WEDDING bells in the air...but everyone acts as if going to a funeral instead... 

Everyone looking for Nata at La Bonita, she went to ask Augie if he is still planning to accompany her to MC to impede Roberta's wedding. Of course. Then lets go right away
In her bedroom, Roberta and maid. Maid comments the wedding gown is beautiful. Roberta says she once was looking forward to.. maid says every woman dreams of this day... Fina walks in and immediately gets ticked at Roberta for not being up and readying herself for her big day...
F: You will be Mrs. MR MR...
R: Whats the use? There is no need. Matt and I dont love each other. Why marry now?
F: Don't come to me with that crap now...
R: If I agreed to mess with Matt and marry him it was because I was pregnant. But now why will I tie myself to Matt if I don't need him anymore?
F: Losing that baby affected you too much, dear. You already lost your mind.
R: No. I not only lost that 'escuincle', as you call it. I also lost the chance of ever having a baby in my life.
F: It is not about that. But also everyone knows you will marry. That you will be a real MR!
R: I already am! Tell me, why would I marry a man I feel nothing for?
F: jaja for God's sake! How cursi you are! Leave the romantic marriage for love to telenovelas or to your sister, who is a poor naive one. Marriage is not about love. It is about convenience. And I won't let you ruin your life for a moment of sensitivity.
R: Ultimately it is my life. And if I ruin it, it is my problem!
F: Enough! You are not mature enough to make decisions. And the proof is in all the mistakes you have committed, dear. So stay in bed a couple more minutes and then you go take a bath! Today is your wedding day! From today on, you will be Rob MR de MR.

At office, Adri runs into Matt.
He says lets postpone some business meeting they have until next monday so she can go get ready for his wedding. Adri is surprised he is even thinking that she will go to his wedding.
M: You have to go. Not only because you are my uncle's daughter, but because you are my friend and I would love to see you there.
Ad: To give you strength?... Matt, I really can't! Look, I really feel bad for not being able to forget you. I love you in spite of myself! I don't know if I will ever be able to get you out of my heart and I don't know... I really hurt for not having you in my life!...
M: Adri...
Adri: Anyway... I already told you what I have stuck here inside... and also I can't go to your wedding because I can't stand Roberta!

Hono and Gonzo at office talking about the wedding. Hono does not feel like celebrations but will go to the ceremony and will leave once they sign the marriage certificate. Gonzo says A marriage certificate that I hope will never be signed. But lets talk business. I received the finance statement and there are figures there that I am concerned about. (we see Blanca talking to herself on the laptop ... 'what a surprise you will get, Hono... lets see if your brother in law Gonzo will continue liking you once you ruin him...' ) Hono agrees ot look at them, offers to look at the numbers right away. Gonzo say it can wait until Monday, with all the issues you have in your head right now, its better you not look at them until Monday. Hono asks about Fina's health. Gonzo says last week she had a crisis but she recovered. He honestly wishes she will recover and save herself. But this situation with Fina prevents him from approaching Gina.

Fina meets with the Licenciado... he compliments her looks. He tells her Gina left the city and Gonzo lent her his private plane to go. Fina plays offended and angry asking who Gina thinks she is to use her husband like that. Licenc says there are women who only care about money and luxury. Fina asks where she went. Lic says to Baja Calif... Ensenada, he thinks. Fina gets really ansi concluding Nata and Gina are now together... Licenc approaches her and reminds her that he is looking forward to the day when they can be intimate. (YUK!!)

At the other town the investigator is still talking to the woman who used to work with the mayor Fina lived with for the first few years... She comments that Fina is some character, she even got the mayor to even put her up in a house. Invest asks about the birth certificates of the girls. SHe hands them to him. He looks at them with a grin. She asks if anything is wrong. HE says he is curious about the girls being registered a whole year after their birth. She comments that she learned their dad abandoned Fina. She is nor surprised since Fina is such a character. She says Fina registered them AGAIN so they would not have the father's surname. So the father would not have any rights over them or take them away from Fina. He excuses himself and calls his assistant on cell phone. asks when Roberto died. Aug 5. The girls were registered a whole year after being born, on Aug 9. Interesting, right? Investigator comes back to the lady and asks where he can find the mayor. She will tell him.

Jero arrives at Cruz de Amor with Carlos... Ezez says Nata is not there. Jero says don't lie to me. Ezeq tells them Nata and Augie left for the airport. Suppose to take a flight to the city.

At airport Nata is remembering their wedding night happiness... Augie comes to her and tells her the flight is delayed... She is nervous she has to get to MC in time to stop the wedding... Augie tells her she has done all she can. Asks her if she really has got over Matias. IS she doing this because she feels guilty for perferring Jero over Matias? IS this your way to save your conscience? Nata just walks away to call from a pay phone... calls Adri. Nata asks Adri to go to Matt's wedding (Adri say she is not going but Nata tells her she has to go) to stop it until she gets there... Adri says dont understand, you don't want Matt and Rob to marry? Nata just repeats to halt it until she gets there.

Nata returns to Augie's side, she is really deflated...

Jero is being a pain to Carlos, about to make him kill them both with his anxiety... Jero swears that Augie is used to get everything he wants but with Jero he ran into a wall because he will never have Nata... NEVER!.... Carlos just looks at him like saying 'you are just getting what you asked for'.

At La Bonita, Mati is still mad that the patron left... Manuela asks who are you talkn about the patron or Carlos? .. Mati swears its about Jero.
Gina tells them she will go to help out the people... gives Mati an envelope Carlos left for her... Mati finds a flower pen and a note saying 'my stubborn little girl... you are the sun in my life... Carlos'... Mati gets really moved, Manuela asks what is wrong. Mati say no one ever gave her anything like this...

The phone at La Bonita rings. Gina answers it. Fina asks who it is. Gina says her full name. Fina thinks 'you are there with your own daughter'... and then fakes an accent to avoid being recognized and asks for Nata saying it is her mother. Gina says she is not there. Fina thinks she wishes Gina had died in the river in the story. Fina says just let her know she called to find out if she is alright, but she won't talk to a woman who messes with a married man! Fina hangs up. thinks next time she can't miss (killing Gina).

Jero and Carlos arrive at the airport.

At MR manor, Matias runs into Roberta in the dining room. Table is full of the wedding presents. He says she looks a bit pale. She says its just that she does not have makeup on. Matt says she will look lovely at the wedding (with a cute smile, he really means it), he is sure. Rob asks if he is sure of what they will do is the right thing. She excuses herself since it is bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the wedding.

Fina comes to Matt and asks now that you will be my daughter's husband and the father of my grandchild, can't you call me 'suegra'? Matt dryly says there are things that will never change, Señora.

At Alvaro's house, Kari is packing some things. Alvaro comes in drunk with a bottle in his hand. He yells at her that she won' take anything ... She says fine! I am going anyway! He yells that she is his property too and she won't ever leave him. She tries to run out but he grabs her and they begin pulling and struggling, he lets her go and she slams her head on the couch.

Jero at airport catches Nata as she is about to go on from security spot. He yells at her not to go, he needs to talk to her. HE yells at her I love you, I swear to you I love you! She and Augie both stare at him... but she walks away anyway. Jero begs and begs and repeats he loves her but she is gone...
Carlos comes by says she is gone, there is nothing to do. Jero says no way! Of course I can do something. I love Nata and won't lose her.

At MC, Chema and Connie...
Chema says Forgive me but seeing you free makes me have a hope. Conni does not want to feed that hope. Chema says you feel something for me. Connie agrees but she is not comfortable with the concept of hopping between relationships. She still loves Hono. Chema says if you do love him, tell him the truth. Why don't you try to get back with him, even if it hurts me, even if you know he betrayed you. She is still confused and wants to wait... HE insists she should tell him the truth. She says doing what she can. Chema says dont worry, anyway he will support her. Chema offers to go with her to her niece's wedding. She is surprised at his offer. he says he would do anything for her.

Hono arrives home to pick up a suit for the wedding. Connie is out, she went to get ready for the wedding. He walks into the bedroom and gets sad... wonders how Connie could change him for that 'boy'.

The hairdresser calls Blanca, lets her know Connie made an appointment with her for later today. BLanca gives her some instructions for when she arrives...

At the shelter in La Bonita, Areli talks to Lazaro.. she feels really good and at peace helping out folks... He is glad she feels that good. She says all this tragedy made her realize that killing herself for Augie was a stupid idea. He says he would do that for a child of his, for someone in despair... but not for someone that does not love you. She says she was about to do it because she did not value herself...
She let him step on her for love... she does not want to suffer more for love. HE says that can only happen when your love is returned. She suddenly changes glance and begins to say he is someone you could easily be interested in. HE says he has not been lucky in love either. She says maybe that luck will change for the two of us... Lazaro shyly makes his exit...

At MR, Roberta has her makeup/hair artist with her... Gonzo comes to see her. The hairdresser leaves them alone.
Gonzo embraces her and tells her her children will always be his grandchildren... Rob asks why are you telling me that?... he says because he now does not think her wedding to Matias is a good idea. Marriage is not mandatory for the child to have loving parents. Rob asks what are you trying to tell me? To not take that step if she is not sure. he wants to avoid her a failure, wants her to do what she feels, the right thing, and not necessarily what is most convenient. So if she changes her mind, even at the last second, she has his support and love.
She walks to him and he embraces her ... for a rare moment of father and daughter love...

At her bedroom Fina is thinking about Gina and Nata together... she does not like that... surely Gonzo sent Gina there to protect her from her murderer. At least that is good news... Nata is at hacienda and won't come to Matt and Rob's wedding. Hopefully she will never come back.

At bathroom mirror, Nata is remembering Jero begging her to listen to him and not to leave, swearing to her that he loves her. She talks to the mirror saying she will forget him, no matter how long it takes her. She will not allow him to harm her ever again.

At Hacienda Gina asks him if he got to talk to her... nope... Gina feels guilty for having told Nata that it was Gina who told him the lies about her. HE is heading to MC, he will confront Fina to see if she can repeat what she told him in front of Nata... Gina wants to go with him. He says you are here because you are safe here... tells Gina to call Tony or Gonzo before she leaves... Gina goes to the study to call them. Jero talks to himself asking why Nata left with Augie, just now when he began to believe she truly loved him.

At beauty parlor, Blanca arrives... Blanca pays her and tells her to find her a place close to Connie, so Connie will hear what Blanca says. Blanca and the dresser are sitting near Connie... Blanca talks as if she is pregnant and her boyfriend makes her very happy, he already has a daughter but is much happier with this baby they are expecting together... (Chinese torture for Connie who buys the whole story hook and sinker)

At parking lot of office, Chema tries to talk to Hono... but Hono does not want to hear anything he says... yells at him to leave, even slams him against a concrete column... Hono leaves mad... Chema tells himself 'at least I tried'.

Tony tells Gina no way she can come to the city... Tony says Cantu cannot protect you these days, your life is ahead of any reconciliation you need to have with Nata, who is nothing of yours (wanna bet?)

At office, Hono meets with Adri... Adri says now she is planning to go to the wedding. She will go with him. He is glad she will come with him. Adri says it will be a tough moment for you since Connie will be there. Hono say it will be tough for her too (for Matias)... She agrees but at least she will be there to confort him. Hono thanks her for going with him. He will stop to pick her up in an hour... make that an hour and a half.

At MR manor, main maid is ordering the staff around... We see parts of the screen with Matt, Rob, both concerned... they don't look very happy at all.. with the song 'it does not stop raining' behind...

Gonzo calls the hacienda... Manuela answers the phone but Gonzo has just hung up.

At Alvaro's Alfonsina knocks the door and asks for Kari, she came to get Kari who said she was coming to get some clothes... Alvaro asks her you came just for that? Alfo yells at him to stop harassing her... HE keeps denying that Kari is there but we see that Kari is tied to the bed in the bedroom... (ok, you are tied to a chair... don't tell me you are still too weak to get on your feet chair and all and make some type of noise... ) Alvaro slams the door on Alfonsina.

At La Bonita, Gina asks Jero if he will go look for Nata at the MR.... Gina says today is Rob's wedding to Matias. .. this switches on a light in Jero's head... but not the right switch... Jero begins to guess Nata wants to stop that wedding to restart her relationship with Matt. Gina says don't send your mnd flying off... Nata loves you. and she won't go to Matt's arms just because she is mad at you... Jero then thinks Nata will find comfort in Augie... Gina insists Nata is a good woman (mujer de una sola pieza) and not to doubt her or her love.

At the grapevines, Carlos is looking at the damaged crop and Mati comes to him. She thanks him for the flower and paper. She did not realize he was so good at handy work. He says he is good for other things too... such as?... jaja wouldn't you like to find out? .. i only came to thank you... (she walks away but he pulls her back by arm) .. hey! just that? ... what else do you want? ... (he points to his cheek expecting a kiss)... The only way to thank for a paper flower is with a kiss on the cheek because otherwise it is bad luck. And we don't want any bad luck for either of us, right? ... she gives him a quick kiss on cheek.. just one? ... you just gave me one flower! HUH! ... she leaves, he smiles a sweet smile...

At church Alfo is asking the priest for Kari... she has not come by there either... She says goodbye, won't take any more of your time.
Priest calls her back and asks her how her own problem is going... she says its same... I am pregnant and perhaps I will never find out who is the father of my child... (while she was saying this Ezeq was coming toward her without her noticing it... he is shocked... he asks 'what did you say?') the priest and Alfo look at Ezeq freaked out...

At airport Augie and Nata ...
Augie asks Nata what will you do regarding Jero? ... What I have to do, divorce him asap. Augie is surprised she is planning to get divorced. Augie asks what if Jero does not want to? Nata says she won't even ask him. In MC you only need one party's will to get a divorce. Augie does not think she will have any problem. She says she is also planning to get annullment of her church wedding. That surprises him even more. She wants to have no ties to Jero Linares... he is dead for her.
(end of ep)

Wedding begins, Matt is asked for his intent... voiceover says time will tell... Renata is there right beside Adri, but it is not clear if she got there in time to actually prevent it. 
