Lalo helps Clarita and her son Benito move into their new apartment. Lalo tells Clarita he's one of her new neighbors and that it's a great place to live. The apartment is spacious and has all the even has décor already!  He tells her to holler if she needs anything.  Clara asks her son what he thinks about the place.  He liked their old place better because they were closer to his madrina.  Clara says they'll be better off here.

Rebecca meets up with Dr. Roman Andrade for a coffee. He wonders if she wanted to meet to discuss starting group therapy with sNora but she says she doesn't have time for that.  What she wanted was to thank him for his concern for Lucia, but she also knows it's more than just concern.  Roman doesn't beat around the bush. He comes right out and admits that he is very interested in her niece.  Rebecca says well he has her full support.   So you don't want her to get back with Marcelo?  Why?  Rebecca tells Roman that ever since Marcelo showed up all he's brought are problems to his family.  Roman says because both of your daughters fell in love with him?  Rebecca says her daughter is not in love with him.  Roman agrees, it's nothing but a competition for what Lucia has.  Whatever, all I want is that man far away from my family.  Roman says he was under the impression that Alonso supported and thought highly of Marcelo.  Rebecca says no, don't believe that.  Her husband died very deceived by Marcelo.  All she wants Roman to know is he has her support.  Before she leaves Roman tells her not to worry too much about Lucia, but to focus on sNora, she really needs her mother. 

Naz goes to see Detective J who immediately recognizes him.  Naz wastes no time in asking what they've turned up with Clara Rosales.  Detective J says if he recalls correctly Naz didn't think she was the one who murdered his wife.  Naz says he doesn't but if he recalls correctly that was the only suspect they had so since they thought she was a suspect and it's all they had he would like to know what they've turned up.  Detective J says she moved and there's been no trace of her.  Naz asks if they at least went to where she used to live and ask around? Check with her neighbors?  Detective J's silence and duh face, says all Naz needs to know.  Are you even still looking for her?   Detective J says they know how to do their job.  Naz says it's obvious they don't since his wife's death is still unsolved and no one has been punished.   He wants them to kindly do him the favor of doing their job and search!  When they have results notify him.   Thank you and Buh-bye! 

Clara gets a visit from Benito's god mother who is glad they've returned. She asks about Benito and Clara tells her that he was very tired so he went to bed.   Clara still has no idea what is wrong with her son, some days he's good other days worse.  She spent all the money Lucia gave her and now she's back because she didn't know anyone in the capital and she needs to work.   The madrina says not to worry she'll care for Benito during the day while Clara works. She warns Clara to be careful because of the situation.

Marcelo finds a bad penny by Normita's reception desk.  You again?  sNora says wow what a nice welcome.  Aren't we friends?  What can I do for you sNora?  She tells Marcelo that she came to show him that he can count on her support with Lucia.  They move to his office away from prying eyes and nosy ears.  He has no idea what she could possibly do for him.  sNora says various things, like keeping him apprised of how her sister is coping with breakup.  Which is not well. Why?  Well she's not well, several days in bed and with dizzy spells.  Marcelo asks if she's seen a doctor.  No…well..yeah sort of.  She's seen Roman Andrade and even if that's not his specialty he seems to care a lot for her and my sister trusts him.  Oh I can imagine!  sNora tells him that's all she's got but she promises if something changes she'll let him know.  *kiss-bye!   Marcelo fumes and…

Blows up Lucia's cell phone as she sits and waits outside Dr. Sara Ezquerra's office.  Lucia does what I'd do and sends his whiny ass to voicemail.   Right then Sara's walks a nurse out and notices Lucia who tells her she was there to get her leg checked, but also needs Sara to help her.  They go into her office.

Rebecca encounters sNora waltzing out of the fabrica. sNora! What are you doing here? Oh I came to see you!  Really? Why?  Oh mumsy, I came to see how you're doing with this entire Fabrica on your shoulders.  Rebecca's b.s radar pings.   I don't believe you, isn't it really that you came to see Marcelo?  No.  I mean I saw him and we talked but that's normal..he works here.  Rebecca thinks her daughter is trying to win Marcelo back.  sNora is offended.  No one is more interested than her in seeing Lucia and Marelo reunite.  As usual her mother doesn't realize or believe she's changed.  In a huff she stomps off as Rebecca calls for her to return. 

Lucia has confided to Dr. Sara what she suspects is her problem.  A pregnancy test and gyno exam are recommended.  How late are you?  Lucia says about two weeks, which according to Sara is early to really determine if she's truly pregnant, but it can be done.  If it's positive most likely she is pregnant.  If it's negative, that may just mean they need to do another pregnancy test a little later.  She can then recommend Lucia to a Gynocologist.  An order for lab work is written up and Lucia wants to know something a.s.a.p. Sara knows about Marcelo/Lucia's break up.   Lucia says Marcelo doesn't know anything yet, until she was certain.  Sara says whatever the problem is, she knows that Alonso would be happy for Lucia to spend her life with Marcelo.  Lucia wants it all kept confidential right now.  Sara promises everything is confidential, not even with Magda will she share anything.  Well Sara let's see..your track record isn't so good, If I recall.

Rebecca slams her way into Marcelo's office.  He barely gives her a glance as she leans in on his desk and tells him to stay away from her daughter.  She came to me..several times.  Well run her off! Get out of it.  Marcelo says what?  Are you afraid she'll find out why Lucia broke up with me?   No, I’m afraid she's going to get her hopes up with you now that her sister broke up with you.  Marcelo says he's incapable of giving her hope for many reasons and she knows why.  Rebecca says he shouldn't undervalue sNora she's worth more than he can imagine.  Marcelo say he doesn't doubt that she's worth more than her own mother.  Rebeecca tells him ti stop trying so hard to offend her, because it doesn't affect her but as long as he's there he better stay away from Nora.    She stomps off to Al's office demanding that Normita find Amadiva and send him to her/Al's office.  Stat!   He's there's lickity split!   Did you do what I asked you?  Are you ready?  Amadiva says yes, all systems go.  Rebecca says they better because she wants to get rid of that guy as soon as possible.  Amadiva wants to know why she hates Marcelo so much, is it because he preferred Lucia to her?  I don't know what you're talking about.  Amadiva says who are you trying to fool, I haven't forgotten the little jealous scene you threw right outside.  Rebecca tells him not to say such stupid things. That wasn't a jealous scene, he misunderstood things.  What she doesn't like is that he's causing dis loyalties to her daughter and she doesn't want her suffering because of him.  Amadiva isn't buying a word of it but says ok if you say so.  Rebecca says she hopes he can do what he she asked as soon as possible because she know she doesn't want Marcelo there either.   Amadiva says don't worry girl, I got this.

Whinenelia returns home to find her father still there.  She's not happy but he reminds her that he pays for that apartment.  She hates that he throw up at her all that he gives her.  She stomps off and he suggest that they sit down and talk calmly.  Fine here I am.   He wonder if she'd like to see the report that he has on Ricardo Marquez, but she says she's not interested and it's probably false anyway.  Alfredo says let's be real girl, I now you well and you aren't in love with Ricardo Marquez and I know for many reasons. He's too old for you, isn't of your class, or social circle so what the hell do you see in him?  Whiney says that her biz.  Alfredo guesses that she's using him to get back at Marcelo or replace him (Alfred) since according to her he was a bad father.  Whiney says no that's not it and even if he doesn't want to face it, he has never been interested in her.  He's giving her material things, and fulfilled her every whim, but he's never been with her.  Aflredo says ok, he wasn't the best father but they can try now.  Why don't they go back to Mexico together or wherever she wants.  Whiney says it's too late to start acting like the protective father.  Oh and by the way, if he wants to stay in the apartment that he pays for, then go for it. She has already has a place to stay.  Snap!

Normita tells Amadiva that the guard wants to see him.  What guard?   Vinicio.  Oh yeah send him in.  Vinicio is ready to collect on that new position.  What?  You know the one you promised for all the services I've done for you.  You promised you'd bring me in when you got your new company.  Well things have changed.  Yup for the better because you're back at the fabrica and now you're the boss so  you can do what you want.  Amadiva says yup maybe there is something better for you, what other talents do you have?  Vini says I can do it all and as for that pottery painting?  Well I can learn.  Amadiva says you just may.

Marcelo pest that he is, is at Lucia's house.  He came to see her since she won't answer his calls.  She says she was in a consult, for what?  My leg.  Oh and to see why you've been so sick?  Lucia wants to know how he knows.  sNora.  Lucia wonders do they just happen to run into each other then talk?  Marcelo sees she's bothered.  Lucia says doesn't he see that her sister is using any excuse to be near him.  Marcelo tells her she has no place to be jealous when the one who broke things off was her.  Lucia says that was because of her father.  Marcelo says she doesn't need to do what her father says like he was the law.  He made many mistakes the worst was marrying her aunt and no one blames him for that.  Lucia says one thing has nothing to do with the other.  Well for me it does and he had no right to prohibit you from having a life with me.  He  swears that he doesn't deserve the treatment he's receiving from her.  He tells her he loves her with all of his heart and soul but everyone has their limit.  He walks out and Lucia tells him to wait.  He pauses for a moment, at the brink of tears and leaves anyway.  Lucia says don't leave.   Marcelo attacking Al's character is low and childish and wouldn't win points with me.  

Amadiva makes the big announcement to the workers that Vini will now be transitioning from his current position to a craftsman. He's going to need support and training from everyone.  Lalo is suspicious and Naz tells Amadiva that this is his department and he's not going to hire any trainee or apprentices without direct orders from someone in the Gaxiola family.  Amadiva asserts his position he's the boss and he gives the order and if Naz doesn't like it, then hit the road.   Are you threatening me? No, I don't threaten.  There's no room here for disobedience and insubordination, especially from a bitter and finished up old man.  So if you don't like it then leave, as a matter of fact your're fired!  Go on!   You can gather up your things and final paycheck tomorrow.  Lalo steps up to defend and Amadiva tells him if he doesn't like it he can go too!   Naz tells Lalo not to make it worse.  Naz leaves.  Yup, should've just kept your yap shut Naz.   Amador tells everyone the show is over and to get back to work.  Ramiro, show Vini what to do!  Yes sir.   Lalo meanwhile runs after Naz and tells him not to listen to Amadiva he's not the owner. No but he is the boss right now.  Lalo wants to call Lucia, but Naz says not to involve her .  Besides Amadiva is right everyone is disposable especially an old man like him.  Lalo says the place won 't run without him.  He wants to go with Naz too and he'll tell the workers to revolt against Amadiva.  Naz says no, they need to keep things running it for Alonso this was his pride.  Don't destroy it because of them.  Everything falls by it's own weight.  Naz leaves and Lalo calls Marcelo.
Nora gets a visit by her mother who wants to apologize for offending her earlier.  Of course she believes she's changed. Nora says forget it.  Well answer me truthfully, do you really want Marcelo and Lucia to reunite?  Sure they love each other right?  So you're over him and are really okay seeing your sister with Marcelo?  Well if my dad was okay with hit then why should I get between them.  Rebecca says she's wrong, her father was very disillusioned with Marcelo just before he died.  He was upset he ran him out of the fabrica.  Really?  If you don't believe me ask Normita.  Why what did he do?   Rebecca says she has no idea but Al probably found out what kind of person Marcelo really is.   Well this is sort of true Rebecca. 

Lucia visits her parents graves and asks Al to give her a sign that he's forgiven Marce-low and is okay with her moving forward with her plans to start a life with him . She also asks for her mother's help.  A good slap from that angel statue would work for me.  Anyway she leaves and has a slight twinge in her stomach at the same time she sees Roman who is also visiting a grave site.  She walks over and says hello, assuming he's there to see visit his parents graves.  No I’m here to see my family, my wife and son who were killed five years ago in an accident.  Lucia is surprised, she had no idea.  Roman says she wouldn't have any reason to.  She doesn't know anything about him.  She says he's right they usually talk about Nora or her (Lucia's) problems.  Lucia invites him out for a coffee.  *sigh*  They are so pretty together.  

Rafi asks Mili how long Alfredo is going to be here.  I don't know.  Well how did he handle the news that his daughter is going out with a much older man?  Obviously he didn't like it.  Well it must have been strange to Daniela that her dad would just show up like that.  Mili side eyes the nosy maid, she knows that Rafi thinks like Marcelo that she called Alfredo, but she didn't (Mil-nochio's nose is growing)  Rafi says no she didn't think anything, but it's good he came to see her because she was very abandoned.   Mili says parents have an intuition that tells them when their children need then and Alfredo must have sensed that his daughter needed him.  Rafi doubts it, most of the time the parents are the last to know what their kids are up to.  Mili says she's right because she has no idea when Fede got involved with that woman that killed him.  Rafi tells her that she didn’t kill him, she may have been a reason but he was the one that killed himself.  Mili says for her it's the same thing, but she feels that soon she is going to know who that miserable woman is;  even if Marcelo doesn't open his mouth because it's obvious he's not.

Alfredo meets his hired detective Fonseca and is surprised that the guy beat him there traveling all the way from Mexico city.  He made great time for sure and wow has Puebla  changed.  Now there are two viaducts, El Camacho and Zaragoza so he got here quickly.   Besides the gas and time he saved, this is creating lots of .  Oh and this bridge next to us turned out beautifully.   Anyway they move on to what this meeting Is really about and Alfredo pays Fonseca for his work and tells him there's a new job.  He needs to dig up anything on these three people and go back six months.  He needs to know what they've doing all this time.  Fonseca says it won't be easy.  But its not impossible? No of course not, there are no impossibilities it's just going to take me more time.  Alfredo says no worries he has all the time.  Fonseca asks what exactly doe she want investigated.

Whiney complains to Ricardo that her Dad may end up staying longer than she wants. Ric suggests she take that time to  maybe live with her dad and be what they are father and daughter. She says no can do, all they do is fight.  Ric says he feels responsible but may with time they'll change her Dad's mind and with luck he'll see that she matters very much to Ric. Whiney says don't hold your breath he has an opinion already formed about you.  He had you investigated and wanted me to read the report on you.  Ric asks if she read it.  Of course not. Why aren't you even a little curious.   Yes, but I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction.  Ric tells Whiney to look in his eyes and asks her what is she capable of doing even if it goes against her father.    Whiney tells him not to pressure her.

At the fabrica, Lalo goes another round with Vini.  This time it's over the fabrica and Lalo's suspicions that he's got some shady going on with Amadiva.  Whatever it is, he's going to see to it that it doesn't work.  That again?  Vini throws Tere's comments about Lalo up in his face. It's just like Tere said you 're always figuring into things that don't concern you.   A shoving match and Vini is down.  He gets up and shoves right back.  Lalo wonder's when she said those things.  One day.   Lalo warns Vini off of her and not to bother her.   Lalo tells him he may have protection here with Amador but that isn't going to do him any good  there, because people won't forget that because of him Nazario was run off.

Marcelo comes to Naz's spitting bullets over the situation.  Oh Lalo gave you the gossip! Marcelo says it's not gossip, it's serious and they can't leave things like this.  Naz tells him to calm down as he told Lalo things will fall with their own weight.  How when Amadiva has Rebecca's full support?  Yes, and they are both dealing with their obstacles and that's why you'll be next.  Marcelo says yes, he know they've got something planned.  Naz tells him to be careful the two of them are dangerous.  Marcelo says oh yeah? Well they don't know what I'm capable of and I'm not moving.  Yeah, we know how low you'll go Marcelow.  He begins whining about Lucia again and if she doesn't take him back…blah blah.  I can't.  Stfu Marcelow.

Roman tells Lucia each day he wakes up asking why it wasn't him that died.  Lucia says even though he was driving it wasn't his fault.  He didn't cause it.  Roman says it caused him to go into a deep depression that he almost didn't come out of.   Lucia marvels at his ability to help people recover from things that he's gone through.  Roman says he can because he got help too otherwise he wouldn't be here today.  Lucia after listening to him, she realizes her problems aren't the biggest in the world.   He lost a wife and child. He says he wouldn't wish it on his worst enemy.  Yeah pretty sure he didn't go out seeking revenge.  I'm looking at you Marce-low.  Roman says after his loss he hasn't noticed any other woman, until he got the fairy dust from her.  Lucia tells him to slow her roll, she may not be with Marcelo but she's not ready for any relationship.  Roman says he knows, and he's content with just being near her and her golden fairy wings.   I love Roman. He may be a clueless doc , but he's still a great guy.  sNora should pick him. No dirty baggage or shady lies.  

More Puebla plugs.  PintuMex.  Lalo goes to an art shop to get paints.  They can give him any color or brushes.  Tere who is with Lalo comments on poor Naz losing his job.  Lucia will be so upset she loves her padrino.  Lalo says yeah but Naz muzzled me and I can't tell her the chisme.  Tere says no problem,  my gums are still bumping and I'll do it for you that way you don't get in trouble.  Lalo says thanks girl.  More PintuMex stuff blah blah.  Tere is tired of shopping and wants to go somewhere.  Well how about my place? So we can talk?  Tere is a bit offended, what kind of gal does he think she is? Lalo says wait up, I'm respectful. I just want you to see where I live and that I've got nothing shady going on.  I want you to see that I really care about you.  

Sara and Magda talk about their grief after Al.  Sara says she's doing well, but Magda says she doesn't believe her friend, because it's been very hard for Magda and she's at least had Mario.   Magda mentions that Lucia isn't doing well either.  Sara says yes, she saw her.  Oh really for what? Oh er.. she was here about her leg. I ran into her.  I found out about her break up with Marcelo, Letty is worried for her. She says it must've been serious.   Magda is confident whatever it is, they'll work through it.  Magda is more worried that she's still living with Rebecca.  Sara agrees, because Rebecca is capable of destroying anyone.  Magda thinks it's odd she would speak so harshly about Rebecca when she never did before.  Sara says she's only repeating what Magda has said so many times.  The two say goodbye.

Brigi has gone to see her bestie Rebecca to tell her that she's there to support her in whatever.  Rebecca says she appreciates it especially after what she did.  Brigi says oh forget about it, I'm just happy you came to apologize.  It's just weird that it was the same night Al died.  Rebecca says yes that's right, has anyone asked you about that?  No..why?  Oh well I just want you to be sure and tell them I was here, because I don't want them thinking I was out running the streets having fun while my husband died.  Brigi says you got it girl I will make sure to set them straight.   Ding Dong.  Tere get the door!  Brigi says the help is never around when you need them.  Rebecca remembers that she has the afternoon off and goes to answer it.   Outside at the gate she encounters  Marcelow.  Why are you leaning on the bell?  Marcelo blasts her for Amador's shenanigans.  Brigi is up on the balcony of course listening.  Marcelo continues his tirade.  Your trustworthy man fired Don Nazario and then left him in the street like a dog.   Rebecca says look Amador is the one who knows more about the business.  

Well that man is not trustworthy and he's going to run it into the ground. He's capable of stepping over anyone.   Oh how dare you!  Brigi jumps in.  Don't you dare to speak about my husband that way.  Rebecca tells him to scram but he says not until I give Lucia the news about what is happening at her company.  Rebecca say oh well,  sorry bub but she's out on a date with Dr. Andrade.   Marcelo leaves still fuming.   Brigi says what a repugnant man how does he dare to talk that way.  Well like you said he's a repugnant man, don't listen to him.   The two gals waltz off.  Pretty sure Marcelo is about ready to have a stroke before the night is over. 

Magda is happy that Lucia came to see her. Lucia says she's happy to be there with her aunt, because she's tired of eating din-din every night with the other aunt.  Magda sympathizes but how are you doing with Nora?  Oh she's been great, but things with my aunt don't change.  Magda says well let's not talk about that anymore, why don't you help me set the table because Mario will be here soon.  Lucia just wants to wash up first.  Magda directs her to the bathroom.  While she's in there, Magda calls her mister to inform him of their dinner guest and not to be late for dinner.   A few minutes later Lucia comes out distressed.  Tia!  Magda turns to see her niece with blood running down her leg.  I'm going to lose my baby.
