The episode begins with Tatya Tope doing "aarti" in the temple.Then he turns and comes down the stairs of the temple.Then he the scene sifts to the ground where the fencing competiton is going to take place.On 1 side of the ground in a tent,commissioner Mansion is getting ready for the competition.Now some people of bithur stealthily peep through the window of the tent and sees Mansion who is busy sharpening his sword and also the other offficer Smith and some other people.The residents of Bithur are discussing among themselves about the competition and 1 of them said that they cannot trust these britishers and that may be Mnsion is having some other intention in having this sword fight and so on.After they leave, Smith says 2 Mansion that Tatya Tope is a gr8 fencer but Mansion says that he will not b able 2 fight 2 well as he is wounded and reveals his plan 2 hattack on Tatya's wounded leg and show his bullet-wound 2 every1,especially Moreland, and prove him 2 b the "kranti-Guru".
On the other side of the ground Tatya Tope is getting ready in his own tent. Now the scene sifts to the outer side of the ground where gradually the chariot of Peshwa Baji Rao, followed by the palanquins of the queen and Indu, Manu and Prachi and Nana Sahib in his horse, arrived.Through a warm welcome they enter the ground and take their respective seats. Manu and Prachi sit 2gether.Manu seems 2 b tensed. Then Moreland and his wife also it is the time for the competition to begin.Both Mansion and Tatya Tope come out of their respective tents and advance 2wards each other. Before Tatya reaches the arena,Manu,while he is passing by ,points 2wards his wound and her intelligent teacher understands what she wants 2 say and assures her by nodding his head.Now Tatya Tope and Mansion face each other and the competition begins. According 2 his plan, time and again Mansion tries 2 hit the wounded leg of Tatya Tope but with amazing expertise the gr8 warrior saves his leg again and again from the cruel attacks of the cunning British official.
Manu who is very tensed by now cant sit still in her seat and in her anxiety she gets up from her seat and comes out of the veiled place where she is sitting.After a while Mansion somehow manages 2 hit on Tatya's wounded leg and rip off the cloth covering the area and the bullet wound comes in every1's view.Now mansion shouts with joy 2 Moreland saying that Tatya's wound is due 2 the bullet shot 2 him by officer Smith and that this proves that Tatya Tope is the Kranti-Guru.Now the scene sifts 2 the British Jail where they r taking Tatya after arresting him with Mansion leading the group.
Now they arrived the place where Tatya is 2 b hanged and Tatya bravely goes up the stairs to the hanging spot and stands beside the rope.The man who is 2 hang him pulls the rope through his head and fastens it around his neck.Tatya says " Jai Bhavani" and the man pulls the liver and Tatya hangs down.Just then Manu shouts in fear and comes 2 consciousness and finds out that she has been imagining all these and that they r still in the middle of the competition. However her shout has attracted Tatya's attention for a while and taking advantage of that time Mansion hits him on the arm. Now a break is announced and both the competitors go 2 their respective tents.While Tatya comes 2 his tent Manu also comes in and after wiping away his sweat and giving him the drink she reveals her worry about Tatya's wounded leg.But Tatya assures her by shooking his head.
Now the competition again begins and 1s again Mansion's aim is Tatya's leg and he tries time and again 2 hit on his leg while Tatya saves his attack. But finally Mansion has an oppurtunity and he does not fail 2 hit Tatya's leg and rip off the cloth covering the part. Peshwa gets up from his seat.But to Mansion's utter amazement there is no trace of a wound in that leg of Tatya Tope. Mansion is shocked and so is Manu while Tatya's face breaks into a little smile.
As Mansion attacked Tatya tope's leg and ripped off the cloth covering that part of his leg, to his utter astonishment there is no trace of any wound. He is actually shocked to see his plan thus being spoiled. Even Manu and Prachi are also utterly astonished as they both know about the deep wound on Tatya's leg. Peshwa Baji Rao gets up from his seat in excitement and possibly anger.however the competiton again starts and now Tatya Tope begins 2 fight like a tiger and Mansion is no match for him. After resisting his attacks for some time, Mansion finally gets his sword blown away by Tatya's severe blow with his sword.Every indian present there starts 2 shout in extreme joy.Manu is so happy that she runs 2 Tatya in the competition ground and hugs him and then bent down 2 touch his feet. She then tells that Tatya is great.Mansion also says that Tatya Tope is a gr8 swordfighter and he himself needs 2 take lessons on swordfighting from him and also says that he accepts Tatya as his teacher
As Mansion is about 2 leave the place.Manu stops him and says that in Indian culture a student touches the feet of his teacher and as Mansion has accepted Tatya 2 b his teacher he also sud do the same.Mansion refuses but when insisted by Moreland's wife he, though most unwillingly,has 2 bent down and touch Tatya's feet. then he goes away 2 his tent.In his tent Mansion has been attacking things in anger.moreland enters and asks him why he had proposed for the competion and even if he had done so he sud have won the competition.moreland insults Mansion and gets out of the tent just as Dhrupad enters.
Mansion decides 2 take revenge on the Indians by charging extra tax on the people of Bithur.On the other side all the residents of Bithur have been celebrating the victory of Tatya Tope.Now the scene sifts 2 a room in the palace where Manu is sitting dressing up the wound in Tatya Tope's arm. Now she asks about the wound in Tatya's leg which has mysteriously dissapeared. tatya replies that the miracle has been done by their doctor who has special knowledge about medicine. He has applied the soil of India as medicine over Tatya's wound and it dissapeared,rather covered with skin, without leaving any trace.
But as Manu touches the place blood begins 2 flow out.Manu is about 2 put medicine but Tatya stops her and puts the soil on Tatya says that he can see the picture of an united India in Manu's eyes and that Manu will have 2 make long and difficult journeys in future.He says that in future Manu with her lifepartner will protest and fight against the British rule in India.Now the scene sifts 2 the palace of Jhansi where Gangadhar Rao comes 2 Motibai and becomes busy in making love 2 her.Now the scene again sifts 2 Bithur where on an open ground Manu has been practising her aim and then sword fighting. She is distracted by Indu's exclamation who has been watching her from behind a tree. As both of them begin 2 converse,during their conversation manu offers Indu 2 become a part of her girl army. Though Indu first denies but finally she agrees.