center, she wants to know if she doesn’t like her. He says she is incredible and beautiful, but for years he has loved only one person and his heart isn’t available. It is Karina, the wife of Dr. Nesmenasty. She is surprised at his confession and assures him that some day Karina will love him as he deserves. She doubts she will find someone as wonderful as he is . He assures her she will find someone special to love her. She is a queen and deserves love and care from someone worthy of herself. Someone will give her beautiful things. She confesses she is leaving tomorrow and she will miss him. She finally says she will try to get Alfonsina to confess who is the babydaddy, then she tells him it is Dr. Nasty. Lorenzo’s face is formidable with meaning.
Later, Jero is dressed up and enters the Monterrubio mad mansion in time for Matias to punch him twice really fast while he yells that he is an imbecile, Matias throws things they wrestle. Enter Gonzo who pulls them apart saying fights aren’t their style. They struggle until the whole family comes down the stairs to see the struggle. They all scream for him to leave but he insists that he is not leaving until they listen to him. Gonzo orders him out no one in the family wants anything to do with him.
Back in Baja, Regina packs and says she must return to the city to see what she can do. Things are going so badly with Jeronimo and Renata. Carlos counsels Regina not to return to the danger in the city but she is committed to winning back Renata’s trust. Carlos thinks she is more a friend of Jero than of Renata but she says from the beginning she has had such special feelings about Renata that she wants to get back Renata’s trust then aid Renata’s return to Jero. I feel sad, ashamed and frustrated for all she been part of and is not going to stay here safe and locked in. She will take the risk because she is ready to redefine her life. Sometimes life throws you some strange times to show you what your own pathway should be.
Jero tries to tell Renata that her MOHER told her that Renata was the lover of Rafa. Gonzo looks interested but Fina in her finest hour screams that it is all lies and turns the lies and blame right back on him. She does indignation like a pro. Then Roberta who could come clean at this moment channels pure Fina and condemns Jero for betraying them all. If what he says is true that he was trying to prove his brother’s killer why did he marry Renata? Fina call his lies most cruel she is indignant that he has trashed her precious daughters. Gonzo says now you have attacked Fina and Roberta who is next Matias or me. Jero says his great error was to believe this woman, Fina. She whines and clings to Gonzo and Roberta. Renata is turning her head and perhaps her mind back and forth as the volley of accusations and lying answers go around the room. Renata is asked, who do you believe Renata, us or the man who has made your life an inferno Fina protests her actions of being against their marriage were her well intentioned attempt to protect her. Jero calmly says again I swear your mother swore to me that you were the lover of Rafa and you were la Bonita. Fina does great pouty face with Roberta and Renata chooses to believe her lying ass mother rather than Jero. She doesn’t believe him and his lies and she never will again. (Just deserts I guess, but I did like that the ad for Triunfo that showed in next moment a character in wedding garb clutching a large evil looking knife storming the wedding aisle screaming, you are going to die! and I am sure for just a moment I was channeling that crazy woman. I know that Jero has to suffer to earn his punishment but do we all too.)
Oh my, Dona Cata, who acts like she is the one who wants Antonio for herself is counseling Antonio that they both think Regina is safer out at Baja. But when her daughter makes up her mind, nothing and no one can change it. So they must know she is headed back into the inferno. He confesses that her interest in Gonzo disconcerts him a lot. Cata knows that Gonzo isn’t a free man and his intentions toward her daughter can’t be acted on, but she is worried. Antonio asks Cata to help him marry Regina the minute she comes back to the city.
Jero and Gonzo sit down, Gonzo says he wants to clarify something. The fearsome fivesome sit down, almost civilized then in a very quiet voice, Gonzo asks him how could he dare how could he dare trick Renata. Renata and Roberta chime in that he is a rat bastard (well, loose translation but accurate). He asks fina once more to tell the truth and she says the only truth is that no one in the family wants to have any more to do with him. Gonzo says he has betrayed the love of his daughter Renata and lost all confidence in him and he wants him to leave never to return to hurt or to betray his family. Jero quietly goes out the door. Fina clutches Gonzo in triumph but has enough venom to say to Renata you cry for this bastard but I told you from the beginning that this was a rat bastard and you wouldn’t listen. Roberta and Fina look mighty satisfied. Matias looks like he wants to jump into Renata’s arms. Gonzo looks like he wants to be anywhere else but being slimed by Fina.
Blanca pays off the doorman/neighbor and it looks like a whole lot more pesos than Honorio was offering. I think she said next time tell him I have moved and there will be more of this.
Jero comes to Const’s house. She wants to get ice for his face that he says came from a fight with Matias. Do you me resolve everything with fists. He thanks her for being the only family member that doesn’t hate him. She says she has her reasons. But she wants to know why he betrayed the love of Renata. He begs her to understand that Fina misled him and does she know who she really is. Consta finally admits that she believes him and tells him to sit down and tell him everything that Fina told him.
The loving family discuss the interesting day. Roberta maintains that Jero must have wanted to take control of the baby, his baby that she is carrying, she is smiling at being able to wound Renata further (we are going to remember this when your rehabilitation review comes up at Caray Caray Central, sister) but she wants the baby to only know Matias a papa. Matias says they will none of them have anything to do with Jeronimo ever again.
The condemned Jero shows up next at Adriana’s who tells him that he has lost the love of Renata forever. Then Adriana is the one to reveal to him that they are all in a snit because the story is that the baby Roberta is expecting is not Matias’ but is HIS. I am picking up my bucket over flowing with tears and yet know there are rivers more for tomorrow.
Still acting stupid like there is sense in the world and Blanca is a sane person, Honorio shows up at Blanca’s condo to talk sense, huh? The doorman won’t let him in for love or money. Honorio says but her car is here, she must be here. He offers a propina, tip but doorman says no. Blanca in the shadows hissing, continue screaming for me, Hon, and believing that I am expecting our baby. (Her eggs aren’t just hard-boiled; they were pickled in pure acid.) But her curls are indeed tighter and every time she looks more like the Medusa, we might expect snakeheads to swim around her head soon.
Fina and Roberta fight over the no luna de miele and how to keep a husband you only want for money not love. Roberta says you have made me infertile form the miscarriage and all you care about is the 10-year clause slipped into the Pre-nup agreement. You don’t care how Matias or I feel you only care about being richer. And I will learn to sleep in my bed alone like YOU do every night.
Gonzo and Matias he isn’t going on honeymoon and is not going to move into Roberta’s bed. The guys seem to decide that they don’t have love and perhaps soon no money. Gonzo says they shouldn’t have trusted Linares and he is ready to leave Matias decision to home.
Regina and Carlos discuss that Renata doesn’t want to forgive her but she won’t be vanquished for love or money even if Jeronimo does gives up.
Lazaro tries to console Ezequiel with some food and love at the shelter. Ezek isn’t hungry, but takes the plate and the implied love from his friend. Arely and Lazaro discuss that he loves someone who is with another. Arely knows who is Alfonsina’s baby daddy, but Arely feels fidelity to Alfonsina. Lazaro is upset that if she knows who is the father of the baby that she has to help his friend who he has had for his whole life. She won’t betray Alfonsina but will keep her promise to not tell what she saw in the vineyard.
Kari has waking nightmares still tied in the bed next to the drunken Dr Nastynesme who murmurs Alfonsina’s name in his dirty dreams. Kari has all the flashbacks of Padre almost discovering her while she remembers him accusing Nasty of abusing Alfonsina, then she remembers Alfonsina almost confessing her nasty deed with her in spite of all, I love you speech. Kari lies tied in the bed and pathetically cries that her husband and now her best friend have betrayed her.
Matilde and Alfonsina discuss that they have not seen Kari. Alfonsina tells Matilde tells that Ezek has menaced all the workers at La Bonita. Alfonsina vows to fix her own problems. Matilde has advice for a change that isn’t schoolgirl stupid. Seems like little dunderhead is growing up by leaps and bounds (Just like her ardent supporter, Dr. Carlos predicted.)
Renata comes back in after her slapping session and telling Jero to get out of her life. She comes into her sheet draped room and goes right to 5x7 wedding pictures in her fashionable hand bag, as the sweet words, “Hay amor…” pulls our heartstrings in the background. She remembers with a smile the sweet event then tears the pictures into strips and falls to the floor crying, I hate you, I hate you. As the sad strains say it isn’t possible for us to live one without the other….. tears aren’t good for keyboards, thanks for the ad break, now where’s that mop…
What happened says clueless Jero, getting his turn at being disbelieved and mistrusted. He vows to fight to recover her love.
Honorio and Adriana eat together and Adriana says Renata is heartbroken and will seek a divorce and an annulment. Hon says Consta has asked for a divorce. Smarter than anyone else, Adri says to Honorio in her non-judgmental voice, would you do the same in your place, that is, forgive an infidelity? Hom tries to insist, but, its different in his case. Adri says, in a relationship, you can’t ask what you wouldn’t give. Hon considers this profundity from the wise little Adriana.
Consta and Gonz meet at Consta’s. (Notice Gonzo spends absolutely no time at home with Fina when he doesn’t have to) Consta is so heart broken that Honorio is a babydaddy, and says she feels so empty, He advises her not to go to someone for loneliness like he did with Fina. (We don’t really know how his first marriage went, but) he says, don’t fool yourself, I will support whatever you do. Loneliness isn’t a good counselor.
Fina demands information from Renata, what did Jero say to her out there was he trying to say to change her mind? Then, her next worry, what did Gonzo tell her, She tells Renata he has demanded she apologize for not making her feel like she could stay in her house. He demands that she can stay in the house for as long as she wants. Renata, while she can’t believe her mother went to Jero to tell lies, is burning inside with being made to be nice to her. Renata doesn’t really want to hear it so says in mocking tones, let’s tell him you were here and offered your apology and gave me welcome and support, so you did all the things you promised. Fina has to rub in a bit more hurt so again grinds in how the mess is all her fault and she told her so from the beginning. Renata screams that she is not going to take any more humiliation, any more insults or hurt from any one else. She demands her mother get out of her bedroom and Fina turns her heel literally on a piece of a photo of Renata and Jero and stomps out in her nasty blue fuzzy slippers.
Adriana is imagining and dreamy in her bed. She and Matias meet with the rest of the nasty family magically melted away. She tells Matias, you have never stopped surprising me. She loves him more than ever even though he has so gallantly married Roberta. She dreams in fuzzy vignetted pictures (hmm, she has Adobe Lightroom 3 installed in her brain) that she and Matias meet in a club and he tells what their destiny might be, and has she considered what she really means to him. She has really opened his heart and they have a future and his heart is hers. She says she will carry this forever but since he married Roberta they can’t be together now. But he want so to be with her and she says they will be together this night. True love, sweet kisses and guitar riffs help her enjoy the beginnings of Roberta’s supposed wedding night. The singer croons love me, call me, love me…
Carlos jumps out to surprise Matilde with a whole bouquet of paper flowers saying she owes him a kiss for each one of them. She teases that has too much do to kiss him that many times. They will have to wait until later. They are in fun flirt mode. We all need this desperately tonight.
Arely and Lazaro walk in the refuge center, she wants to know if she doesn’t like her. He says she is incredible and beautiful, but for years he has loved only one person and his heart isn’t available. It is Karina, the wife of Dr. Nesmenasty. She is surprised at his confession and assures him that some day Karina will love him as he deserves. She doubts she will find someone as wonderful as he is . He assures her she will find someone special to love her. She is a queen and deserves love and care from someone worthy of herself. Someone will give her beautiful things. She confesses she is leaving tomorrow and she will miss him. She finally says she will try to get Alfonsina to confess who is the babydaddy, then she tells him it is Dr. Nasty. Lorenzo’s face is formidable with meaning.
Later, Jero is dressed up and enters the Monterrubio mad mansion in time for Matias to punch him twice really fast while he yells that he is an imbecile, Matias throws things they wrestle. Enter Gonzo who pulls them apart saying fights aren’t their style. They struggle until the whole family comes down the stairs to see the struggle. They all scream for him to leave but he insists that he is not leaving until they listen to him. Gonzo orders him out no one in the family wants anything to do with him.
Back in Baja, Regina packs and says she must return to the city to see what she can do. Things are going so badly with Jeronimo and Renata. Carlos counsels Regina not to return to the danger in the city but she is committed to winning back Renata’s trust. Carlos thinks she is more a friend of Jero than of Renata but she says from the beginning she has had such special feelings about Renata that she wants to get back Renata’s trust then aid Renata’s return to Jero. I feel sad, ashamed and frustrated for all she been part of and is not going to stay here safe and locked in. She will take the risk because she is ready to redefine her life. Sometimes life throws you some strange times to show you what your own pathway should be.
Jero tries to tell Renata that her MOHER told her that Renata was the lover of Rafa. Gonzo looks interested but Fina in her finest hour screams that it is all lies and turns the lies and blame right back on him. She does indignation like a pro. Then Roberta who could come clean at this moment channels pure Fina and condemns Jero for betraying them all. If what he says is true that he was trying to prove his brother’s killer why did he marry Renata? Fina call his lies most cruel she is indignant that he has trashed her precious daughters. Gonzo says now you have attacked Fina and Roberta who is next Matias or me. Jero says his great error was to believe this woman, Fina. She whines and clings to Gonzo and Roberta. Renata is turning her head and perhaps her mind back and forth as the volley of accusations and lying answers go around the room. Renata is asked, who do you believe Renata, us or the man who has made your life an inferno Fina protests her actions of being against their marriage were her well intentioned attempt to protect her. Jero calmly says again I swear your mother swore to me that you were the lover of Rafa and you were la Bonita. Fina does great pouty face with Roberta and Renata chooses to believe her lying ass mother rather than Jero. She doesn’t believe him and his lies and she never will again. (Just deserts I guess, but I did like that the ad for Triunfo that showed in next moment a character in wedding garb clutching a large evil looking knife storming the wedding aisle screaming, you are going to die! and I am sure for just a moment I was channeling that crazy woman. I know that Jero has to suffer to earn his punishment but do we all too.)
Oh my, Dona Cata, who acts like she is the one who wants Antonio for herself is counseling Antonio that they both think Regina is safer out at Baja. But when her daughter makes up her mind, nothing and no one can change it. So they must know she is headed back into the inferno. He confesses that her interest in Gonzo disconcerts him a lot. Cata knows that Gonzo isn’t a free man and his intentions toward her daughter can’t be acted on, but she is worried. Antonio asks Cata to help him marry Regina the minute she comes back to the city.
Jero and Gonzo sit down, Gonzo says he wants to clarify something. The fearsome fivesome sit down, almost civilized then in a very quiet voice, Gonzo asks him how could he dare how could he dare trick Renata. Renata and Roberta chime in that he is a rat bastard (well, loose translation but accurate). He asks fina once more to tell the truth and she says the only truth is that no one in the family wants to have any more to do with him. Gonzo says he has betrayed the love of his daughter Renata and lost all confidence in him and he wants him to leave never to return to hurt or to betray his family. Jero quietly goes out the door. Fina clutches Gonzo in triumph but has enough venom to say to Renata you cry for this bastard but I told you from the beginning that this was a rat bastard and you wouldn’t listen. Roberta and Fina look mighty satisfied. Matias looks like he wants to jump into Renata’s arms. Gonzo looks like he wants to be anywhere else but being slimed by Fina.
Blanca pays off the doorman/neighbor and it looks like a whole lot more pesos than Honorio was offering. I think she said next time tell him I have moved and there will be more of this.
Jero comes to Const’s house. She wants to get ice for his face that he says came from a fight with Matias. Do you me resolve everything with fists. He thanks her for being the only family member that doesn’t hate him. She says she has her reasons. But she wants to know why he betrayed the love of Renata. He begs her to understand that Fina misled him and does she know who she really is. Consta finally admits that she believes him and tells him to sit down and tell him everything that Fina told him.
The loving family discuss the interesting day. Roberta maintains that Jero must have wanted to take control of the baby, his baby that she is carrying, she is smiling at being able to wound Renata further (we are going to remember this when your rehabilitation review comes up at Caray Caray Central, sister) but she wants the baby to only know Matias a papa. Matias says they will none of them have anything to do with Jeronimo ever again.
The condemned Jero shows up next at Adriana’s who tells him that he has lost the love of Renata forever. Then Adriana is the one to reveal to him that they are all in a snit because the story is that the baby Roberta is expecting is not Matias’ but is HIS. I am picking up my bucket over flowing with tears and yet know there are rivers more for tomorrow.
Jero is on a mission and with better information moves forward to demand that he be heard and even that they will go to DNA tests. I am guessing that the miscarriage will be re-enacted soon so they can gang up on Renata again and she can remain full of doubt and pain.
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