Things are about to get ugly...

Renata continues to accuse Roberta of being La Bonita. Fina snaps at her to stop badgering her poor, ill sister as Berta clutches her chest and pants. Nata explains to Gonzo that Berta had a relationship with Rafa and she toyed with his feelings. Jero mistook Nata for Berta; he married Nata out of revenge for what Berta did to Rafa. Nata cries that she has been innocent the entire time. "It's Roberta's fault that Jero hates me so much!" Fina gives Nata a death glare.

Sele slinks outside to flirt with Agustin. He's looking for Nata, which puzzles Sele.

Jero paces the airport, trying to devise a plan to win Nata back. He knows Nata loves him because of how well she took care of him after he did a Humpty Dumpty in the riverbank. Nata needs to know that it was her mother and not Berta who convinced him of Nata's identity. Jero resolves to find out why Fina would have told him such a thing.

Berta bleats her innocence to Nata. Gonzo promises to call the cardiologist for Berta but first he must hear the rest of what Nata has to say. Nata lays into Berta; it was she who Rafa wanted to marry, it was she who dumped Rafa because he wasn't good enough for her. Fina says that the necklace isn't enough proof that Berta did anything wrong. Gonzo hesitantly agrees that the "R" alone can't prove Berta's guilt. Nata explains the "Rafa & Roberta 4eva" carving in the Arbol de Amor.

Nata refuses to be shouted down by Fina. There's no way that both names could be a coincidence! Gonzo thinks they need Jero's side of the story before they bring out the torches and pitchforks. Matias fumes that Jero hurt both Berta and Nata with his lies. His comment sends Nata over the edge. "WHAT did he ever do to Berta? NADA!!"

Gonzo talks Nata off the ledge by laying most of the blame for the situation at Jero's feet. Jero married Nata for revenge, jumped into a vicious plot without enough proof, and destroyed Berta's life too. Matias cannot keep a lid on it any longer. "Roberta's baby is Jero's!" If pobre Nata was distraught before, she is crushed now.

Oh, ick, Karina is tied to a chair and begs Dr. RapeySnake to let her go. He gloats, shouts in her face, and forces her to eat. It's too awful not to FFWD

Nata can't believe that the baby is Jero's. Fina turns to Berta with fake surprise and compassion. Berta cries about the humiliation of expecting the baby of her sister's husband. She hid it by marrying Matias. Nata sobs openly and asks why no one ever told her. Gonzo apologizes for not telling her but he didn't find the right moment. Berta says that she tried to tell Nata the truth about Jero but Nata didn't listen.

Nata remembers back before the wedding when Berta went on a diatribe about Jero playing both of them for fools. Berta says that Nata's love for Jero left her both blind and deaf to the truth. Fina takes Berta's side and criticizes Nata for running off with Jero without considering Berta's feelings. "You only think about yourself. As always."

Nata did what she did out of love. How could Berta have been so in love with Jero if she used both him and Rafa? Berta sweats she never messed with Rafa. Besides, everyone knows the only woman who had a relationship with Rafa was Nata. (Urrrrgh. Berta has learned well from Mami on how to play dirty.)

Nata screams that Rafa was her AMIGO! No matter what Berta and Fina say, their relationship was only friendship. Nata has all the proof she needs that Rafa and Berta were an item! Gonzo tells Nata to calm down. He is furious with el Jerko and vows to never forgive him for messing with his daughters. Gonzo vows that none of the Monterrubios will ever have contact with Jero again.

Augie tells Sele he will be waiting at a nearby hotel for Nata. She invites him out for coffee first.

Adriana finally gets why Matias had such pent-up aggression about Matias. Mat says he wanted to tell Nata but she rejected him. She said she was deliriously happy with Jero so Matias kept the secret and married Berta. Nata still loves Jero! She truly does. She was so unhappy with him because he thought she was Berta. Fina touts Berta's innocence, she told Nata not to marry Jero, yadda yadda yadda.

Nata can't believe that Jero would be such a malicious, rotten man. She turns her back to her family to try to compose herself.

Back downstairs, the wedding reception is still going on. I had forgotten about it completely. Soto, Fina's lawyer, asks Constanza why everyone seems to have disappeared. She leaves to check it out.

Berta half-cries half-whines that everyone has paid the price for Nata's relationship with Jero. Fina is the ever-loving mother to Berta and thanks Matias for sparing their family the embarrassment. Nata knows that Matias did what he did for her, not for Berta.

Coni wanders into the room and wonders QTH is going on. Adriana pulls her back out into the hallway to explain. Fina wants to help Berta clean herself up so she can parade around in front of the wedding guests. Matias is in no mood to celebrate. Gonzo tells Mat to go play happy family, at least for now. Left alone, Gonzo holds Nata as she lets it all out.

Coni returns to the party and has only snark to offer Honorio when he asks what's going on. They are having family trouble and Hon isn't family anymore. Honorio might not be family by blood but he is family by heart; those ties can't be cut so easily. Honorio can't understand how they ended up this way. He hates to see such contempt and indifference in Coni's eyes.

Hon swears that Blanca is full of it; they were only together one time. "Once is all it takes!" Coni says. She wants a divorce cuanto antes. Hon thinks Coni wants to split up so she can fool around with Chema. "Well, maybe I do! At least I don't have to hide it like you do with Blanca and her 'baby'" Coni says before leaving the forlorn fiesta.

Fina revels in her villainy while Berta has no desire to gloat. After what the doctor told her, she has no reason to be happy. Fina says that Berta should be enjoying herself since the time has finally come for Nata to be punished for everything she's done to them. Berta doesn't understand why Rafa abandoned her if he had made so many gestures of love (the necklace, the tree, etc). Why did he kill himself?

Fina says Rafa and Jero are a pair of locos. Berta is better off without them now that she has Matias. The miscarriage turned out to be a good thing, since now they don't have to take care of a brat that shares Loco Linares blood. Fina giggles that Berta should be thrilled since she's married and rich. What more could she want? Berta shrugs off her mother's embrace and heads out to face the troops.

Adri admires Matias for sacrificing so much for the better of his family. Matias did what he had to do. That doesn't mean he wouldn't sock Jero in the face at the first opportunity. Adri gives him a peck on the cheek.

Adri gives Augie a hug when she sees him hanging out in the yard. He leaves to wait for Nata.

Gonzo and Nata share a tender moment. They sit on the floor and hold hands while Nata pours her heart out to her papá. Gonzo understands Nata's pain and wants her to return home. Nata says that Fina told her there was no place for her in the family anymore. "I accept that my mom does not love me and that she never will love me. That does not mean it doesn't hurt." :'(

Gonzo is heartbroken that Fina did such a thing. "This is your house. This is your family. I am your father. In my heart, there will always be a place for you. Regardless of your madre, I will always be here for you." Nata gives Gonzo a big huge. Aww. *sniffle*

Gonzo tells Nata to never let anyone or anything break her spirit. Nata says her love for Jero has turned to hate. He gives her another comforting hug.

Ezequiel storms over to La Bonita. He demands that Carlos and Lazaro to tell him who has been knocking boots with Alfonsina. The guys are confused. Zeke says that Alfi doesn't know if her baby is his. He is sure that someone at La Bonita was fooling around with his wife.

Karina, bound and gagged, sobs as Doc drinks himself silly. Padre stops by the house and he asks Doc about Alfonsina's baby. Doc says it's not his problem. Padre admits he was wrong about Doc and calls him a bad, cynical man. Kari knocks a chair over and Doc keeps Padre from asking questions by saying it was the TV.

Jero arrives in Mexico, determined to set the record straight.

Oh. I guess Constanza *didn't* leave the party since she's come back upstairs to chat with Nata. Nata assures Tia Coni and Adriana that she will get Jero out of her heart one way or another. The ladies take their leave when Matias asks for a word with Nata.

Nata says Matias is the best guy in the entire world. She understands his reasons for keeping the secret and marrying Berta. Nata admits she fell in love with the wrong man. Mat hopes there can still be something between them but Nata squashes that right away. She loves him with her whole heart but only as a brother. Matias can live with that.

Gonzo tells Adri and Coni goodbye before letting Fina know that they need to have a serious talk in his office. Fina is uneasy, as there are several reasons why Gonzo could be upset with her.

Sele meets up with Augie in the hotel. She gives him her number and a kiss. Blech. Augie leaves a message for Nata.

Matias joins Berta in her room. Mat tells Berta that there is no reason for them to go on a honeymoon. Everyone knows that their marriage is a farce. They need to stop hiding things, it only causes more pain. Berta cries.

Gonzo can't believe that Fina would be so cruel to her own daughter. He thought that her illness would humanize her but unfortunately that wasn't the case. Fina defends herself. Nata wanted to ruin Berta's wedding. Gonzo says there were ways to handle that situation and what Fina did was not one of them. When it comes to Nata, Fina always handles it the wrong way. Gonzo can't stand by and let Fina treat Nata so poorly. "You will apologize to Renata and tell her that this is her house and that she can stay here as long as she wants."

Fina is scandalized that Gonzo would threaten her. Gonzo neither confirms nor denies the threat. But he does vow that if Fina does not have more consideration for Nata, he will stop having such consideration with Fina. "Apologize to Renata or she and I will leave." Fina gives a sour look and agrees to do it. Her hands are tied (for now).

The maid interrupts Nata's nap to announce that Jero has arrived and wants to see her.

Coni arrives home to find Chema waiting for her inside. She tells him the wedding was a disaster. Berta and Mat got hitched, Nata showed up in tears to accuse Berta of ruining her marriage with Jero, and, oh, yeah, Blanca's having a baby. (For breakfast? Because that is the only way this makes sense. I'm positive that Blanca's eggs dried up and blew away years ago.)

Well, Coni isn't as certain as I am. She was convinced that Honorio never cared that she couldn't have children but it seems like he didn't waste any time in finding someone who could. She asked Honorio for a divorce. Chema's spirits soar at the news and he asks if the divorce could be an opportunity for them. He even gets a Francisco Céspedes song to help his case. Constanza is on the cusp of rejecting him but Chema closes in for a kiss before she gets the chance.

Nata storms outside to meet Jero. She has no husband anymore despite what Jero says otherwise. Jero launches into what is an undoubtedly rehearsed forgiveness speech but Nata slugs Jero in the face. "Not one more lie, Jero! Get out of my life and do not look for me ever again!"

"The raw and naked truth" says the announcer. Jero shows up in front of the Monterrubio firing squad to explain himself. "You were Rafa's lover!" he says to Berta.

AVERIGUAR: to find out (Jero to himself)
RECAPACITA: reconsider, think about (Kari to Doc)
TE LO DIJE, PERO NO ME CREISTE:  I told you, but you did not listen (Berta to Nata)
METERSE CON:  to mess with, to pick on (Nata about Berta)
QUEBRANTAR: to undermine, to break (Gonzo to Nata)
LAZOS QUE NO SE PUEDEN ROMPER: Ties that cannot be broken (Hon to Coni)
DESPRECIO:  contempt (Honorio sees it in Constanza's eyes)
OFRECERLE UNA DISCULPA: Offer an apology (Gonzo to Fina)
LA VERDAD CRUDA Y AL DESNUDO: The raw and naked truth (Lit. "The crude and nude truth").
